Management theorist W. Edwards Deming famously said “in God we trust. All others must bring data.” This database is an attempt to do that: to quantify the number of restrictions or rejections of solar and wind projects in the United States over the past decade or so. The database is not perfect. It may slightly understate, or overstate, the number of rejections and restrictions. It is the product of an effort I began in 2015 and have sustained since then –– all on my own time and my own dime. If you know of a rejection or restriction that’s not in the database, please use the submission page and if the data checks out, I will add it. Thanks.
Date | State | Entity | Government | Notes | News Links | Type | Year |
07/07/11 | MI | Riga Towship | Township board | Members of the Interstate Informed Citizens Coalition claimed a victory Wednesday as the Riga Township board approved a zoning ordinance governing wind turbines. Key elements of the law require the setback from properties without a wind turbine to be four times the height of a turbine and limits the sound level to 40 decibels between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. and 45 decibels between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. | | wind | 2011 |
08/17/11 | WI | Town of Forest | Town Board | After months of study, the town adopted an ordinance that liimits noise from wind turbines and requires setbacks of at least one mile from non-participating homes. Note: the ordinance also references the health impacts of wind turbine noise and specifically mentions the 2009 study done by the Minnesota Department of Health. | | wind | 2011 |
06/20/13 | MN | Public Utility Commission | State PUC | The eagles in Goodhue County won a victory Thursday.The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission pulled the plug on a controversial wind energy project that was stalled for years by a fierce and well-organized local opposition that successfully used its potential impact on eagles to help derail it. Concerns about the eagles and other wildlife emerged late in the development process, well after the PUC had given the company legal authority and a permit to build. But it's an example of how concerns about wildlife and other environmental issues have become a concern nationally. | | wind | 2013 |
02/10/15 | AL | Cleburne County | County | Cleburne County Commission passed regulations on setbacks and noise, including 2500 feet from adjacent property and a 40-decibel limit. Regulations were passed after sustained opposition to a proposed wind project on Turkey Heaven Mountain. Project is for up to 30 turbines, therefore, estimated capacity is 60 megawatts. | | wind | 2015 |
07/14/15 | CA | LA County | County | Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to ban wind turbines in county's unincorporated areas | tp:// | wind | 2015 |
08/02/15 | IA | Buchanan County | County | Buchanan County Zoning and Planning Commission denied a permit for Optimum Renewables' 3-turbine wind project on a vote of 5-2. | | wind | 2015 |
08/26/15 | IA | Black Hawk County | County | County Board of Adjustment voted 5-0 to reject a special permit and setback variance for a 3-turbine wind project. The project had previously been turned down in Fayette and Buchanan counties. | | wind | 2015 |
11/25/15 | IA | Fayette County | County | County supervisors imposed a 6-month moratorium on new wind projects | | wind | 2015 |
07/17/15 | IL | Livingston County | County | Livingston County Board voted 13-9 to deny Invenergy's application for a permit for a wind project. | | wind | 2015 |
11/18/15 | IL | Boone County | County | Boone County Board voted 9-3 to require all wind turbines be a minimum of 2640 feet from a property line | | wind | 2015 |
07/06/15 | IN | Wells County | Wells County Area Plan Commission | The Area Plan Commission recommended that no large wind turbines be allowed in Wells County. | | wind | 2015 |
09/11/15 | IN | Rush County | County | Ended negotiations with wind developer | | wind | 2015 |
10/22/15 | KS | Douglas County | County | County commissioners extended a moratorium on new wind projects for an additional six months so the county can develop better regulations. | | wind | 2015 |
12/01/15 | MA | Bourne | Town | Bourne's Board of Selectmen unanimously approved health officials? request to seek legal action to stop a four-turbine wind project in South Plymouth due to concerns about adverse health effects. | | wind | 2015 |
11/14/15 | MD | Allegany County | County | Allegany County Board of Zoning Appeals voted unanimously to deny variances for a 17-turbine wind project on Dan's Mountain. | | wind | 2015 |
03/24/15 | MD | Kent County | County | County commissioners voted unanimously to reject a 49-turbine project being pushed by Apex Clean Energy | | wind | 2015 |
11/17/15 | ME | Freedom | Town | Vote was 32-6 in favor of numerous regulations on wind turbines including setbacks. Ordinance is 40 pages. | | wind | 2015 |
06/09/15 | ME | Dixfield | Town | Town voters approve a new ordinance on wind turbines that sets limits on noise, setback (4,000 feet from any occupied building), and flicker. | | wind | 2015 |
06/19/15 | ME | Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife | State | Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife announced it would oppose the Weaver Wind project based on its potential impact to birds and bats. Two months later, SunEdison, the developer of the project, withdrew its application for the project, which had been pending at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. | | wind | 2015 |
12/03/15 | ME | Maine Supreme Court | State | The court ruled that the state environmental appeals board acted within its power in denying SunEdison?s proposed 16-turbine Bowers Mountain wind farm. The court agreed that the project would have "an unreasonable adverse effect on the scenic character" of several lakes that have been deemed scenic resources of the state. | | wind | 2015 |
09/18/15 | ME | Fort Fairfield | Town | Passed restrictive law with a one-mile setback; noise not to exceed background by more than five (5) dBA or dBC | | wind | 2015 |
11/11/15 | MI | Huron County | County | County Commissioners approve by 6-1 vote a 16-page ordinance setting stricter rules on setbacks, height, and noise. | | wind | 2015 |
06/26/15 | MI | Mason County | County | Mason County hosts the Lake Winds wind project. Shadow flicker and noise resulted in lawsuits. New ordinance restricts shadow flicker to 0-hours per year and increased setback distances. | | wind | 2015 |
06/23/15 | MI | Moore | Township | Weak ordinance passed by township was challenged by residents and heads to a referendum vote in MI. For now the project is stalled. Moore is one of four townships that will have turbines. | | wind | 2015 |
06/19/15 | MI | Bengal | Township | Passed restrictive zoning under police powers authority. The courts initially overruled the ordinance (see Essex). Still deciding next steps. | | wind | 2015 |
06/19/15 | MI | Dallas | Township | Passed restrictive zoning under police powers authority. The courts initially overruled the ordinance (see Essex). The township has since passed interim zoning that restricts tower height to 380 feet. | | wind | 2015 |
06/19/15 | MI | Essex | Township | Passed restrictive zoning under police powers authority. The courts initially overruled the ordinance claim only the planning board could pass laws governing land use. The ordinance was revised to focus only on health/safety including noise limits. | | wind | 2015 |
05/06/15 | MI | Meade | Township | Referendum vote that voided a decision by the town board to create a wind-overlay district. The overlay district was voted down by the township 222-147. | | wind | 2015 |
03/16/15 | MI | Ogden | Township | Town board passed 6-month moratorium | | wind | 2015 |
07/17/15 | MO | Clinton County | County | Clinton County Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-1 to deny a request by NextEra Energy to put up meteorological testing towers in the northern part of the county | | wind | 2015 |
10/01/15 | NC | Bald Head Island | Governing board | Bald Head Island governing board adopted a resolution opposing wind turbines located within 24 nautical miles of shore. The resolution says "wind turbines located within the Bald Head Island viewshed would transform our community?s natural and historic vista of open ocean to a view of massive industrial machinery...Such a change would represent for us the most destructive commitment of ocean resources that we have ever heard proposed in North Carolina ? one that could irreversibly damage the natural environment and resources that we cherish and that drive our economy" | | wind | 2015 |
10/05/15 | NC | Perquimans County | County | County commissioners imposed a four-month moratorium on a wind project after a surge in local opposition. | | wind | 2015 |
06/30/15 | ND | Williams County | County | Williams County Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-1 to deny a permit for a proposed wind project. | | wind | 2015 |
05/05/15 | ND | Stark County | County | County commissioners rejected a permit for a NextEra project with 87 turbines | | wind | 2015 |
12/30/15 | ND | Stark County | County | Stark County Commissioners voted unanimously to impose a two-year moratorium on applications for new wind projects. | | wind | 2015 |
09/17/15 | NE | Linwood | Township | Township residents voted overwhelmingly in favor of regulations restricting high-voltage power lines on township property, as well as noise limits on turbines, and minimum setbacks of 1640 feet from township roads and private property not associated with the wind project. | | wind | 2015 |
09/08/15 | NE | Franklin | Township | Township residents voted against allowing wind-energy development. | | wind | 2015 |
09/08/15 | NE | Savannah | Township | Township residents voted against allowing wind-energy development. | | wind | 2015 |
09/08/15 | NE | Skull Creek | Township | Township residents voted against allowing wind-energy development. | | wind | 2015 |
09/16/15 | NE | Oak Creek | Township | Township residents voted against allowing wind-energy development. | | wind | 2015 |
09/08/15 | NE | Richardson | Township | Township residents voted against allowing wind-energy development. | | wind | 2015 |
11/10/15 | NE | Lancaster County | County | County commissioners approved noise and setback regulations aimed at halting the Hallam Wind project. | | wind | 2015 |
03/16/15 | NH | Alexandria | Town | Town voted against the Spruce Ridge Wind Project in Grafton County. Passed various local laws to restrict wind; Final say for projects at or over 30 MW is determined by a state committee. ?EDP?s industrial complex spanning five towns has been overwhelmingly rejected by the voters of all towns except Canaan, which has yet to vote,? said Lori Lerner, president of New Hampshire Wind Watch. ?The signal is clear. The message is simple. Your 50-story turbines are not wanted here, not now, not ever.? | | wind | 2015 |
03/16/15 | NH | Dorchester | Town | Town voted against the Spruce Ridge Wind Project in Grafton County. Passed various local laws to restrict wind; Final say for projects at or over 30 MW is determined by a state committee. | | wind | 2015 |
03/16/15 | NH | Grafton | Town | Town voted against the Spruce Ridge Wind Project in Grafton County. Passed various local laws to restrict wind; Final say for projects at or over 30 MW is determined by a state committee. | | wind | 2015 |
03/16/15 | NH | Groton | Town | Passed restrictive law; Local law applies to projects under 30 MW; Restricts tower heights to 400 feet; property line setback of 2000 feet, noise not exceed 33 dBA. Groton already hosts a 48 MW Iberdrola wind project. This ordiance passed overwhelmingly after town has had to deal with the turbines. | | wind | 2015 |
03/16/15 | NH | Orange | Town | Passed various local laws to restrict wind; Final say for projects at or over 30 MW is determined by a state committee. In a Town Meeting in March, the vote was 117-7 against the EDP project. | | wind | 2015 |
03/13/15 | NH | Danbury | Town | Passed various local laws to restrict wind; Final say for projects at or over 30 MW is determined by a state committee. | | wind | 2015 |
12/03/15 | NH | Site Evaluation Committee | State | The Site Evaluation Committee passed final rules on the siting of energy projects in the state that include strict rules on wind energy projects including limits on noise and flicker. | ; | wind | 2015 |
11/06/15 | NV | US District Cout | Federal | US District Court halted an 87-turbine wind project after determining that a BLM environmental study of the project, to be built in the Mojave Desert, had gaps. The project aims to install 87 turbines on 18,949 acres of BLM land. Total capacity: 200 MW | | wind | 2015 |
11/02/15 | NV | Searchlight | US Federal Court | U.S. District Court Judge Miranda Du vacated the federal permits for construction of the Searchlight Wind Project in Southern Nevada. Judge Du found that environmental analyses prepared by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) inadequately evaluated the dangers that the industrial-scale wind project would pose to desert wildlife. | | wind | 2015 |
06/09/15 | NY | Burke | Town | Town Board voted 4-0 to approve a local law on setbacks from wind turbines. The new report says the "town had been working on wind tower regulations on and off for 15 years." | | wind | 2015 |
07/13/15 | NY | Catlin | Town | Town officials approved regulations on setbacks, noise, and compensation in case of reduced property values. | | wind | 2015 |
08/30/15 | NY | Niagara County | County | The Niagara County Legislature has gone on record as opposing the Lighthouse wind project | | wind | 2015 |
12/04/15 | NY | Niagara County Board of Health | County | Niagara County Board of Health voted on Dec 3 to ask Albany for a full environmental review of the Lighthouse wind project. | | wind | 2015 |
07/08/15 | NY | Somerset | Town | Town board voted to oppose the proposed Lighthouse wind project | | wind | 2015 |
07/28/15 | NY | Henderson | Town | Town officials went on record as opposing Hudson Energy's proposed wind project on Galoo Island | | wind | 2015 |
12/16/15 | NY | Orleans County | County | Orleans County legislators voted to oppose the Lighthouse Wind project that is proposed near Yates and Somerset. Legislators voted to oppose the project which they said would ?place commercial wind turbines within this quaint, beautiful Town of Yates.? | | wind | 2015 |
12/17/15 | NY | Erie County | County | The legislature of Erie County adopted a resolution opposing the "construction of wind turbines" in the flight path of the Niagara Falls Airforce Reserve Station. The resolution specifically names Apex Energy and is clearly aimed at Lighthouse Wind. |,d.amc | wind | 2015 |
12/02/15 | OK | Osage Tribe | Tribe | The Osage Tribe has been fighting a wind project pushed by Enel for years. After inaction by the Department of Interior, the tribe is seeking to intervene in a lawsuit that will halt what it calls a "significant invasion" of its property. The project has 84 turbines. Principal Chief Geoffrey StandingBear called the wind project "a harsh form of pollution, and it should go away.? | | wind | 2015 |
11/28/15 | PA | Luzerne County | County | Luzerne County Court denied an appeal by EDF Renewables, which wanted to overturn the finding of the Foster Township Zoning Hearing Board, which refused to issue a permit for the company's 15-turbine project. | | wind | 2015 |
07/21/15 | SD | Lincoln County | County | Lincoln County Commissioners denied appeal by a company called Dakota Power Community Wind, which was seeking permission for meteorological towers to study wind energy. The permit for the met towers had previously been denied by the county's zoning board. "The population in south Lincoln County does not support wind energy by a majority of 4 to 1,? said Winnie Peterson, chair of We-Care South Dakota. | | wind | 2015 |
03/26/15 | VT | Northeastern Vermont Development Association | Essex, Caledonia and Orleans counties, 55 towns | Covers 55 towns and gores. "After discussion, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the Executive Committee?s recommendation for no further industrial ? scale wind development in the Northeast Kingdom." The development association covers 21 percent of Vermont?s land area and represents 55 communities. | | wind | 2015 |
06/16/15 | VT | Rutland Regional Planning Commission | 27 towns in Rutland Cty | Adopted the Rutland Regional Plan, which delineates rules on everything from biomass to wind energy. Wind turbines must have setbacks of 1 mile per megawatt of capacity from any habitable structure. | | wind | 2015 |
10/01/15 | VT | Irasburg | Town | Town meeting, vote against: 274-9 | | wind | 2015 |
11/18/15 | VT | Swanton | Town | Town voted 731-160 against the Rocky Ridge wind project which aims to put seven 499-foot-high turbines in the town. |; | wind | 2015 |
12/15/15 | VT | Fairfield | Town | Town selectboard voted to oppose Rocky Ridge Wind Project and sent a letter to VT Governor Peter Shumlin, to let their position be known. "We strongly feel that this project would negatively affect the Town of Fairfield and its residents." |; | wind | 2015 |
09/10/15 | WI | Forest | Town | Town announced that its legal fight against the Highland Wind Farm will continue, saying that the St. Croix Circuit Court ordered the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to hold further hearings before approving the construction of the project. The town's press release said "The Town has long fought and will continue to oppose the Highland Wind Farm project, which would place 42 500-foot tall wind turbines close to homes." | | wind | 2015 |
01/15/16 | VT | State Senate | Two Democratic senators file a bill that would prohibit wind projects in the state. | | wind | 2016 | |
02/02/16 | MA | Bourne | Town | Town of Bourne filed lawsuit against Future Generation Wind, owned by ConEdison, in an effort to stop the project. | | wind | 2016 |
02/09/16 | SD | Davison County | County commission | Commsion voted 4-1 to deny a permit for a 9-11 turbine project costing $40 million | | wind | 2016 |
01/14/16 | NY | Yates | Town Board | Board goes on record officially opposing Lighthouse Wind with a unanimous vote, saying the project would be aestethically negative and that the noise could harm the health of local residents. A 2015 survey of town residents found 65 percent opposed the wind project. | | wind | 2016 |
01/27/16 | NY | Niagara County Planning BoardSomerset | County | The Niagara County Planning Board approved two zoning amendments for the town of Somerset that set strict standards for wind energy development. The rules are aimed at the Lighthouse Wind project. | | wind | 2016 |
02/24/16 | NY | Somerset | Town Board | The Town Board approved a law amending the zoning code that restricts wind turbine development so that no wind turbine can be placed withing 1,500 feet of any residential boundary line. It also restricts noise levels to kno more than 35 db-A from 8p to 7a. A wind energy promoter said the new law was effectively a ban on wind projects. The rules are aimed at stopping the Lighthouse Wind project. | | wind | 2016 |
03/08/16 | MD | Allegany County | County | The county filed a petition with the state Public Service Commission to stop a wind project on Dan's Mountain. The move was made after the developer, Dan's Mountain Wind Force LLC, tried to circumventa December move by the Allegany County Board of Zoning which denied variances for the project. | | wind | 2016 |
03/09/16 | MI | Elmwood Township | Town | The township, located in Tuscola County, enacted a 1-year moratorium on wind turbine construction to “better protect the public health, safety and welfare” of residents." | | wind | 2016 |
03/03/16 | MI | Marion Township | Town | The township approved a moratorium that halts any new wind projects for six months. The township is among the sites Exelon is considering for a wind project. | | wind | 2016 |
03/08/16 | MI | Argyle Township | Town | Town held a referendum on its wind ordinance, which was voted down 161-139. At issue is a proposed wind project by Invenergy, which wants to build wind turbines on 25,000 acres in Moore, Argyle, Lamotte, and Wheatland townships. | | wind | 2016 |
03/08/16 | MI | Wheatland Township | Town | Town held a referendum on its wind ordinance, which was voted down 105-60. At issue is a proposed wind project by Invenergy, which wants to build wind turbines on 25,000 acres in Moore, Argyle, Lamotte, and Wheatland townships. | | wind | 2016 |
03/08/16 | NH | Canaan | Town | Voters approved a warrant article by a margin of 413-225 at a town meeting on March 8. The vote is aimed at stopping the Spruce Wind project being pushed by EDP. All five NH towns that have been targeted for the Spruce Wind project -- Alexandria, Canaan, Dorchester, Groton, and Orange, have voted to reject the project. | | wind | 2016 |
03/08/16 | NH | Orange | Town | In January, the Orange Planning Board unaminously appoved a restrictive wind ordinance. It was added to the March warrant for the March 8 meeting. The ordinance restricts noise to not exceed 33 dbA, anywhere, at any time on a non-participating property. | Ordinance language here: | wind | 2016 |
03/16/16 | MI | Lincoln Township | Town | On March 16, the Lincoln Township Board sent a letter to the Huron County Commission saying it was officially opposed to a proposed DTE wind project. The letter, signed by all its board members, has two sentences: “We feel that Huron County has done our part as far as Green Energy. We feel that no additional turbines should be allowed in Huron County.” | | wind | 2016 |
03/29/16 | NY | Randolph | Town | The Randolph Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously rejected a permit application for a meterological tower that was being sought by Iberdrola Renewables. | | wind | 2016 |
03/30/16 | NE | Gage County | County | Gage County Board of Supervisors strengthened commercial wind energy regulations by lowering noise limits to 45 decibels in the day and 40 db at night. Setbacks were also increased to 3/8 of a mile from non-participating residences. | | wind | 2016 |
04/02/16 | MI | Huron County | County Board of Commissioners | The board voted 4-3 in favor of a zoning ordinance that halts all wind-energy development for 90 days or until a new ordinance can be passed. | | wind | 2016 |
04/04/16 | MI | Ellington | Township | The Ellington Township Board of Trustees enacted a four-month moratorium on wind turbines at a special meeting. The move puts the Tuscola III wind farm project on hold. The project would be about 100 megawatts and cost about $200 million. | | wind | 2016 |
04/14/16 | NY | Newfield | Town | Town Board approved a 90-day moratorium on new wind projects. I emailed the town supervisor on 041416 to get a status update. John Hart, town supervisor, emailed me back on 042016 to confirm the board had approved the moratorium. Hart said the board is planning to adopt new regs that will increase set backs to 1,760' to property line or 3.63 times the height of a proposed windmill. Project will have 7 turbines, all GE 2.3MW | | wind | 2016 |
04/14/16 | MA | Falmouth | Zoning Board of Appeals | The town's Zoning Board of Appeals rejected a special permit for one of two municipally owned wind turbines. "The majority of its members found fault with the town's application on more than one point, including a zoning requirement that the turbine known as Wind 1 not have “adverse effects” on either the neighborhood or the town." Noise from the turbines has been a source of controversy in the town for years and neighbors of the turbines have repeatedly complained about the noise. In May, the town announced it was filing a lawsuit against its own zoning board over the decision. | | wind | 2016 |
04/15/16 | NY | Orleans | Town | Town board voted to approve a six-month moratorium on wind projects after Iberdrola proposed a wind project in the town | | wind | 2016 |
04/22/16 | NY | Niagara | Niagara USA Chamber says it " stands with the communities of Somerset and Yates in opposition to APEX Clean Energy’s Lighthouse Wind Project." | | wind | 2016 | |
04/26/16 | NY | Jefferson County | Planning Board | The Planning Board voted to recommend that Clayton Town Board extend its proposed moratorium on wind projects from six months to one year | | wind | 2016 |
04/27/16 | NY | Clayton | Town Council | Council adopted a six-month moratorium, called Local Law No. 2, on meterological towers as well as applications for wind-energy facilities. The town is opposing a project called Atlantic Wind, which is being pushed by a Spanish company, Iberdrola. | | wind | 2016 |
05/11/16 | NY | Hartsville | Town Board | The Town Board denied variances to its wind law that had been requested by NextEra Energy. It also unanimously approved a resolution declaring it was "not a willing host" for the Eight Point Wind Project "or any other wind energy facility" that doesn't comply with the town's rules. | | wind | 2016 |
05/02/16 | NY | Orleans County | Planning Board | The Orleans County Planning Board expressed official support for the six-month moratorium on wind-energy projects requested by the Town of Yates. | | wind | 2016 |
05/16/18 | RI | North Smithfield | Town Council | "Saying that the town’s current laws do not adequately address the threat posed by the development of wind energy, the North Smithfield Town Council unanimously passed an emergency ordinance that places a moratorium on the creation of turbines Monday night." The ordinance is good for 180 days. | | wind | 2018 |
05/12/16 | NY | Yates | Town Board | The Town Board unanimously approved a six-month moratorium on wind-energy projects. The move is the latest effort by the town in its fight against Apex Clean Energy and the Lighthouse wind project. | | wind | 2016 |
05/24/16 | MI | Sanilac County | County Judge | A Sanilac County judge sided with the Bridgehampton Township Planning Commission which tabled a public hearing on Exelon's application for a special land use permit for its planned Michigan Wind 3 project. Exelon claimed that “Anti-wind opponents hope to delay any action on wind energy until November when the township might elect new township trustees who will stop any wind projects.” Exelon plans to put 50 windmills in Bridgehampton Township — part of a larger 68-turbine wind farm. | | wind | 2016 |
05/27/16 | IN | Rush County | County Superior Court | Special Rush Superior Court Judge Matthew D. Bailey ruled May 27 to let the July 2015 decision, by the Rush County Board of Zoning Appeals, to approve special exception permits for the construction of wind turbines for the proposed Flat Rock Wind project stand, despite claims from APEX Clean Energy – the company behind the project – that the BZA over-stepped its authority in stipulating that the setback distance for those turbines would have to be 2,300 feet from non-participating property lines, instead of 1,000 feet. | | wind | 2016 |
05/31/16 | MD | Allegany County | County commission | The commissioners filed a motion with the Maryland Public Service Commission to dismiss a Dan’s Mountain Wind Force request for a required certificate for a 17-turbine wind farm project on Dan’s Mountain. “Allegany County has serious concerns about the impact the project will have on its public safety communications and other public and private communication facilities located on Dan’s Mountain,” according to the document. | | wind | 2016 |
06/01/16 | OR | Federal Court | The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals | Appeals court ruled the BLM did not adequately address the threats to the sage grouse from a proposed wind project. The project, known as Enchanis, was to have about 104 MW of capacity. | | wind | 2016 |
06/05/16 | VA | Rockbridge County | Board of Supervisors | The Rockbridge County Board of Supervisors, in a letter sent to state regulators last week, raised concerns about an industry that it says would sit just beyond its control while affecting its residents, environment and economy. | | wind | 2016 |
06/08/16 | ME | Land Use Planning Commission | State of Maine | The commission voted 9-0 to remove 14 townships and plantations from the area, where environmental reviews of wind projects are fast-tracked to encourage development. They are: Cathance, Concord, Edmunds, Long Pond, Mason, Misery Gore, Molunkus, Salem, Sapling and Sapling Administrative Area 1 townships; Denniston, Pleasant Ridge and Rangely plantations; and Taunton & Raynham Academy Grant. "Committee members say wind development in those areas would detract from land value, spoil viewsheds and disrupt the tourism industry around the lake." | | wind | 2016 |
06/09/16 | TN | Crossville City Council | City Council | The Crossville City Council took a stance on a wind farm on Millstone Mountain in Cumberland County near Crab Orchard being proposed by Apex Renewable Energy and voiced opposition to the project in a 2-1 vote and requested the Cumberland County Commission join its opposition. | | wind | 2016 |
05/09/16 | ME | Land Use Planning Commission | State of Maine | The commission voted to remove 13 townships and plantations from the expedited permit area. As of 070716, 45 governmental entities in Maine had requested that they be removed from expedited permitting areas. For the full list, see: | | wind | 2016 |
06/09/16 | SD | Letcher Township | Board of Supervisors | The township adopted an ordinance to establish a 1-mile setback for any turbine larger than 75 feet tall. Under the approved ordinance, no large wind energy system could be built within 5,280 feet of the nearest residence of a non-participating homeowner, or within 1,500 feet of the nearest neighbor's property line.Of the 77 registered voters living within township limits, 50 signed a petition stating their opposition to the Juhl Energy project which was to have 9 to 11 turbines. | | wind | 2016 |
06/15/16 | OH | Logan County | County Commission | Logan County Commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to reject EverPower’s request for a payment in lieu of taxes to build 18 wind turbines in northern Logan County. The project is called Scioto Farm. After the county's move, EverPower said they will not locate any turbines in Logan County. | | wind | 2016 |
06/14/16 | OH | Rushcreek Township | Township Trustees | Township trustees adopted a resolution in opposition to the EverPower plan to build wind project in Logan County. Richland Township, also in Logan County, adopted a resolution opposing the EverPower Scioto Farm project in 2014. | | wind | 2016 |
06/16/16 | PA | Lehighton Water Authority | Water Authority | The Lehighton Water Authority rejected Iberdrola's proposal to build three wind turbines, a small piece of a larger 100-megawatt wind energy project proposed to be built on nearby land surrounding Bethlehem's drinking water in Penn Forest Township. | | wind | 2016 |
06/21/16 | NC | State Senate | State Senate | Lawmakers in the state senate passed a bill that would prohibit wind farms from being built in most of central and eastern North Carolina. Bill sponsor Sen. Harry Brown (R-Onslow) says the measure protects airspace the state's military bases use in training exercises. | | wind | 2016 |
06/13/16 | VT | Windham | Selectboard | The Windham Selectboard sent a letter asking wind developer Iberdrola to stop the development of a 96-megawatt wind project. The key part of the letter reads: "We are unwilling to subject any of our town's property owners to the unknown short- and longterm effects of exposure to turbine noise, vibration, infrasound, and shadow flicker. In addition, we find your repeated dismissal of the question of proximity troubling, as is your lack of truthfulness about the problems your company has experienced with turbine neighbors who have been sickened, annoyed, and deprived of quiet use of their property by your activities. In particular, we are following closely the suit brought by neighbors of Iberdrola's Hardscrabble project in New York." | | wind | 2016 |
06/19/16 | IN | Henry County | Planning Commission | The Henry County Planning Commission denied two requests from Apex Clean Energy to build towers in the southern part of the county to gather wind data. The meteorological towers, commonly called met towers, would have been placed in Spiceland and Dudley Township. Key line from the news report from The Courier Times, in New Castle, Indiana: "Opponents of wind farms and turbines in Henry County spent an hour telling the planning commission why they should deny the Spiceland Township met tower. No one spoke in favor of the project." | | wind | 2016 |
06/23/16 | ME | Woodstock | Board of Selectmen | The Woodstock Board of Selectmen voted Tuesday evening to sign a letter of support asking the Maine Land Use Planning Commission in Bangor to remove Milton Township from the state's expedited permitting area for wind energy development. The letter said any new wind project in the region would result citizens being "in jeopardy of negative impacts to their property values, scenic views, and quality of life." | | wind | 2016 |
07/20/16 | NE | Cherry County | Planning Commission | Cherry County Planning Commission recommended against approving a conditional use permit for a potential wind farm in the county. Because more than 200 people showed up at the courthouse for the meeting, it was moved to Valentine High School. Mundorf and others said the meeting went until about 2 a.m. Many people spoke for and against the wind farm; Mundorf said most spoke in opposition. | | wind | 2016 |
08/02/16 | MI | Marion Township | Referendum | In a referendum on wind energy, the township voted 226 to 185 to stop the development of a 24-turbine project called Michigan Wind 3 owned by Exelon. The vote was 55% against the wind project with 45% in favor. On 081116, Richard McEachin, the president of the Marion Township Planning Commission said in a phone interview that the project is "dead for now." | | wind | 2016 |
08/22/16 | NH | Stoddard | Board of Selectmen | The three-member board of selectmen voted unanimously to oppose a proposed 9-turbine wind project in nearby Antrim. Stoddard selectmen took a similar stance to support the conservation commission’s opposition and intervenor status when the first Antrim Wind project came before the N.H. Site Evaluation Committee in 2011. | | wind | 2016 |
09/02/16 | MO | Clinton County | Planning and Zoning Commission | The commission voted to prohibit “commercial wind energy conversion systems” in Clinton County on Thursday, September 1. It's a major victory for residents who coalesced in opposition to a previously proposed wind project by NextEra Energy. The commission voted unanimously (8-0). | | wind | 2016 |
09/05/16 | ID | City of Shelley | Shelley City Council | The council unanimously approved a resolution opposing wind turbine development. At issue: an 11-turbine project being developed by Cedar Creek Wind LLC. | | wind | 2016 |
09/06/16 | ME | Rome | Town Selectboard | The town board extended a moratorium on new wind projects for 180 days. | | wind | 2016 |
09/23/16 | VT | Holland | Town Selectboard | The board voted to oppose a wind tower to measure wind speeds for a project known as Dairy Air Farm | | wind | 2016 |
09/27/16 | NY | Jefferson County | Planning Board | The Board unanimously approved the Clayton Town Council's new local wind law proposal, Local Law No. 5. That law says large wind energy facilities must maintain a one-mile setback from any structure, roadway or property line. | | wind | 2016 |
09/29/16 | NY | Enfield | Town Board | After another contentious meeting, the Enfield Town Board voted to delay any further action until the owners of the proposed Black Oak Wind Farm pay their debts to the town. | | wind | 2016 |
10/05/16 | VT | Swanton | Selectboard | The Swanton selectboard said it will appear before Vermont's Public Service Board to oppose the Swanton Wind Project. “Everybody knows that we’re against this project,” said selectboard member Dan Billado during the board’s Tuesday meeting. “I think we as a board should continue to let the public know that we’re against this.” | | wind | 2016 |
10/25/16 | SD | Lincoln County | Planning Commission | Lincoln County planners effectively voted to ban wind development Monday by requiring a 1-mile setback for turbines and noise rules wind backers call unattainable. The zoning recommendations represent a major victory for opponents of Dakota Power Community Wind’s effort to create the largest industrial wind project in the state. | | wind | 2016 |
11/08/16 | VT | Windham | Referendum | Town voters rejected the Stiles Brook wind project | | wind | 2016 |
11/08/16 | VT | Grafton | Referendum | Town voters rejected the Stiles Brook wind project | | wind | 2016 |
11/05/16 | MI | Huron County | Board of Commissioners | Huron County officials are considering a five-year moratorium on wind development. An agenda item for Tuesday’s Huron County Board of Commissioner’s meeting states, “Refer the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, which would impose a moratorium of the issuance of permits, licenses, or approvals for wind energy systems to the planning commission for consideration and comment.” | | wind | 2016 |
11/15/16 | ND | Billings County | County Commission | Billings County Commissioners rejected the application for a 114-turbine wind farm on Tuesday. Orion Renewable Energy Group presented its zoning application for Charlie Creek Wind Farm to a crowded courtroom audience and the commissioners. The 383-megawatt project was proposed to be located in northeast Billings County | | wind | 2016 |
11/26/16 | MI | Ellington | Township | The newly elected board in Ellington Township passed a one-year moratorium on allowing wind turbines into the township, and their counterparts in Almer Township could do the same next month. | | wind | 2016 |
01/17/17 | OK | Town of Hinton | Town board of trustees | Town adopted an ordinance declaring wind projects a "public nuisance" and prohibits them from being built within 2 miles of the town's borders. | wind | 2017 | |
01/20/17 | VT | State board | Public Service Board | The VT PSB adopted a new rule which will limit noise from wind turbines to 35 dBA at night. It also adopted the 10H rule. | | wind | 2017 |
01/21/17 | MI | Board of trustees | Almer Township | The Almer Township board of trustees denied an application for special land use permit that would have cleared the way for a Florida-based company to erect 19 wind turbines in the community. The board voted 5-1 after the Almer Township planning commission approved a motion on Jan. 4 to deny the application submitted by Juno Beach, Florida-based NextEra Energy Resources L.L.C On Feb 15, NextEra filed a fedeeral lawsuit against the township. | | wind | 2017 |
01/25/17 | MD | Public Service Commission | State agency | A plan to build a 17-turbine wind farm on Dan's Mountain was dealt a serious blow when a judge issued a proposed order Wednesday that would effectively kill the project. Chief Public Utility Law Judge Terry J. Romine found that "in weighing the benefits against the adverse impacts that are unable to be mitigated ... I find that the benefits that may accrue to the public at large by construction of the wind project do not justify or offset subjecting the local community to the adverse impacts that will result from the wind projects | | wind | 2017 |
01/27/17 | NY | State Senate | State senator | New York State Senator Rob Ortt (R-North Tonawanda) today introduced legislation that would make it illegal to erect wind turbines within 40 miles of military installations, such as the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station. The legislation is in response to Apex Clean Energy’s proposed Lighthouse Wind Project in the towns of Yates and Somerset to construct approximately 70 wind turbines more than 600 feet high. Local officials and residents have voiced concerns over the project and have raised the possibility that if installed, the windmills could put the future of the Niagara Falls air base at risk. | | wind | 2017 |
02/24/17 | VT | Northwest Regional Planning Commission | Planning commission | Regional planning commissioners Wednesday night voted against a seven-turbine wind power project in Swanton. The wind farm would have a combined generating capacity of 20 megawatts and stand at least 400 feet tall. | | wind | 2017 |
03/01/17 | NE | Nebraska Legilsature | Sen. Tom Brewer of Gordon told a legislative committee on Wednesday that disputes about wind energy development in the Sandhills are "tearing communities apart," dividing neighbors and families and even spawning death threats. Brewer wants a two-year moratorium on new wind projects in the Sandhills. The bill is LB504. | | wind | 2017 | |
03/02/17 | CA | water district | Santa Nella County Water District | A proposal from a Netherlands-based company to construct an energy-producing wind turbine on property owned by the Santa Nella County Water District generated little enthusiasm from the district’s governing board. Directors recently decided against moving forward in contract negotiations with EWT, the firm interested in building a tower on wastewater treatment plant property | | wind | 2017 |
03/20/17 | MN | House of Representaties | State legislators | HF2170 would require a 10H setback between wind turbines and residences. | | wind | 2017 |
03/20/17 | NY | Hopkinton | Town council | The Town of Hopkinton passed a moratorium on proposed wind turbines at a town board meeting March 20 | | wind | 2017 |
03/29/17 | SD | Deuel County | County commission | Commissioners approved a property value guarantee, a 1,500 foot setback for participating landowners and six times the distance of the tower length or 3,000 feet setbacks from non-participating landowners. | | wind | 2017 |
03/30/17 | SD | Walworth Cty | County commission | County commissioners approved first reading of the ordinance changes. The ordinance change would require 2-mile setbacks for wind turbines, which officials say would prevent Tradewind Energy from building a 200-megawatt wind farm in northeast Walworth County | | wind | 2017 |
04/04/17 | MI | Elington township | Board of trustees | On April 4, the Ellington Board of Trustees enacted a 4-month moratorium on wind projects. | | wind | 2017 |
04/10/17 | OK | State legislature | House and Senate | House Bill 2298, the one targeting the zero-emission tax credit for wind farms was passed on a 40-3 vote in the Senate and sent to the governor. It moves up the qualification date to July 1, 2017, something opponents said would send a bad message to out-of-state businesses. | | wind | 2017 |
04/20/17 | TN | State house | Bill passed TN House by 85-3 margin | U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, a longtime critic of wind-powered electricity generation, is praising a state House vote to place a partial moratorium on such developments in Tennessee while a special committee of state lawmakers drafts rules for regulating them. | | wind | 2017 |
04/27/17 | NY | Hopkinton | Wind Advisory Board | he Hopkinton Wind Advisory Board approved a wind overlay zone nearly identical to one proposed in 2011 during a public hearing Wednesday night. The wind overlay zone will not expand to south of State Route 72, or spill over into the Adirondack Park boundary, like Avangrid Renewables, the company proposing the North Ridge Wind Farm, had requested. | | wind | 2017 |
05/02/17 | ME | Augusta | State legislators | L.D. 1262, the bill heard Tuesday, would ban any offshore wind energy project within 10 nautical miles of the Monhegan Lobster Conservation Area. The wind project site is at the southern edge of the lobster zone. | | wind | 2017 |
05/04/17 | MD | Ocean City | City council | The city council in Ocean City voted unanimously to send a second letter making it known in no uncertain terms its opposition to have turbines within view of Ocean City. That letter was drafted this week and sent to the PSC on Thursday. The council wants any new offshore turbines to be at least 23 miles from the shoreline. | | wind | 2017 |
05/11/17 | MI | Huron County | Sand Beach | Also in Huron County, voters in Sand Beach Township overwhelming supported changes to the local “Wind Energy Conversion Facility Overlay Zoning Ordinance” that the Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council says “will effectively block future wind development in the township.” | | wind | 2017 |
05/11/17 | MI | Tuscola County | Almer Township | And voters in Almer Township in Tuscola County rejected a plan that would have relaxed some of the township’s zoning requirements for wind turbines. | | wind | 2017 |
05/11/17 | MI | Sanilac County | Marlette Township | And voters in Almer Township in Tuscola County rejected a plan that wMeanwhile, voters in Marlette Township in Sanilac County approved a new zoning ordinance that increases setback distances to 125 percent of a turbine’s height as well as setback distances from property lines and inhabited structures to 1,400 feet. Contention over the ordinance had reportedly kept Invenergy from developing a project there.ould have relaxed some of the township’s zoning requirements for wind turbines. | | wind | 2017 |
05/11/17 | MI | Huron County | Lincoln Township | DTE’s completion of its Filion Wind Park was rejected in four townships by a vote of 1,923 to 1,110, according to official election results. | | wind | 2017 |
05/11/17 | MI | Huron County | Dwight Township | DTE’s completion of its Filion Wind Park was rejected in four townships by a vote of 1,923 to 1,110, according to official election results. | | wind | 2017 |
05/11/17 | MI | Huron County | Bloomfield Township | DTE’s completion of its Filion Wind Park was rejected in four townships by a vote of 1,923 to 1,110, according to official election results. | | wind | 2017 |
05/03/17 | MI | Huron County | Sherman Township | Huron County voters said “no” to more wind development Tuesday...Approval of the Sherman/Sigel wind overlay district for NextEra Energy Resources LLC: failed, 36.67 percent to 63.33 (1,120 yes to 1,934 no) | | wind | 2017 |
05/03/17 | MI | Huron County | Sigel Township | Huron County voters said “no” to more wind development Tuesday...Approval of the Sherman/Sigel wind overlay district for NextEra Energy Resources LLC: failed, 36.67 percent to 63.33 (1,120 yes to 1,934 no) | | wind | 2017 |
05/11/17 | NC | State senate | State senate | The N.C. Senate's proposed state budget includes a moratorium on state approval of any new wind energy projects through Dec. 31, 2020. | | wind | 2017 |
05/11/17 | TN | State house | State house | On April 25th, the Tennessee House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly (85 to 3) in favor of Bill HB1021. But nothing was official until the Senate gave its stamp of approval. That happened last Thursday when SB1336 was passed with the same thunderous approval in Nashville— with 30 Ayes, 0 Nays and 1 PNV (Present not voting). | //// | wind | 2017 |
05/16/17 | NY | Clayton | town council | The Town Council passed an amendment to the town’s zoning ordinance that prevents commercial wind development in the town on May 10. | | wind | 2017 |
05/18/17 | VT | Statewide | Public Service Board | The Public Service Board on Tuesday filed its final rule for wind turbine noise standards. The board surprised a lot of people in March when the draft rules recommended what would be the lowest sound standards in the country for commercial wind projects. "What the board has chosen to do here is functionally ban wind in Vermont," said Sarah Wolfe, a clean energy advocate with the Vermont Public Interest Research Group. The board also kept a controversial setback limit of 10 times the height of the turbine, so that a 500-foot turbine would have to be at least 5,000 feet from the nearest residence. | | wind | 2017 |
05/18/17 | SD | Hughes County | County commission | The Hughes County Commission inposed a six-month moratorium on wind-farm development. | | wind | 2017 |
05/19/17 | PA | Penn Forest Township | Penn Forest zoning hearing board | On Wednesday night, the Penn Forest zoning hearing board denied Atlantic Wind’s application for two special exceptions to build up to 37 wind turbines on property owned by the Bethlehem Water Authority. The zoning board proceeded with the hearing even though Atlantic Wind failed to show. | | wind | 2017 |
05/22/17 | TX | State legislature | Texas House | Legislation to limit tax incentives to build wind power plants near Texas military aviation facilities cleared the Texas House on Monday. It prevents local governments from offering tax breaks and other incentives for projects within 25 miles of affected installations. | | wind | 2017 |
06/30/17 | NC | State legislature | State legislature | A proposed ban on wind energy projects for four years has been reduced to an 18-month moratorium under a compromise renewable energy bill that passed the House and Senate early Friday morning. | | wind | 2017 |
06/20/17 | MA | Town of Falmouth | State superior court | A Barnstable Superior Court judge on Tuesday ordered the town of Falmouth to shut down two town-owned wind turbines. Judge Cornelius Moriarty issued his decision at about 4:30 p.m. in the case which pitted the town against its own Zoning Board of Appeals and a neighbor of the turbines. The Board of Selectmen had appealed a decision by the zoning board that found the turbines are a nuisance. On July 10, Falmouth's board of selectmen decided not to appeal the deciscion and the turbines will remain shut off. | | wind | 2017 |
07/18/17 | SD | Lincoln Cty | Voter referendum | Voters upheld rules for wind turbine setbacks on Tuesday that renewable energy boosters say will stop all wind energy development in Lincoln County. The vote was 57-42 percent in favor of a requirement that all turbines be placed at least a half mile from all habitable dwellings in the county. | | wind | 2017 |
07/20/17 | US | House Appropriations Comm | State house | Introduced by U.S. Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., the amendment, citing “viewscape” concerns, “blocks the use of federal funds to conduct reviews of site assessment or construction and operation plans” for wind projects situated fewer than 24 nautical miles from Maryland’s shore. | | wind | 2017 |
07/22/17 | IN | Henry County | Area Planning Commission | The Henry County Area Planning Commission, during its meeting Thursday night, effectively denied a year extension which had been requested by NextEra Energy Resources in regard to the West Fork Wind Project. | | wind | 2017 |
07/20/17 | IN | Henry County | Area Planning Commission | The Henry County Area Planning Commission also denied a year extension for Apex Clean Energy's Flat Rock Wind Project by a vote of 5-3. | | wind | 2017 |
07/25/17 | VT | State board | Public Utility Commission | State regulators have dealt a blow to a proposed wind energy project on Kidder Hill in Irasburg and Lowell. The Public Utility Commission issued a four-page ruling on Monday saying the application for the project, which was filed in June after years of debate, is incomplete and missing crucial information. | | wind | 2017 |
09/01/17 | VT | State board | Public Utility Commission | The Vermont Public Utilities Commission on Thursday refused to reconsider its rejection of the petition for a certificate of public good for Kidder Hill Wind, a two wind turbine project in Irasburg and/or Lowell, saying the application is incomplete without a study of how the project will impact the electric grid. The commission used the same argument in refusing to restart an ongoing review of the petition for the Swanton Wind Project, a plan to develop up to 20 megawatts of wind power in northwestern Vermont. | | wind | 2017 |
09/27/17 | NE | Pierce County | Zoning Commission | After making a number of changes to proposed wind turbine zoning regulations for Pierce County, the County Planning and Zoning Commission approved a motion recommending those regulations be approved by the Pierce County Board of Commissioners. A number of people spoke. The requests were varied but all asked for stricter regulations in one form or another or not allowing the construction of wind turbines in any part of the county. | | wind | 2017 |
09/27/17 | MA | Savoy | Town referendum | Town voters soundly rejected a bylaw amendment that would have allowed taller wind turbines on Wednesday. By a vote of 126 to 53, voters shot down the proposal to amend a bylaw that would allow Minuteman Wind LLC and its partner, Palmer Capital Corp., to increase the height of its West Hill turbine blades from 425 to 453 feet. |,520520 | wind | 2017 |
10/03/17 | NY | Watertown | City Council | The City Council on Monday night unanimously approved a resolution opposing the development of eight industrial wind turbine projects in proximity to Fort Drum, citing concerns that the turbines will impact training capabilities. | | wind | 2017 |
10/04/17 | NY | Jefferson County | Board of Legislators | The Jefferson County Board of Legislators passed a resolution Tuesday recognizing the potentially detrimental impact wind turbines could have on Fort Drum’s radar system. The resolution states that, because the post is vital to national defense as well as Jefferson County’s largest economic driver, the board cannot support alternative energy projects that could damage these strengths, and it would support any state or federal efforts to block wind turbines from being constructed within a certain radius of military installations. | | wind | 2017 |
10/07/17 | NY | Tonawanda | Planning Board | After nine month of discussion, the Town of Tonawanda Planning Board decided Wednesday to forward new wind turbine and cell tower codes to the Town Board for its approval.The code would ban large industrial turbines used on wind farms and the use of wind turbines in residential areas. | | wind | 2017 |
10/13/17 | IL | Ford County | County Board | For the second time in a month, the Ford County Board voted Monday night to place a moratorium on granting any future wind farm permits until the county’s permitting ordinance is reviewed. | | wind | 2017 |
10/26/17 | SD | State commission | Public Utilities Commission | The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission turned down an application Wednesday for a wind-energy complex proposed for Clark County. The regulatory panel voted 3-0 to reject Crocker Wind Farm. The project called for up to 200 turbines spread across more than 29,000 acres north of Clark. | | wind | 2017 |
11/07/17 | MI | US federal court | US District Court | A subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources sued Almer Township in U.S. District Court in February alleging that the township's Board of Trustees had systematically tried to prevent the development of a wind farm. However, Judge Thomas L. Ludington on Friday affirmed the township's decision not to allow the development of 19 turbines, which is part of a proposed 55-turbine wind farm in Almer, Fairgrove and Ellington Townships. | | wind | 2017 |
11/12/17 | MI | Burnside | Township planning commission | Officials at DTE Energy claim proposed amendments to Burnside Township’s wind ordinance “indicate a bias against wind energy development,” and are restrictive enough to exclude the 499- foot industrial machines “entirely from the township…. "these requirements will result in wind energy development being excluded entirely from many township sections and quite possibly the entire township.” | | wind | 2017 |
11/21/17 | NE | Stanton County | County Board of Commissioners | The Stanton County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously today to approve a land use matrix that did not allow for wind developers to purchase conditional use permits - effectively preventing any wind farms from attempting to build in Stanton County. | | wind | 2017 |
11/22/17 | IN | Fulton County | County Commission | Fulton County Commissioners received applause, cheers and a standing ovation from many of those who packed a building at the county's fairgrounds Monday night after voting down measures that would have paved the way for proposed wind turbines. | | wind | 2017 |
12/04/17 | IN | Rochester | City council | Rochester City Council ruled Tuesday that any commercial wind turbines placed in Fulton County must be located three miles from city limits. The ruling followed a presentation by Fulton County Area Plan Director Casi Cowles, who spoke about proposed amendments to a section of the county’s zoning ordinance that governs wind energy conversion systems, or WECS. |, | wind | 2017 |
01/17/18 | NY | State assembly | State assembly | Assemblywoman Addie A.E. Jenne, D-Theresa, has introduced legislation that would prohibit the state from granting subsidies to wind energy projects that could impact the military's training needs at Fort Drum. | | wind | 2018 |
01/24/18 | ME | Governor | Gov. Paul LePage | Gov. Paul LePage on Wednesday placed a statewide moratorium on permits for most new wind turbines in Maine, a move that could reverberate regionally a day before Massachusetts is set to announce winners in a massive clean power procurement plan. | | wind | 2018 |
01/27/17 | NY | Orleans County | Planning board | The Orleans County Planning Board voted in favor of revisions to the wind energy facilities law in Yates that would ban wind turbines from within 3 miles of the Lake Ontario shoreline and also require bigger property setbacks of at least half a mile. | | wind | 2017 |
01/29/18 | NY | Town of Somerset | Town board | Following nearly two hours of often impassioned public comment, the Somerset Town Board on Monday approved a series of changes to the local zoning code aimed at banning the sort of large-scale wind energy system that Apex Clean Energy is proposing. The members' votes were unanimous. | | wind | 2018 |
02/01/18 | MI | Kinderhook Township | Township trustees | Kinderhook Township trustees voted in favor of a two-year moratorium on approving permits for wind turbines in the township on Monday at the request of Kinderhook Township Supervisor Wayne Barnes. | | wind | 2018 |
02/06/18 | MD | Ocean City | Town Council | Ocean City’s town officials are turning up the heat on two offshore wind projects they say will spoil beach views and hurt the resort’s tourism industry. The Town Council voted unanimously Monday night to oppose the construction of wind turbines that would be visible anywhere along the town’s 10 miles of coastline. All six present council members voted in favor of the resolution. Councilman Tony DeLuca was absent. | | wind | 2018 |
02/06/18 | NY | St Lawrence County | County Legislators | St. Lawrence County legislators passed a resolution opposing wind farm development in proximity to Fort Drum due to economic and military readiness factors. The vote was taken Monday in a meeting of the St. Lawrence County Finance Committee. | | wind | 2018 |
02/06/18 | NY | Tonawanda | Town Council | The Town of Tonawanda updated its cell tower ordinance and wind turbine zoning laws after more than a year of work by the Planning Board. The wind turbine law allows turbines in industrial zones only and restricts the height. Large industrial turbines are not permitted. | | wind | 2018 |
02/09/18 | NY | Yates | Town board | The Yates Town Board has approved revisions to the town's wind energy facilities law that bans wind turbines within 3 miles of Lake Ontario shoreline and also requires bigger property setbacks of at least half a mile. The law also has stricter noise limits and requires a setback of at least one mile from schools, churches, and cemeteries. | | wind | 2018 |
02/14/18 | MI | Huron County | County Board of Commissioners | While the year-long extension of a moratorium on wind energy passed unanimously at Tuesday’s Huron County Board of Commissioners meeting, the board rejected a motion to investigate two county planners. | | wind | 2018 |
04/04/18 | IA | Dewitt County | DeWitt County Zoning Board of Appeals | The DeWitt County Zoning Board of Appeals on Monday recommended additional restrictions on the height and placement of wind turbines, a move that drew praise from critics of a proposed wind farm northwest of Clinton….the ZBA, which recommended limiting the height of any tower to 499 feet. Currently, there is no set height limit. | | wind | 2018 |
04/05/18 | TN | State house | State house | A renewed effort to push House Bill 1731 passed the State House of Representatives today by a vote of 63 to 23. The bill establishes regulations for the wind energy industry in the state. The bill urges the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation to study wind-energy facility regulations adopted in local governments of the state; requires the department to submit a written summary of local regulations within 60 days from the conclusion of the study to the members of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee of the House of Representatives and the Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee of the State Senate. | | wind | 2018 |
04/06/18 | IN | Darlington | Darlington Town Council | Last week, Darlington Town Council members voted to enact an ordinance intended to reduce the noise from a nearby proposed wind turbine project...The new ordinance states a wind turbine noise level cannot exceed 38 decibels. At a recent Montgomery County Commissioner’s meeting, a representative from Akuo Energy, which is developing Sugar Creek Wind in the Darlington area, said such a low decibel would be “nearly impossible” to accomplish. | | wind | 2018 |
04/11/18 | SD | Davidson County | County Commission | MITCHELL, S.D. - For the second time in three years, the Davison County Commission has said no to a major wind project west of Mitchell, S.D. The county’s commissioners, meeting as the Board of Adjustment Tuesday, unanimously voted in opposition to a conditional use permit application for a nine-turbine wind farm in Beulah Township from Davison County Wind, LLC and its parent company Con Edison Development. | | wind | 2018 |
04/26/18 | PA | Game commission | PA Game Commission | The Pennsylvania Game Commission on Tuesday unanimously approved a moratorium on wind energy developments on its 1.5 million acres of state game lands...In the resolution, the commissioners recognized the value of wind in the state’s energy plans, but said there is a high probability that wind turbines are inconsistent with the commission’s mission of protecting wildlife and providing recreational opportunities. | | wind | 2018 |
04/27/18 | NY | Hopkinton | Town Council | It took less than two minutes for the town of Hopkinton to pass the Wind Energy Facilities law Thursday night, a measure that had gone down in a split vote less than two weeks ago...Among other things, the law sets the maximum allowable noise level at 40 decibels, measured at the nearest non-participating property line or residence, as well as setbacks of five times the maximum height of the turbines. As the turbine height is set at 500 feet in the proposed law, this means a maximum setback of 2,500 feet. The law also bans the construction of wind turbines south of Route 72. | | wind | 2018 |
05/15/18 | MI | Beaver Township | Township board | New ordinance limits wind turbines to maximum of 500 feet, sets strict noise limit of 45 db. | | wind | 2018 |
05/03/18 | IA | Fairbank | Supreme Court | The Iowa Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from a wind energy company previously told to remove three turbines near Fairbank. The order handed down Tuesday is another victory for the surrounding property owners and the city, which sued the company and Fayette County claiming the turbines just east of city limits violated county zoning laws. It leaves in place District Court Judge John Bauercamper’s ruling that Mason Wind and Optimum Renewables must take down the three 445-foot turbines they built in 2016 for an estimated $11 million. | | wind | 2018 |
11/01/18 | IN | Henry County | Seven towns | As many as half of Henry County’s incorporated communities have passed resolutions establishing a four-mile buffer zone around their towns. The list where actual ordinances have been signed now includes Blountsville, Kennard, Lewisville, Springport, Straughn, Sulphur Springs and Greensboro. | | wind | 2018 |
11/26/18 | IN | Jasper County | County board? | Jasper County, Indiana adopted a new wind ordinance governing siting of wind turbines in the county. Key standards in the ordinance include a setback distance of 1-mile to non-participating landowners, turbine noise cannot exceed 35 dba at non-participating property lines, and shadow flicker is not permitted on non-participating properties. | | wind | 2018 |
11/29/18 | IL | DeKalb County | County Board | EDF Renewables representatives said the new DeKalb County wind energy ordinance is “unworkable” by design and the company is pulling its plans to develop wind projects under these circumstances. | | wind | 2018 |
12/01/18 | NV | Bureau of Land Management | Bureau of Land Management | Federal regulators have knocked the wind out of another renewable energy project planned for the desert west of Searchlight. The Bureau of Land Management has decided to reject a Sweden-based energy company’s application to build more than 200 turbines, each the height of a skyscraper, along a 22-mile stretch of the Nevada-California border. | | wind | 2018 |
12/11/18 | NY | Richland | A newly passed law restricts and regulates future wind energy projects inside the town of Richland, a move lauded by officials and activists as one of the strongest policies in New York. The Richland Town Board in November approved the measure, which places restrictions on wind turbine farms in the town based on factors including setback from properties, noise production, property value guarantees, environmental tests and decommissioning terms. ..The height cannot exceed more than 500 feet and noise cannot exceed 35 A-weighted decibels for more than five minutes at a time. | | wind | 2018 | |
12/05/18 | ND | Burleigh County | In a stunning move, the Burleigh County Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-3 Wednesday night to deny PNE Wind's permit request to build a wind farm in southern Burleigh County. | | wind | 2018 | |
12/11/18 | NY | Redfield | The town of Redfield looks to ammend laws to place more restrictions on wind projects in light of the Avingrid Project (350 MW, 88 Turbine). | | wind | 2018 | |
12/17/18 | PA | Penn Forest Township | Township zoning board | The winds of change won't be blowing through Penn Forest Township, Carbon County as the zoning board denies an application of a company for the second time. | | wind | 2018 |
12/18/18 | IA | Dallas County | County Board | Audible noise due to C-WECS sites operation shall not exceed 30dBA for any period of time, when measured at any dwelling, school, hospital, church, or public library existing on the date of approval of any conditional use permit from the property line. | | wind | 2018 |
01/07/19 | ND | Burleigh County | County Commission | The Burleigh County Commission voted 4-1 Monday to deny special use permits in Morton Township for the proposed Burleigh-Emmons Wind Farm, as recommended by the county planning and zoning board. | | wind | 2019 |
02/07/19 | PA | Penn Forest | Zoning Hearing Board | The Penn Forest Zoning Hearing Board has issued its written denial of the second Special Exception Permit application for Atlantic Wind. According to the decision filed Jan. 30, the board found that overall, Atlantic Wind failed to produce sufficient evidence and did not show that the project would comply with the Penn Forest Zoning Ordinance. | | wind | 2019 |
02/07/19 | IN | Tippecanoe County | County Commission | TIPPECANOE COUNTY UPDATES ORDINANCE TO BAN INDUSTRIAL WIND FARMS | | wind | 2019 |
02/15/19 | OH | Findlay | City zoning appeals board | In a decision that pleased Crystal Avenue residents, Findlay officials on Thursday denied One Energy’s request to allow construction of 400-foot wind turbines nearby. The city zoning appeals board voted 3-1 Thursday to deny a variance that would have allowed One Energy to build one or two 400-foot wind turbines on 37 acres southeast of the intersection of Crystal and Bigelow avenues. | | wind | 2019 |
02/19/19 | NE | Lancaster County | County Board | Wind energy developers in Lancaster County will be required to place turbines at least 1 mile from any home that is not being paid to participate in the project. The mile rule, the strictest in the state, will give homeowners some comfort and protect the quality of life in rural areas, said County Commissioner Deb Schorr. | | wind | 2019 |
02/19/19 | OH | Huron County | County Commission | The commission withdrew its support for the developmnent of Emerson Creek Wind Energy Project in the county. | | wind | 2019 |
02/28/19 | CA | San Bernadino County | County Board of Supervisors | California's largest county has banned the construction of large solar and wind farms on more than 1 million acres of private land, bending to the will of residents who say they don’t want renewable energy projects industrializing their rural desert communities northeast of Los Angeles. | | wind | 2019 |
03/13/19 | IL | Dewitt County | Zoning Board of Appeals | Members of the DeWitt County Board will be in the hot seat next month after the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) voted Tuesday to recommend the county deny a special use permit for the Alta Farms wind energy project. The ZBA voted 5-1 to send the matter to the full board for final consideration with a recommendation to not grant the permit. | | wind | 2019 |
03/28/19 | MI | Monitor Township | Township Board | Bay County’s Monitor Township has an updated zoning ordinance that further restricts wind farms, should one be developed there in the future. Monitor Township Supervisor Ken Malkin said zoning ordinance No. 67 was adopted Monday, March 25, after the township board unanimously approved its second reading. It goes into effect April 29. Malkin said many Monitor Township residents favored stronger restrictions on wind farms. Some of the concerns the new ordinance addresses include setbacks from property lines, shadow flicker and noise. “We increased the setbacks to 2,000 feet (from 750 feet) from property lines. We indicate there should be zero shadow flicker on peoples’ property, unless they want to participate...and we also lowered the sound level,” he said. | | wind | 2019 |
04/24/19 | KS | Reno County | Planning Commission | The Reno County Planning Commission voted 4-3 Tuesday night to recommend the County Commission deny a conditional use permit sought by NextEra Energy. The permit would allow the development of commercial wind farm in southeastern Reno County….In their votes recommending denial, the majority cited concerns that the project did not benefit the health and welfare of the county and there remained unanswered questions about the project and its potential impact. | | wind | 2019 |
04/25/19 | IL | DeWitt County | County Board | A $300 million wind farm will not be coming to DeWitt County. The DeWitt County Board voted 6-5 with one abstention Thursday night against a special-use permit from Tradewind Energy. The vote was taken after a two-hour meeting before a crowd of about 300 people at Clinton High School. | | wind | 2019 |
05/06/19 | IN | Tippecanoe County | County Commission | Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet. | | wind | 2019 |
05/08/19 | OK | Governor | Gov. Kevin Stitt on Tuesday signed House Bill 2118, which clarifies approval processes developers for wind farms in Oklahoma must follow to ensure needed federal approvals to protect low-level military training areas are obtained before construction on future wind projects can begin. About two weeks after the bill was signed two proposed wind projects in the state -- Minco V and Crowder -- were cancelled by Nextera Energy. | Se also: | wind | 2019 | |
06/12/19 | ND | State regulators | Public Service Commission | In what one commissioner called a "historic" decision, North Dakota utility regulators denied a siting permit for a wind farm in the state's northwest corner following opposition from state and federal wildlife agencies. A report from North Dakota Game and Fish in March details concerns from the department over the projects “potential negative impacts to prairie and wetland wildlife species.” | See also: | wind | 2019 |
06/13/19 | KS | Reno County | County commission | Reno County commissioners Thursday did not unanimously agree to move plans for a proposed wind farm forward. That vote had to be unanimous to keep Next Era Energy's plans to put more than 80 turbines at a site in southeast Reno County north of Cheney Lake and south of Haven. | | wind | 2019 |
07/10/19 | RI | North Smithfield | Zoning Board of Review | Three years of fighting against a wind power proposal paid off for neighbors Tuesday night when the Zoning Board of Review voted unanimously to reject a 462.5-foot wind turbine off Old Smithfield Road. The project, first submitted in late 2015 and brought back for review in March, involved installing a 1.5-megawatt wind turbine on land owned by Ruth Pacheco at 810 Old Smithfield Road. The proposal has drawn heavy criticism from neighbors who cite concerns about noise and the “shadow flicker” effect caused by the spinning blades, along with the impact on property values and quality of life. | | wind | 2019 |
07/23/19 | IN | Henry County | Planning Commission | The Henry County Planning Commission voted Tuesday night on the controversial proposal that would have added a Big Blue Ribbon Wind Farm to the area. The vote was 4-4 with one member of the commission abstaining. The proposal did not pass because a clear majority was needed. | | wind | 2019 |
07/25/19 | NY | Chatauqua County | County Legislature | The Chautauqua County Legislature approved two motions unanimously that go against policies being passed by state officials. On Wednesday, one of the motions was in opposition to construct wind turbine farms on Lake Erie. During last month’s legislature meeting, Robert Bankoski, D-Dunkirk, and Kevin Muldowney, R-Dunkirk, spoke about their opposition to the possibility of wind turbine farms on Lake Erie. Following the meeting, Bankoski said several other legislators who represent communities along Lake Erie followed up their comments by creating a motion to to oppose wind turbines on Lake Erie. “We’re not interested and you’re not welcome here,” Bankoski said to any company who would like to build a wind turbine farm on Lake Erie. | | wind | 2019 |
08/01/19 | OR | OR Supreme Ct | Supreme Court | On Aug. 1, the Oregon Supreme Court ruled in favor of a coalition of nine conservation organizations, led by the Friends of the Columbia Gorge, invalidating rules adopted in 2017 by the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council. The decision is expected to invalidate two, among others, controversial power projects — the Perennial Wind Chaser Station in Umatilla County and the Summit Ridge Wind Farm in Wasco County. | | wind | 2019 |
08/15/19 | NY | Sanford | Town board | An angry crowd hurled a range of criticism at a plan to build a 123-megawatt wind turbine project in eastern Broome County, leading the Town of Sanford Board to enact a moratorium while the town’s planning board reviews the project's impact. In an often contentious confrontation between pro and con forces Tuesday night, the five-member board heard nearly 90 minutes of comments from more than a dozen speakers, with each side making often emotional appeals to sway the board. At the end, the opposition won, with the town board voting 4-0, with one abstention, to enact a stay on wind turbine development pending a town study to measure the potential impacts on "public health, safety and welfare, as well as other resources of the Town of Sanford." | | wind | 2019 |
08/15/19 | OH | Seneca County | County Commission | By a 2-1 vote on Thursday, the Seneca County Commissioners went on record against two wind farms proposed locally and came out in support of stronger setback requirements. The resolution states that the county will "withdraw all previous support of the Seneca Wind, Republic Wind or any proposed wind turbine projects to the maximum extent allowed by law." | | wind | 2019 |
08/22/19 | KS | Sedgwick County | County Commission | County commissioners voted Wednesday to update the county’s comprehensive plan and zoning code with specific policies for renewable energy systems. The new regulations prohibit wind facilities and allow solar array systems. | | wind | 2019 |
08/23/19 | IA | Madison County | Board of Health | Passed a resolution asking for 1.5 mile setback from non-participating residences. The board says current commercial wind turbine distances are "inadequate to protect public health." | | wind | 2019 |
08/25/19 | MO | Monroe County | County Board of Commissioners | Monroe County officials have repealed an ordinance that would enable the construction of wind farms, stalling a proposal to build 50 turbines along the Mississippi River. | | wind | 2019 |
09/05/19 | KS | Parsons | Planning Commission | The Parsons Planning Commission voted 5-1 in a special meeting Thursday evening to recommend the city commission approve an amendment to the zoning ordinance that would limit the height of wind turbines to 200 feet, including blade length, in the extraterritorial area. The planners didn’t want an outright ban of all turbines because some residents outside the city may want to install their own residential units, which are much smaller than those for commercial use. | | wind | 2019 |
09/11/19 | NY | Chatauqua County | County Planning Board | On Tuesday, the planning board voted to disapprove the town of Villenova’s zoning referral for the Ball Hill Wind Energy project. In July 2018, the planning board also disapproved of the town’s zoning referral. | | wind | 2019 |
09/11/19 | IA | Madison County | County Board of Supervisors | Rather than a two-year, or a 28-month cooling off period, which county officials would give themselves to come up with a formal policy on wind turbines, the three-member Madison County Board of Supervisors opted to shorten a moratorium to just one year. | | wind | 2019 |
09/13/19 | MI | Sherwood Township | Planning Commission | After 22 months of work, the Sherwood Township Planning Commission has recommended the first Wind Turbine control ordinance to its township board. After an 8-0 vote, it will go to the township for its Nov. 4 meeting. The ordinance has a 330-foot height limit. | | wind | 2019 |
09/13/19 | IN | Clinton County | County Commission | A 3-0 vote Monday morning will keep a moratorium in place. First placed in 2017, it bans wind farms from being built in Clinton County. | | wind | 2019 |
10/08/19 | IA | Madison County | Board of Supervisors | On a 2-1 vote, passed a one-year moratorium on new wind projects. Confirmed the vote with Diane Fitch and Mary Jobst. | | wind | 2019 |
10/29/19 | IA | Page County | Board of Supervisors | By unanimous vote Tuesday morning, the county's board of supervisors approved an ordinance designed to--quote--"promote the public health, safety, comfort and general welfare" regarding turbines, while facilitating--quote--"economic opportunities for rural residents and promoting a goal of increased production from renewable energy sources." | | wind | 2019 |
11/09/19 | IN | Henry County | Board of Zoning Appeals | The Henry County courtroom filled with cheers and applause Thursday evening after the Board of Zoning Appeals voted down an appeal from Big Blue River Wind Farm LLC. | | wind | 2019 |
11/20/19 | IA | Adair County | Board of Supervisors | The amendment caps the number of commercial wind turbines or wind farms erected within the boundaries of Adair County at a total of no more than 535. Adair County currently has 532 turbines completed or under construction. | | wind | 2019 |
11/21/19 | CA | Humboldt County | Planning Commission | The Terra-Gen wind energy project received a denial from the Humboldt County Planning Commission on Thursday, concluding an emotional series of meetings in which the commission appeared to be veering toward approval before swinging the other way. | | wind | 2019 |
11/22/19 | NY | Chautauqua County | Board of Health | County "health officials will recommend that all cities, towns and villages within the county pass a proper wind law that restricts industrial wind towers, or IWTs, from being constructed within a mile and a half of any residence and generate 35 or fewer decibels in sound frequency." | | wind | 2019 |
11/24/19 | MI | Tuscola County | Zoning Board of Appeals | A $10 million cash settlement meant to end litigation between alternative energy corporation NextEra Energy Resources and Tuscola County was not accepted by a pair of county entities this week. On July 25, the Tuscola County Airport Zoning Board of Appeals denied variances on 33 wind turbines associated with NextEra’s Pegasus Wind Project, which would place about 60 turbines in Juniata, Fairgrove and Gilford townships. The 33 turbines in question would be close enough to the Tuscola Area Airport that a variance must be obtained in order to continue construction. | | wind | 2019 |
12/06/19 | MI | Sherwood Township | Town board | The Sherwood Township Board voted 3-0 Thursday night in favor of an ordinance which was being backed by a local citizens group that is against to the siting of wind turbines in northwest Branch County….the ordinance establishes the maximum height of an industrial turbine at 330 feet. It also requires a setback from a non-participating parcel be 500 percent of the height of the tower and the required setback from a body of water is half a mile. | | wind | 2019 |
12/11/19 | NY | Sanford | Town board | In a Town of Sanford board meeting, new restrictions were introduced to limit the distance turbines can be placed from personal property, and noise frequencies. Those restrictions passed, giving residents a new hope for the future. | | wind | 2019 |
12/12/19 | IA | Hardin County | Board of Supervisors | Hardin County supervisors unanimously passed an indefinite moratorium on wind turbine building permits at its meeting Wednesday. In a 3-0 vote, supervisors passed a resolution placing a moratorium "effective immediately and indefinitely," on wind turbine permits. | | wind | 2019 |
12/12/19 | NE | Hamilton County | Board of Commissioners | By a unanimous vote Monday, the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners rejected a plan for a wind power generation facility in the county. | | wind | 2019 |
12/18/19 | CA | Humboldt County | Board of Supervisors | The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted 4-1 to deny the Terra-Gen wind energy project, rejecting a widely controversial plan to build wind turbines on the Bear River and Monument ridges above Scotia. | | wind | 2019 |
01/07/20 | NY | Farmersville | Town Board | The new majority on the Farmersville Town Board voted Monday to declare a 2019 town wind law void and introduced a more restrictive local law. The proposed local law limits turbine blade ground-to-tip height to 455 feet and seeks a 42-45 dBA noise limit and 3,000-foot setback from turbines to property lines, said Supervisor Francis “Pete” Lounsbury. | | wind | 2020 |
01/08/20 | WY | Carbon County | County Commission | The saga of the two planned wind farm projects will continue into the spring, according to Carbon County Planning and Zoning Director Sid Fox. He said as much on Tuesday morning at the first Carbon County Commissioners’ meeting of 2020, when the board rejected the conditional use permit applications for the Lucky Star and Two Rivers wind farms. | | wind | 2020 |
01/15/20 | VT | Grafton | Town-wide vote | Voters in this small town, which in 2016 rejected a large industrial wind project, have endorsed a new town plan that prohibits industrial and commercial wind. On a 95-66 vote during an all-day ballot Monday, residents approved the new town plan, which bans any large wind facility, and includes other planning updates...Kissel, who was one of the leaders of the group that fought the proposed Iberdrola Renewables wind facility, noted that in 2016, the town voted 235-158 against the industrial wind project. |,594674 | wind | 2020 |
02/07/20 | IL | Dewitt County | Zoning Board of Appeals | On Thursday night, the ZBA rejected the special-use permit by a 5-1 vote after 17 nights of testimony from Tradewind Energy and opponents of the proposed Alta Winds Farm project for the 12,000-acre project in Barnett, Wapella and Clintonia townships. | | wind | 2020 |
02/12/20 | NY | Farmersville | Town Board | Board members voted 3-2 Monday to approve the new wind law. Restrictions include: A 2,000 foot setback of wind turbine generators from any public road — seasonal, regular or limited use as measured from the center point of the road. | | wind | 2020 |
02/14/20 | MA | Plymouth | Board of Health | After years of running into roadblocks, residents who live near Future Generation Wind made some headway Wednesday night when the Plymouth Board of Health unanimously voted to declare the four turbines along Route 25 a nuisance. | | wind | 2020 |
02/19/20 | MO | Buchanan County | Planning and Zoning Commission | The Buchanan County Planning and Zoning Commission proposed a total commercial ban for wind turbines in a meeting Wednesday night. Steven Reardon of Marion Township proposed a motion for a total ban on wind turbines in the county. After further discussion, the proposal was put to a vote. The commissioners voted in favor, 8-4....Reardon said that he represents the township that was targeted by NextEra (the Florida company that wanted to install turbines), and that he did not hear from one person in past public hearings that was in favor of the wind turbines. | | wind | 2020 |
02/27/20 | MI | Matteson Township | Planning Commission | The Matteson Township Planning Commission Wednesday approved an amendment to its zoning ordinance “to permit wind energy conversion systems, and to establish regulations and standards for them.” The ordinance requires a setback of 1.25 miles from the property line of a non-leased parcel, which among other setbacks DTE finds excessive. | | wind | 2020 |
03/04/20 | NE | Hamilton County | County Board | County board members voted Monday to approve zoning regulation amendments designed to further protect Hamilton County and its residents from potential health and financial risks that some fear could be caused by allowing large commercial wind energy developments. wo months after the county voted to reject a four-turbine wind energy project south and west of Interstate 80, the board approved several specific amendments requested by citizens who had vehemently opposed the Omaha-based Bluestem Energy Solutions project. | | wind | 2020 |
03/05/20 | ND | Public Service Commission | Public Service Commission | On a 2 to 1 vote, the North Dakota Public Service Commission failed to approve the siting application for a wind farm in Ward and McLean Counties. | | wind | 2020 |
03/09/20 | HI | Zoning Committee | Honolulu City Council Zoning Committee | The Honolulu City Council Zoning Committee approved the resolution last week banning installation of the windmills within 5 miles of neighboring properties, The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported Sunday. City officials warned the change would essentially eliminate future development of wind farms anywhere on Oahu. The resolution must be passed by the full city council before going into effect. Councilwoman Heidi Tsuneyoshi introduced the resolution in response to an outcry from residents in Kahuku over the development of the Na Pua Makani wind-power project. | | wind | 2020 |
03/16/20 | MO | Buchanan County | County Commission | Members of the Buchanan County Commission say their vote to ban wind farms in the county is based on information received by the Planning and Zoning Commission during several meetings and public hearings. Presiding Commissioner Lee Sawyer says no one testified on behalf of wind energy at the public hearings. Opponents were worried about property values. | | wind | 2020 |
03/24/20 | VT | Pub Utils Com | Utilities Commission | State utility regulators have thrown out the application for permission to raise a single industrial-grade wind turbine on a farm field in Holland — ending the last active petition for a major wind project in Vermont. | | wind | 2020 |
03/31/20 | CA | Santa Barbara County | County Board of Supervisors | An appeal of the design for a wind energy project in the hills south of Lompoc was denied Tuesday by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors, which previously denied an appeal of the land use permit granted by the County Planning Commission. | | wind | 2020 |
04/14/20 | NY | Farmersville | Town Board | The Farmersville Town Board passed a Wind Energy Facilities Law Monday night after nearly an hour of comments during a “virtual public hearing.”...The local law was similar to the one approved on a similar 3-2 vote in January, doubling the setbacks of turbines to 3,000 feet, decreasing the height of turbines to 450 feet from 600 feet and limiting noise from wind energy projects like the proposed 340 megawatt Alle-Catt Wind Farm....Aaron Saykin of Hodson Russ, a law firm representing Invenergy, the parent company of Alle-Catt Wind Farm, said the public hearing was not properly advertised and suggested that Deputy Supervisor Mark Heberling had a conflict of interest in that his wife, Ginger Schroder, an attorney, was representing opponents to the wind farm. The 3-2 vote on the local law was not unexpected. It is the same vote as on the similar local law passed in January. | | wind | 2020 |
04/22/20 | CO | Logan County | Planning and Zoning Commission | After hearing a constant barrage of complaints from Logan County residents in the Fleming area about NextEra Energy’s Niyol Wind Farm, the planning commission voted 4-2 to table conditional use permit applications for up to 82 wind turbines in the area west and south of Fleming. The commission did, however, approve a permit for a meteorological tower to measure wind in the area. | | wind | 2020 |
06/03/20 | PA | Carbon County | Court of Common Pleas | Carbon County Court of Common Pleas Judge Steven R. Serfass has denied a land use appeal filed by Atlantic Wind LLC and the Bethlehem Authority, seeking to erect a wind turbine project in Penn Forest Township. | | wind | 2020 |
06/19/20 | KS | Reno County | County Planning Commission | The Reno County Planning Commission agreed after about a 90-minute public hearing on Thursday to amend county zoning regulations on commercial wind developments. The submitted regulations call for a minimum setback of 10 ½ times the overall height of the turbine from the property line of a nonparticipating landowner that contains a residence, though a property owner can give written permission to build within 1.5 times the height of the turbine. The turbines in the NextEra proposal were just under 300 feet tall, though the blades make the overall height almost 500 feet, so that would make the proposed distance 5,250 feet or just under a mile. The group’s proposal would require setbacks of 2 miles from incorporated cities and schools and 5 miles from airports. | | wind | 2020 |
07/13/20 | ND | Mercer County | County Commission | A moratorium on wind-related projects in Mercer County has blocked the construction of a wind farm, making Mercer the second county in central North Dakota to enact anti-wind ordinances. The county's two-year moratorium, designed to block the construction of a proposed Garrison Butte Wind Farm by Alberta-based company Capital Power, was announced at a packed Mercer County Commission meeting July 1 in which both coal industry workers and wind advocates gave passionate pleas for the future of energy in the county. | | wind | 2020 |
07/14/20 | WA | Benton PUD | Benton PUD | "We do not support further development of wind power in the PNW...While development of wind farms may be politically fashionable and appeal to many in the general public as a harmonization of nature with electricity production, the science and economics indicate powering modern civilization with intermittent generation resources like wind and solar power comes at a high financial and environmental cost.” | | wind | 2020 |
07/15/20 | NE | Gage County | Board of Supervisors | Permits for wind energy will not be accepted by Gage County after the Board of Supervisors approved a moratorium on turbine meetings during Wednesday’s meeting. The moratorium, initially proposed two weeks ago for a period of four months, was amended before approval this week and will now last for the next three months....Prairie Wind Watchers, the group spearheading the requested amendments, is focusing on specific changes it would like to see made by the county. A primary concern is increasing current setback requirements that stipulate turbines must be 3/8 miles from residences. The group is asking that figure to be increased to one mile. The group is also asking officials to make changes to how decibel levels are calculated. | | wind | 2020 |
07/28/20 | KS | Governor | Gov. Kelly | Today, on World Nature Conservation Day, Governor Laura Kelly announced a proclamation reaffirming the Tallgrass Heartland wind moratorium region of the Flint Hills. The area encompasses portions of 12 Kansas counties containing two thirds of the world’s remaining tallgrass prairie. | | wind | 2020 |
08/10/20 | KS | Linn County | County Commission | Linn County Commissioners on Monday extended a moratorium on the development of wind farms in the county until December 2021, saying the additional time would allow the county time to collect public opinion on wind development via an advisory vote or survey. The move followed the county’s adoption in June of a previous moratorium on the development of wind farms December 1, 2020. Commissioners said that delay would give the county time to update its comprehensive plan and get the views of county residents and landowners on the wind energy issue. | | wind | 2020 |
08/19/20 | IL | Piatt County | County Board | The Piatt County board has extended its moratorium on wind farm applications for another six months, keeping it in effect until about mid-March. A six-month moratorium was scheduled to expire in September, but the county has yet to finalize changes to its wind energy conversion ordinance, most notably the portion that covers large-scale wind farms. | | wind | 2020 |
08/21/20 | NY | Westerlo | Town Board | The Westerlo Town Board voted, 3 to 2, to extend the town’s moratorium on commercial wind and solar energy systems after a lengthy public hearing where the co-founders of Stella Solar argued against the extension, saying that it threatened plans for a two-megawatt array it had hoped to build on a farm at 300 Johnny Cake Hill Road. | | wind | 2020 |
08/25/20 | NE | Saline County | Planning and Zoning Board | A four-month moratorium for wind farm applications was approved by the Saline County Planning and Zoning Board. The moratorium, defined as “the temporary prohibition of activity,” was requested by Wilber resident Jeff Koll during its Aug. 18 meeting. Koll said the board needs to update specific wind project regulations before any projects may move forward within the county. | | wind | 2020 |
09/09/20 | NE | Gage County | County Board | Northern Gage County residents won a long battle today, as the Gage County Board approved an amendment increasing the setback between wind turbines and non-participating rural homes, to one mile. Applause broke out in the hallway outside the supervisor’s room, as an overflow of interested citizens reacted to the board’s vote. | | wind | 2020 |
09/17/20 | IL | Christian County | County Board | The Christian County Board voted “Yes” on Tuesday to keep the Christian County Zoning Board of Appeals recommendations for setbacks and shadow flicker for wind turbines 10-6 effectively ending any chance of wind turbines being built in Christian County. | | wind | 2020 |
11/06/20 | WY | State | Wyoming State Board of Land Commissioners | After heated deliberation, Wyoming regulators voted to deny a renewable energy company a lease to build a wind farm on state land in Albany County on Thursday, after members of the public expressed concern the development would compromise scenic viewsheds. | | wind | 2020 |
12/12/20 | NE | Wheeler County | County Commission | Wheeler County Commissioners that they had unanimously passed a county zoning regulation that entirely bans industrial wind energy projects in that county. | | wind | 2020 |
12/22/20 | IA | Madison County | Board of Supervisors | Passed ordinance prohibiting wind turbines within 1.5 miles of non-participating landowners | wind | 2020 | |
01/05/21 | IN | Posey County | County Commission | Officials put one more nail in the windmill coffin in Posey County. The County Commission voted to prohibit wind turbines within 10 miles of the Doppler Radar sight in Owensville. | | wind | 2021 |
01/05/21 | IA | Delaware County | County Board of Supervisors | The Delaware County Board of Supervisors recently denied a request from Con Edison for variances on a proposed wind turbine project. The project calls for three wind turbines along driveways from 230th Street in Prairie Township. The turbines would be connected with an underground collection line that follows east along 230th Street to 167th Avenue. | | wind | 2021 |
01/19/21 | IL | Monroe County | County Board | Changes to the wind energy code include increasing the setback required from nearby structures, forbidding shadow flicker on neighboring properties and public roadways, requiring developers to conduct seismic testing before and after construction of a site within 10 miles of known cave systems in karst areas and limiting the noise that can emitted by turbines. | | wind | 2021 |
03/02/21 | IL | Piatt County | Zoning Board of Appeals | The Piatt County zoning board of appeals is recommending 15-hour wind turbine shadow flicker limit on adjacent homes. That is the same amount that the county board sent back tot he ZBA in January. | | wind | 2021 |
03/10/21 | MI | Maple Valley township | Township Board | The township board voted 4-0 on Monday night to rescind Ordinance 24, which it had approved last November; to rescind approval of a ballot question on the ordinance (making a planned voter referendum on the ordinance later this year now unnecessary); and to place a six-month moratorium on any wind activity in the township. | | wind | 2021 |
03/12/21 | MA | Town of Scituate | Select Board | Responding to years of complaints from neighbors that they can’t sleep at night because of the noise from the Scituate Wind turbine, the Scituate Select Board ordered the operation shut down at night — from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. — from mid-May to mid-October....Scituate Wind had previously shut off the turbine at night during the summer under specific wind conditions, but neighbors said the noise was still robbing them of sleep and health. | | wind | 2021 |
04/07/21 | RI | Town of Foster | Planning Board | Wind turbines appear headed for a townwide ban in Foster after the Planning Board voted 5-1 to change the green energy ordinance to no longer allow the alternate energy sources in town last Wednesday. | | wind | 2021 |
04/12/21 | IA | Worth County | Board of Supervisors | The Worth County Board of Supervisors passed a "temporary moratorium" on commercial wind projects in the county on Monday, though it's unclear what effect it will have on an ongoing project. | | wind | 2021 |
05/10/21 | WI | Town of Lincoln | A renewable energy company is once again proposing new wind turbines in Eau Claire County. This time, the proposal is in the Town of Lincoln, but the town passed a six month moratorium on wind farm development Monday. The moratorium is in response to a proposal by RWE Renewables Americas to create a windfarm in the town, just south of Highway 12. A couple dozen residents voiced their support of the moratorium at Monday's meeting, some citing concerns about the negative impact turbines could have on the community. | | wind | 2021 | |
05/12/21 | IA | Grundy County | Board of Supervisors | At a packed meeting conducted inside the third floor courtroom to accommodate the overflow crowd, the Grundy County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to implement a moratorium on wind farm construction in response to an Invenergy proposal to construct a project in the northeast part of the county. | | wind | 2021 |
05/25/21 | MA | Kingston | Board of Selectmen | The shadow flicker and noise concerns of the past won’t be revisited upon Kingston residents. The Board of Selectmen unanimously voted 5-0 Tuesday night against supporting Green Development LLC of Rhode Island’s proposal to replace Kingston’s controversial Independence wind turbine with a new one. | | wind | 2021 |
06/12/21 | MI | Montcalm | Township Board | Members of the Montcalm Township Board voted unanimously Wednesday evening to implement a six-month moratorium (through the establishment of a new, temporary ordinance) on the issuance of any zoning approvals, rezonings, permits, licenses or approvals for wind energy systems | | wind | 2021 |
06/22/21 | CA | Shasta County | Planning Commission | Bucking a staff recommendation, the Shasta County Planning Commission late Tuesday night unanimously rejected the use permit for a controversial wind farm project planned for the Intermountain area just west of Burney. Commissioners sided with opponents who said the Fountain Wind project's impact on the environment, the scenery and the potential long-term harm it would do to the area's economy outweighed the benefits of the massive wind farm. | | wind | 2021 |
06/24/21 | OH | State of Ohio | Siting Board | In a rare move, the Ohio Power Siting Board unanimously rejected plans for a large, commercial-scale wind farm in northwest Ohio on Thursday. Citing well-organized public opposition from Seneca County residents and a long list of their elected officials, the OPSB said it will not allow the proposed Republic Wind Farm project to proceed. Once touted by its developer as a $92 million investment, Republic Wind was proposed primarily for Seneca County as well as one township in neighboring Sandusky County. | | wind | 2021 |
06/29/21 | IA | Woodbury County | Board of Supervisors | Woodbury County is one step closer to tighter wind energy restrictions for commercial wind farms. The board of supervisors held a second public hearing Tuesday night on a wind energy ordinance. After the hearing, the board voted 4-1, with Board chair Rocky De Witt opposed, to approve the second reading of the ordinance. | | wind | 2021 |
07/08/21 | MI | Sidney Township | Township Board | Dozens of Sidney Township residents and out-of-town visitors filed into the Sidney Township Hall on Monday night, anxious to see how the vote on the township’s proposed wind ordinance would play out. The 4-1 vote to approve the restrictive wind ordinance resulted in applause, cheers and a horn being blasted from the back of the room and the vocal majority of the attendees leaving satisfied; however, not everyone was happy with the outcome....The vote caused an almost immediate reaction from the majority of those in attendance, as many stood to applaud, high-five one another and thank township officials for passing a restrictive wind ordinance. | | wind | 2021 |
07/11/21 | ME | State of Maine | State legislature | After pressure from Maine lobstermen, Gov. Janet Mills has signed a law that permanently bans the development of offshore wind energy projects in Maine state waters, but it did not come without give-and-take. Under the law, new wind projects are now confined to federal waters. | | wind | 2021 |
07/19/21 | IL | DeWitt County | County Board | he DeWitt County Board approved a controversial motion that is likely to receive pushback from Enel Green Power to cease issuing building permits until proof is shown the wind turbines can be curtailed during severe weather events. | | wind | 2021 |
08/03/21 | MI | State of Michigan | Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Permits for the proposed wind turbine project in Adams and Stanton townships have been denied by the state over concerns of harm to wildlife, including bat and eagle populations, and wetlands. | | wind | 2021 |
08/03/21 | NC | Brunswick County | County commissioners | The Brunswick Commissioners extended the usual “not-in-my-backyard” thinking to “not-within-27-miles” Monday, voting to oppose construction of wind turbines within 24 nautical miles (about 27 miles) of the county’s shoreline....The unanimous vote at Monday’s commissioners' meeting is a change of direction for the board, which declined to support a similar resolution brought forth by Caswell Beach in 2015. The issue re-emerged recently when, following the lead of Bald Head Island, several other Brunswick beach towns passed resolutions opposing turbines within the 24-nautical-mile range. | | wind | 2021 |
08/04/21 | MN | State of Minnesota | Public Service Commission | Minnesota Power has been ordered to dismantle a wind turbine tower in its Bison 4 wind farm in Oliver County, because it is too close to an occupied residence. The turbine in question is 1100 feet from a farmstead owned by Keith and Deanna Kessler. The company had agreed to have a 1400 foot setback from occupied residences. The company asserted that the farmstead was unoccupied. The Kesslers said the farmstead was occupied part of the time, and that they were paying utility bills and taxes on the property. | | wind | 2021 |
08/04/21 | OH | State of Ohio | State legislature | Policy support for renewables has been eroding in Ohio for a decade — the most recent example being a project-siting bill signed by Republican Gov. Mike DeWine last month — and is raising doubts about the long-term future of the wind and solar industries there. Renewable developers say the policies don’t bode well for Ohio in the long run. Among large energy consuming states, only California imports a larger share of its electricity. And that trend is poised to continue... S.B. 52 — signed by DeWine last month — could similarly hurt the solar energy’s future in Ohio, or at least parts of the state. The legislation, which passed without a single Democratic vote, gives Ohio counties the power to veto specific projects or make themselves off-limits to renewable energy development altogether. Renewable energy developers must also go to the Ohio Power Siting Board for approval, giving opponents a second chance to kill projects. | | wind | 2021 |
08/04/21 | MI | Stanton Township | Township Board | The Stanton Township Board imposed a nine-month moratorium on construction for a proposed wind turbine project at its meeting Wednesday. Stanton Township Supervisor Marty Rajala said the moratorium would buy time until the township could complete a resident survey gauging their opinion of the Scotia Wind project, which would include 12 575-foot turbines in Adams and Stanton townships near Whealkate Bluff. The board approved sending the survey to every registered voter in the township... Preliminary results from surveys handed out at the previous meeting showed 82% opposition, Rajala said. | | wind | 2021 |
08/11/21 | IL | Vermilion County | County Board | The Vermilion County Board approved wind energy structure ordinance amendments at its Tuesday meeting o ensure the safety of surrounding buildings and owners, all WECS (Wind Energy Conversion System) Towers shall be set back at least 1,200 feet or three times the height of the WECS tower, whichever is greater, from any primary structure; and upon complaint of any resident as to noise levels the applicant at its own expense shall conduct a sound study using qualified professionals acceptable to the county to examine and resolve such complaints. The county shall have full access to all data and reports or findings of any such studies. The setback had been at least 1.10 times the wind turbine height. | | wind | 2021 |
09/15/21 | NE | Jefferson County | County Commissioners | Jefferson County is closer to finalizing changes to regulations governing wind farms. At meeting of the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Committee held the evening of January 13 and decided on regulations regarding noise levels, shadow flicker and decommissioning.On September 15, 2021, Jefferson County Commissioners voted unanimously to institute a six-month moratorium on win | | wind | 2021 |
08/20/21 | MI | Adams Township | Township Board | The Adams Township Board voted unanimously to impose a six-month moratorium on approving applications for commercial wind and solar projects Wednesday. The township is one of the proposed locations for 12 575-foot wind turbines being constructed by Circle Power near Whealkate Bluff — four in Adams Township, eight in Stanton Township. Earlier this month, the Stanton Township Board passed a nine-month moratorium. The six months in Adams Township was recommended by township attorney Kevin Mackey, who said it was the longest moratorium he could find that had held up in court. | | wind | 2021 |
08/30/21 | KS | Cherokee County | County Commission | Cherokee County Commission members on Monday unanimously adopted a resolution that establishes a one-year moratorium on wind energy development inside of county limits, saying they want additional information on such operations. | | wind | 2021 |
09/13/21 | ND | Stark County | County Commission | Stark County Commissioners voted unanimously to approve a moratorium halting energy development in the county for 9 months, taking effect Monday. While the new moratorium places a large hurdle in the path forward for Marathon and One Energy’s proposed wind turbine project, the City of Dickinson is considering steps that would see the city assume legal jurisdiction over development at the Marathon Refinery — a by-product of the 2020 Census. | | wind | 2021 |
10/24/21 | KS | Reno County | Planning Commission | Imposed a 90-day moratorium on new wind projects in the county. | | wind | 2021 |
10/26/21 | CA | Shasta County | Board of Supervisors | After more than 10 hours of public comments, Shasta County supervisors voted 4-1 to deny an appeal by a company that wants to build a controversial wind farm in the Intermountain area just west of Burney. Tuesday night’s denial upholds the June 22 unanimous decision by the Shasta County Planning Commission to reject the use permit for the Fountain Wind project. Commissioners heard nearly 10 hours of public testimony before their vote. | | wind | 2021 |
11/04/21 | MO | Boone County | County Commission | Executive Director of Renew Missouri James Owen said the proposed regulations act more as a ban on wind development and generation. For example, Owen said the regulations limit the height of wind turbines to under 375 feet. Owen noted there are no wind turbines in the country that are that short and said wind turbines should be at least 400 feet tall. He also took issue with the setback rule. “When you look at a provision of it that says you cannot have a wind turbine sited within 1,750 feet away from a property line, not a house, not a residence but from a property line. If you look at a map of Boone County, there is nowhere where more than one turbine can be [built] anywhere," Owen said. | | wind | 2021 |
11/17/21 | NE | Gage County | County Board | The Gage County Board Wednesday approved final amended regulations on wind energy companies that some officials say prevents any further wind development in the county...The new regulations establish setbacks from non-participating property owners as great as three miles. Previously, the board had approved a setback of one mile, at the request of rural homeowners. | | wind | 2021 |
11/23/21 | OH | Seneca County | County Commission | On Tuesday morning, the Seneca County Commissioners passed a motion to restrict all unincorporated areas of the county from the development of any economically significant wind farms, large wind farms or large solar facilities. | | wind | 2021 |
01/13/22 | NE | Jefferson County | Planning and Zoning Commission | Jefferson County is closer to finalizing changes to regulations governing wind farms. At meeting of the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Committee held the evening of January 13 and decided on regulations regarding noise levels, shadow flicker and decommissioning. | | wind | 2022 |
02/26/22 | CA | Bureau of Land Management | Federal | The federal government has rejected a wind energy project that would have installed dozens of giant turbines in the Walker Ridge area. On Friday, the Bureau of Land Management said it has denied the application for the Walker Ridge Wind Energy Project. The agency said the denial was based on potential resource conflicts and the inadequacy of the information provided to the BLM to address these conflicts and to move forward with the environmental review. | | wind | 2022 |
03/15/22 | OH | Auglaize County | County Commission | Auglaize County commissioners have started the hearing process for wind and solar exclusion zone maps, covering all of Auglaize County after a final resolution was received in support of such a zone from German Township...All 14 townships support exclusion zones. | | wind | 2022 |
03/17/22 | OH | Ohio Siting Board | Ohio Siting Board | The Ohio Power Siting Board denied two separate applications for rehearing regarding the board’s decision to deny an application filed by Republic Wind to construct a 200 MW wind-powered electric generating facility in Seneca and Sandusky County. | | wind | 2022 |
04/26/22 | NE | Otoe County | Otoe County Commission | Otoe County commissioners appeased an overflowing crowd Tuesday with passage of a one-year moratorium on accepting applications for wind turbine permits. | | wind | 2022 |
04/27/22 | MI | Fulton Township | Township Board | There are many wind turbines throughout Gratiot County. Last Thursday, however, the Fulton Township Board put the brakes on a proposal to put a dozen of them in their collective backyard. Culimninating a nearly four-hour meeting, the board voted unanimously (4-0) to turn down the previous recommendation from the township's planning commission to move forward with the Heartland Wind Project. | | wind | 2022 |
05/05/22 | OH | Crawford County | County Commission | A 20-second ovation followed Crawford County commissioners' vote to restrict industrial wind farm development in all unincorporated areas of the county, with members of Crawford Anti-Wind rising to their feet. The resolution, passed 2-1 at a regular meeting Thursday, effectively bars construction of Honey Creek Wind, Apex Clean Energy's planned 300-megawatt industrial wind farm — at least for now. The resolution, passed 2-1 at a regular meeting Thursday, effectively bars construction of Honey Creek Wind, Apex Clean Energy's planned 300-megawatt industrial wind farm — at least for now. Commissioners Tim Ley and Larry Schmidt voted in favor of the resolution; Doug Wisenauer voted against it. Senate Bill 52, which became law in July, significantly changed Ohio's laws governing siting requirements for industrial solar and wind projects, giving county commissioners the ability to prevent Ohio Power Siting Board certification of certain wind and solar facilities. | | wind | 2022 |
05/12/22 | NY | Middleburgh | Town Board | After 10 months of debate and public hearings, the Middleburgh Town Board approved changes to its zoning ordinance on May 12 that will prohibit large-scale wind and solar utility projects. | | wind | 2022 |
01/25/22 | OH | Medina County | County Commission | The Medina County Commission passed a resolution Jan. 25 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas of the county | | wind | 2022 |
04/19/22 | OH | Hancock County | County Commission | The Hancock County Commission passed a resolution April 19 banning large wind and solar projects in most the county | | wind | 2022 |
04/24/22 | OH | Allen County | County Commission | The Allen County Commission unanimously passed a resolution April 24 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas | | wind | 2022 |
08/09/22 | IA | Page County | Board of Supervisors | Page County officials have extended the timeframe restricting the submission of future wind energy permit applications to the county. Meeting in regular session Tuesday morning, by a 2-1 vote, the Page County Board of Supervisors approved to extend the current moratorium on wind energy conversion system construction permits for another 180 days. The current moratorium was set to end on September 24 and is now March 29, 2023. | | wind | 2022 |
08/11/22 | OH | Knox County | County Commission | passed a resolution Aug. 11 banning large wind projects (not solar) in unincorporated areas of the county | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Logan County | County Commission | The Logan County Commission passed a resolution Aug. 11 banning large wind and solar projects in 16 townships and unincorporated areas of the county. The commissioners also voted to prohibit wind and solar projects in all unincorporated parts of the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Bloomfield Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Bokescreek Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Harrison Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Jefferson Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Lake Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Liberty Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | McArthur Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Monroe Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Perry Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Pleasant Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Richland Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Rushcreek Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Stokes Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Union Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Washington Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Zane Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Reily Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Fairfield Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Hanover Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Liberty Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Madison Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Milford Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Morgan Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Oxford Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Ross Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | St Clair Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Wayne Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | West Chester Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | wind | 2022 |
08/31/22 | OH | Big Island | Marion County Commission | The list of townships in Marion County that are restricting the development of solar and wind energy projects is growing. During their Aug. 18 meeting, the Marion County Commissioners voted to approve resolutions submitted by trustees from Big Island, Claridon, Richland, and Salt Rock townships that will limit such development. | | wind | 2022 |
08/31/22 | OH | Claridon | Marion County Commission | The list of townships in Marion County that are restricting the development of solar and wind energy projects is growing. During their Aug. 18 meeting, the Marion County Commissioners voted to approve resolutions submitted by trustees from Big Island, Claridon, Richland, and Salt Rock townships that will limit such developmen | | wind | 2022 |
08/31/22 | OH | Richland | Marion County Commission | The list of townships in Marion County that are restricting the development of solar and wind energy projects is growing. During their Aug. 18 meeting, the Marion County Commissioners voted to approve resolutions submitted by trustees from Big Island, Claridon, Richland, and Salt Rock townships that will limit such developmen | | wind | 2022 |
08/31/22 | OH | Salt Rock | Marion County Commission | The list of townships in Marion County that are restricting the development of solar and wind energy projects is growing. During their Aug. 18 meeting, the Marion County Commissioners voted to approve resolutions submitted by trustees from Big Island, Claridon, Richland, and Salt Rock townships that will limit such developmen | | wind | 2022 |
08/31/22 | OH | Pleasant | Marion County Commission | The commissioners voted to approve a similar resolution put forth by the Pleasant Township Trustees at the conclusion of a public hearing held June 7. | | wind | 2022 |
10/24/22 | KS | Osage County | Osage County Commission | A proposed wind farm in Osage County has been halted as well as any alternative energy development plans for the foreseeable future....On Monday night, October 24, the Osage County Commission unanimously accepted a recommendation that will not allow wind fars or solar energy developments within the county's borders. | | wind | 2022 |
11/01/22 | IA | Butler County | Board of Supervisors | On November 1, the county board of supervisors approved a new zoning ordinance that effectively bans large wind and solar projects. The new ordinance limits wind turbines to no more than 262 feet high. (see page 35.) It also places a myriad of restrictions on large solar facilities, which it identifies as being 50 kW or larger. (See page 42). The minutes of the meeting are here: | | wind | 2022 |
11/08/22 | OH | Crawford County | County referendum | A referendum vote had upheld a 10-year ban on industrial wind development in Crawford County. In final, unofficial results, Issue 4 had 10,964 "Yes" votes, or 74.54%, and 3.744 "No" votes, or 25.46%, according to the Crawford County Board of Elections. The "Yes" vote on Issue 4 supports the 10-year ban on industrial wind development passed by Crawford County commissioners in May. | | wind | 2022 |
11/08/22 | MI | Maple Valley Township | Local referendum | On Tuesday, Nov. 8, midterm voters resoundingly rejected ordinances enabling the Montcalm Wind project by Apex Clean Energy, a developer attempting to erect 75 turbines on farmland in Montcalm County northeast of Grand Rapids. | | wind | 2022 |
11/08/22 | MI | Douglass Township | Local referendum | On Tuesday, Nov. 8, midterm voters resoundingly rejected ordinances enabling the Montcalm Wind project by Apex Clean Energy, a developer attempting to erect 75 turbines on farmland in Montcalm County northeast of Grand Rapids. | | wind | 2022 |
11/08/22 | MI | Winfield Township | Local referendum | On Tuesday, Nov. 8, midterm voters resoundingly rejected ordinances enabling the Montcalm Wind project by Apex Clean Energy, a developer attempting to erect 75 turbines on farmland in Montcalm County northeast of Grand Rapids. | | wind | 2022 |
12/05/22 | OH | Green Camp Township | Marion County Commission | Six townships in Marion County have now instituted restrictions on the development of solar and wind energy projects. On Thursday, the Marion County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution to restrict solar and wind farm development in Green Camp Township. The Green Camp Township Trustees' resolution designates all unincorporated areas of the township as a "restricted area prohibiting the construction of an 'economically significant wind farm,' 'a large wind farm,' or a 'large solar facility,' as defined by the Ohio Revised Code. | | wind | 2022 |
12/21/22 | MA | Falmouth | Falmouth Select Board | The Falmouth Select Board voted 4-1 on Monday, December 19, to deny Mayflower Wind Energy LLC access to town property to study landfall sites for electric cables connecting its proposed offshore windfarm to the electrical grid. | | wind | 2022 |
01/11/17 | MD | Kent County | MD Public Service Commission | Kent County News dated 01/11/17, announced that a utility law judge for the Public Service Commission has proposed denying the application for the Mills Branch Solar project in Kent County for a Certificate of public Convenience and Necessity. The proposed order would effectively halt 60 megawatt/370-acre project, which has generated local controversy. Kent argued that the project went against its zoning, which does include sites for utility scale solar projects. The project’s developer Apex Clean Energy, argued the PSC could preempt local zoning. | | solar | 2017 |
05/01/19 | NY | Cambria | In May 2019, "Cambria in upstate New York rejected a proposed 100-megawatt solar project because it violated the town’s zoning laws, and another upstate town, Duanesburg, recently imposed a six-month moratorium on new solar projects." | | solar | 2019 | |
05/01/19 | NY | Duanesburg | In May 2019, "Cambria in upstate New York rejected a proposed 100-megawatt solar project because it violated the town’s zoning laws, and another upstate town, Duanesburg, recently imposed a six-month moratorium on new solar projects." | | solar | 2019 | |
07/16/19 | NC | Lincoln County | County | Lincoln Cty loses appeals court litigation filed by citizens opposing Strata Solar's proposed solar plant. Application originally filed in 2013 | | solar | 2019 |
08/08/19 | VA | Madison County | County | Madison Cty BOS approves a zoning ordinance restricting utility-scale solar to industrial-zoned land |,Ridge%20Independent%20website%20reported%20Thursday.&text=That%20change%20in%20land%2Duse,in%20Madison%2C%20the%20Independent%20reported. | solar | 2019 |
08/26/19 | VA | Culpeper County | County | Cricket Solar withdrew its application to develop 1800 acres of historic, agricultural land after intense opposition led by Citizens for Responsible Solar | | solar | 2019 |
10/04/20 | VA | Culpeper County | County | Greenwood Solar's CUP approved in 2018 expires after citizens successfully delay approval of site plan. Opposition led by Citizens for Responsible Solar | | solar | 2020 |
11/20/20 | VA | Culpeper County | County | Maroon Solar (Strata Solar) withdraws its permit to develop 1700 acres of timberland. Opposition led by Citizens for Responsible Solar | | solar | 2020 |
04/21/21 | VA | Fauquier County | County | Fauquier County planning officials rejected an application for a 40-acre solar farm in Bealeton last Thursday, signaling disapproval for projects that shrink the county’s supply of agricultural land. If the project were to make it to final approval, it would be the first to be built in the county since Dominion Energy opened a 125-acre facility near Remington in 2017. The decision may not bode well for another solar project designed for 20 acres off Meetze Road that is further back in the approval pipeline. | | solar | 2021 |
05/04/21 | VA | Culpeper County | County | Maroon Solar (Strata Solar) submitted a revised application and phased its original project to three 300-acre parcels to try to accommodate the county's limit of 300 acres for solar on ag land. Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to deny. Opposition led by Citizens for Responsible Solar | | solar | 2021 |
05/20/21 | VA | Page County | County | Citizen opposition successfully prevented BOS from passing a pro-developer ordinance and have also kept a project from proceeding; CfRS supported their effort | | solar | 2021 |
05/28/21 | NY | Bedford | Town | Bedford Town Board voted to reject a petition for proposed solar plant zoning amendment | | solar | 2021 |
06/05/21 | PA | Mt. Joy Township | Townshp | Mt. Joy Township supervisors deny permit for 75 MW solar plant. | | solar | 2021 |
06/20/21 | NY | Niagara County | County | Niagra County passed a new law requiring solar developers to submit a detailed recycling plan for solar planels hoping it will discourage developers from pushing large solar projects in the county. | | solar | 2021 |
07/08/21 | MI | Hazelton Township | Township board | Officials in one Shiawassee County township have imposed a year-long solar moratorium to prevent any new solar farms from beginning work following a campaign by a local businessman. Hazelton Township officials - along with the township attorney - voted at June’s board meeting to place a moratorium on any developments despite Shiawassee County currently having authority over the township’s zoning and planning. | | solar | 2021 |
07/15/21 | MT | Butte | Zoning Board | The Butte-Silver Bow Zoning Board on Thursday made the decisive call, voting down a special use permit to build a gigantic 1,600-acre solar array in south Butte 5-0. In their justification, Zoning Board members cited the pure size of the array, saying it would undeniably change the landscape of those who live in the Little Basin Creek area. They said the public’s strong opposition carried weight. | | solar | 2021 |
07/22/21 | NV | BLM | Plans for what would have been the largest solar installation in Nevada — a 9,200-acre facility on public land roughly 50 miles northeast of Las Vegas — have been withdrawn by the sponsor, the Bureau of Land Management confirmed Thursday. In an undated letter sent this week to the field manager of BLM’s Las Vegas office, which the agency provided Thursday, the project’s sponsors, Oakland-based Solar Partners VII LLC, said it would withdraw the application “in response to recent communication” with the agency. | | solar | 2021 | |
07/28/21 | VA | Augusta County | County | Augusta votes to limit solar to 200 acres. | | solar | 2021 |
08/20/21 | MI | Adams Township | Township board | The Adams Township Board voted unanimously to impose a six-month moratorium on approving applications for commercial wind and solar projects Wednesday. | | solar | 2021 |
08/26/21 | KY | Clark County | County | Clark County is pulling the plug on a major solar farm project. At least, for now. It’s been a divisive issue. | | solar | 2021 |
09/08/21 | IN | Howard County | County BZA | Howard County boad of zoning appeals voted to deny Engie's special exception permit to build 2,000-acre solar plant | | solar | 2021 |
10/06/21 | VA | Mecklenburg County | Planning Commission | The Mecklenburg County Planning Commission rejected Longroad Energy’s request to build an 800-acre utility-scale solar project on farmland near Chase City Friday. | | solar | 2021 |
11/23/21 | OH | Seneca County | County Commission | The Seneca County Commission passed a resolution on November 23 banning large wind and solar projects in Seneca County | | solar | 2021 |
11/29/21 | VA | Henry County | Board of Zoning Appeals | More than 70 people attended a four-hour marathon public hearing by the Henry County Board of Zoning Appeals on Thanksgiving Eve, and when it was over, requests from two solar energy companies to transform hundreds of acres of land in Axton into solar farms had been turned down. | | solar | 2021 |
12/12/21 | NY | Town of Windham | Town supervisors | The town of Windham is placing a six-month moratorium on commercial solar and wind projects as the town works to craft legislation for renewable energy farms. | | solar | 2021 |
12/21/21 | IA | Johnson County | Board of Zoning Appeals | On December 21, 2021, the Johnson County Board of Supervisors enacted a temporary moratorium on issuance of conditional use permits for utility-scale solar energy systems with a cumulative nameplate alternating current (AC) capacity greater than 10 megawatts (MW) in unincorporated Johnson County. The moratorium will be in effect until 11:59 p.m. CT, June 5, 2022. | Moratorium -- Utility-Scale Solar - Johnson County, Iowa ( | solar | 2021 |
12/30/21 | ME | Lovell | Selectmen | Although the Lovell Planning Board had voted earlier this month not to explore a moratorium on large-scale solar projects in town, at a well-attended meeting on Tuesday, Lovell selectmen voted 2-0 to draft such an ordinance. Voting in favor of the 180-day moratorium were selectmen’s chair Stephen Goldsmith and Selectman Robert G. Drew. Selectman Janice Arsenault was absent. | | solar | 2021 |
01/28/22 | NY | Glen | Town Supervisors | Glen renewed a six-month moratorium on new solar projects | | solar | 2022 |
02/11/22 | NY | Root | Town Supervisors | The neighboring towns of Root and Canajoharie both passed moratoriums on solar farms this week, making them some of the latest Montgomery County towns to pump the brakes on large scale solar development. The moratoriums come as SunEast Development is in the very early stages of a 200-megawatt facility that would potentially sit on land in both towns, according to project manager Chet McLaughlin. | | solar | 2022 |
02/11/22 | NY | Canajoharie | Town Supervisors | The neighboring towns of Root and Canajoharie both passed moratoriums on solar farms this week, making them some of the latest Montgomery County towns to pump the brakes on large scale solar development. The moratoriums come as SunEast Development is in the very early stages of a 200-megawatt facility that would potentially sit on land in both towns, according to project manager Chet McLaughlin. | | solar | 2022 |
02/22/22 | IN | Delaware County | County Commission | After an onslaught of local opposition to the Meadow Forge solar project, aimed at the farm fields between Gaston and Matthews, Delaware County commissioners on Tuesday ordered a one-year moratorium on solar farm development...The crowd in the courtroom and the hallway for Tuesday morning's meeting broke into applause after the commissioners' unanimous vote in favor of the moratorium. | | solar | 2022 |
03/15/22 | ME | Smithfield | Town Meeting | Voters at the annual Town Meeting approved a 180-day moratorium on commercial solar projects, a municipal budget totaling $952,023 and amendments that include one for shoreland zoning. | | solar | 2022 |
03/21/22 | ME | Ellsworth | City Council | At the City Council meeting on March 21, the council voted to extend the moratorium on medium- and large-scale solar projects by another 180 days. The vote was 6-1, with Councilor Steve O’Halloran the only opposition. | | solar | 2022 |
04/15/22 | MN | Scandia | City Council | Solar farms are “off” again.The Scandia City Council last week placed a moratorium on its solar farm ordinance, limiting any new installations within city limits for up to a year. | | solar | 2022 |
04/19/22 | MI | Montrose Township | Township Board | Anticipating a larger attendance than usual, the Montrose Township Board held its Tuesday, April 19 meeting in the Kuehn-Haven Middle School auditorium. During the meeting the board voted unanimously to place a six-month moratorium on solar farm development, to further study new concerns brought forward by citizens who spoke at the meeting. | | solar | 2022 |
04/21/22 | NY | Glenville | Glenville Town Board | The town of Glenville has enacted a two-year moratorium on solar projects in its agricultural residential district. | | solar | 2022 |
04/26/22 | NY | Niagara County | County Legislature | A New England renewable energy company's plans to place solar energy projects in the Town of Newfane hit a snag after Niagara County legislators placed a moratorium on tax deals within its jurisdictions. | | solar | 2022 |
04/27/22 | MO | C'ity of Bloomfield | The City of New Bloomfield, Missouri, midway between St. Louis and Kansas City, has voted 5 to 0 to set new rules regulating utility scale solar.power projects. The rules appear to speifically target the Guthrie Solar Project being developed by NextEra. These rules deine the project, in its current form, as a nuisance to the town. | | solar | 2022 | |
04/28/22 | RI | Johnston | Zoning Board | Cranston-based Green Development's five new solar farm project defeated after nearly 8-hour hearing...A proposal for five new solar farms in has been defeated in Johnston. On Thursday, April 28, hundreds of Johnston residents gathered at the Johnston Senior Center to participate in a public hearing over Cranston-based Green Development’s proposal to build five solar fields on more than 324 acres of mostly wooded land in a residential zone of the town’s western end. |,173348 | solar | 2022 |
05/11/22 | WA | Kittitas County | County Commisioners | Kittitas County commissioners’ decision to place a moratorium on large-scale solar panel projects felt justified given rumored projects in the works and lack of consensus on placing these facilities in the rural countryside. | | solar | 2022 |
05/12/22 | NY | Middleburgh | Town Board | After 10 months of debate and public hearings, the Middleburgh Town Board approved changes to its zoning ordinance on May 12 that will prohibit large-scale wind and solar utility projects. | | solar | 2022 |
05/21/22 | IL | Lee County | County Board | The Lee County Board extended its moratorium on solar, wind and battery storage projects for another three months while a review to regulate such developments continues. | | solar | 2022 |
05/25/22 | NY | Cattaraugus County | Industrial Development Agency | The Cattaraugus County Industrial Development Agency voted Tuesday for a six-month moratorium on new applications for solar projects. The Lee County Board extended its moratorium on solar, wind and battery storage projects for another three months while a review to regulate such developments continues. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Allen County | County Commission | he Allen County Commission unanimously passed a resolution April 24 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Auglaize County | County Commission | The Auglaize County Commission unanimously passed a resolution April 26 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Reily Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Fairfield Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Hanover Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Liberty Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Madison Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Milford Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Morgan Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Oxford Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Ross Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | St Clair Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Wayne Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | West Chester Township | County Commission | The Butler County Commission passed a resolution June 23 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas in 12 townships in the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Hancock County | County Commission | The Hancock County Commission passed a resolution April 19 banning large wind and solar projects in most the county | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Logan County | County Commission | The Logan County Commission passed a resolution Aug. 11 banning large wind and solar projects in 16 townships and unincorporated areas of the county. The commissioners also voted to prohibit wind and solar projects in all unincorporated parts of the county. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Bloomfield Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Bokescreek Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Harrison Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Jefferson Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Lake Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Liberty Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | McArthur Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Monroe Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Perry Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Pleasant Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Richland Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Rushcreek Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Stokes Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Union Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Washington Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Zane Township | Logan County Commission | Logan County has 17 townships. On November 22, 2022, I spoke to Logan County Administrator David Henry, . He said that the only township in the county that was not included in the August 11 resolution was Miami Township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Medina County | County Commission | The Medina County Commission passed a resolution Jan. 25 banning large wind and solar projects in unincorporated areas of the county | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Allen Township | County Commission | The Union County Commission passed a resolution June 15 that bans large solar projects (not wind) within eight townships that requested the prohibition. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Claibourne Township | County Commission | The Union County Commission passed a resolution June 15 that bans large solar projects (not wind) within eight townships that requested the prohibition. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Darby Township | County Commission | The Union County Commission passed a resolution June 15 that bans large solar projects (not wind) within eight townships that requested the prohibition. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Jackson Township | County Commission | The Union County Commission passed a resolution June 15 that bans large solar projects (not wind) within eight townships that requested the prohibition. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Leesburg Township | County Commission | The Union County Commission passed a resolution June 15 that bans large solar projects (not wind) within eight townships that requested the prohibition. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Liberty Township | County Commission | The Union County Commission passed a resolution June 15 that bans large solar projects (not wind) within eight townships that requested the prohibition. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Taylor Township | County Commission | The Union County Commission passed a resolution June 15 that bans large solar projects (not wind) within eight townships that requested the prohibition. | | solar | 2022 |
08/23/22 | OH | Washington Township | County Commission | The Union County Commission passed a resolution June 15 that bans large solar projects (not wind) within eight townships that requested the prohibition. | | solar | 2022 |
07/24/22 | NY | Glen | Town Board | The Glen Town Board affirmed their support for measures in a proposed local law tightening regulations over utility-scale solar projects and made only minor changes to the draft law during a special meeting on Thursday. | | solar | 2022 |
08/03/22 | MI | Winfield Township | Township referendum | Winfield Township voters overwhelmingly shot down a recently approved solar ordinance, 457 “no” votes to 185 “yes” votes, or 71% to 29%...Tuesday’s referendum result means the township does not have a solar ordinance; nor has the township board enacted a solar moratorium while the issue remains in dispute. Some residents who voted Tuesday believed that shooting down the solar ordinance was the same thing as shooting down solar development in the township altogether, even though the solar ordinance regulates solar development in the township. | | solar | 2022 |
08/08/22 | VA | Greensville County | Board of Supervisors | The proposed Monarch solar project suffered a major setback Monday afternoon, as the Greensville County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to deny Urban Grid’s “2232 application” at its monthly board meeting. According to 3rd District Supervisor William Cain, the project “is not in substantial alignment with the county’s Comprehensive Plan.” | | solar | 2022 |
08/08/22 | NY | Siting board | State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment | The New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board) today denied approval to North Side Energy Center, LLC (North Side) to build and operate a 180-megawatt solar farm in the towns of Brasher, Massena, and Norfolk in St. Lawrence County. The Siting Board’s decision follows a detailed review of the environmental impact the project would have had on the siting area. |$File/pr22074.pdf?OpenElement | solar | 2022 |
08/15/22 | VA | Greensville County | Planning Commission | For the second week in a row, the Greensville County government has killed off a solar farm project before it could get off the ground. At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Greensville County Planning Commission voted 6-1 to deny the 2232 application for the Purdy Solar project, on the grounds that it does not fall in line with the county’s Comprehensive Plan. Kim Wiley was the only dissenting vote. | | solar | 2022 |
09/15/22 | NJ | Freehold Township | Planning Board | The Planning Board rejected a request to install more than 9,000 solar panels on portions of a local farm after dozens of residents protested the move, officials said. The board voted, 6-2, against the plan at its regular meeting on Sept. 15. The proposal was submitted by NJ Solar 2000, according to Board Administrative Officer Donna Butch. | | solar | 2022 |
09/15/22 | NY | Town of Amsterdam | Zoning Board of Appeals | The Zoning Board of Appeals has denied a use variance for a community solar project proposed in a residential area in the town of Amsterdam. The board voted 4-0 on Wednesday to deny the application from Amp Solar Development after finding the request failed to meet any of the standards required to issue a variance. | | solar | 2022 |
09/21/22 | PA | Adams County Court | Adams County Court of Common Pleas | A Pennsylvania judge has upheld a municipality’s 2021 rejection of a conditional-use permit, the second major setback for what would be the state’s largest solar project on nearly 1,000 acres across 18 farms near Gettysburg....Adams County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael George upheld the denial, saying Florida-based NextEra Energy’s application for the $90 million Brookfield Solar Energy Center “lacks a number of critical details specifically required” by the township zoning ordinance. | | solar | 2022 |
09/22/22 | NV | Nye County | County Commission | Amid public criticism of the Basin Solar project, Nye County commissioners have killed it, voting 5-0 Tuesday o deny the request for the zone change and associated Special Use Permit (SUP) needed to advance the project. The Basin Solar project was planned for the western side of Pahrump...It was proposed as a 20-megawatt, photovoltaic solar array that would have generated enough electricity to power approximately 6,000 homes. | | solar | 2022 |
09/23/22 | IN | Pulaski County | IN Court of Appeals | The Indiana Court of Appeals rejected Mammoth Solar’s appeal for zoning approval to build, what it states would be the largest commercial solar utility in the United States, in Pulaski County | | solar | 2022 |
09/28/22 | NC | Pender County | County Commission | A request to build a solar panel farm on thousands of acres in western Pender County hit a brick wall after county commissioners voted unanimously against it because of environmental concerns. | | solar | 2022 |
10/05/22 | WA | Yakima County | County Commission | A Yakima County moratorium on new solar farms will stay in place as the county devises rules for siting them. Commissioners on Tuesday approved continuing the six-month moratorium on mid- and large-scale solar farms. | | solar | 2022 |
10/07/22 | IN | Pulaski County | Pulaski County Superior Court | On October 7, 2022, The Honorable Greta Stirling Friedman, serving as special judge for the Pulaski Superior Court, issued a decision (the “Decision”) reversing the Pulaski County Board of Zoning Appeals’ approval of Moss Creek Solar’s application for special exception (the “Application”). The Application sought approval for a large commercial solar development spanning more than 1,620 acres of agricultural farmland in Pulaski County. Several neighboring property owners initiated a judicial review proceeding before Judge Friedman in an effort that successfully reversed the BZA’s approval of the Application. | Judges ruling: | solar | 2022 |
10/12/22 | IA | Linn County | Board of Supervisors | In a unanimous vote, the Linn County Board of Supervisors voted in support of the ordinance that puts a moratorium on accepting rezoning applications for the Renewable Energy Overlay District. | | solar | 2022 |
10/17/22 | NC | Catawba County | County Commission | Catawba County leaders rejected a rezoning request that would have made way for a 140-acre solar farm and 125 acres of conserved land...the Catawba County Board of Commissioners unanimously denied the request at Monday’s meeting, citing concerns brought by five speakers at the public hearing. | | solar | 2022 |
10/20/22 | OH | OH Siting Board | Siting Board | The Ohio Power Siting Board on Thursday denied LightsourceBP’s application to construct a 300-megawatt solar farm in Shawnee and Logan Township, citing local opposition to the project that would have occupied about 1,400 acres of farmland. | | solar | 2022 |
10/24/22 | KS | Osage County | Osage County Commission | A proposed wind farm in Osage County has been halted as well as any alternative energy development plans for the foreseeable future....On Monday night, October 24, the Osage County Commission unanimously accepted a recommendation that will not allow wind fars or solar energy developments within the county's borders. | | solar | 2022 |
10/26/22 | TX | Elgin Independent School District | School board | The Elgin ISD board voted unanimously late Monday to reject a Chapter 313 application from an Austin company, Solar Proponent LLC. Company representatives said approval of the application was a key determinant in whether a solar project would get built. | | solar | 2022 |
11/01/22 | IA | Butler County | Board of Supervisors | On November 1, the county board of supervisors approved a new zoning ordinance that effectively bans large wind and solar projects. The new ordinance limits wind turbines to no more than 262 feet high. (see page 35.) It also places a myriad of restrictions on large solar facilities, which it identifies as being 50 kW or larger. (See page 42). The minutes of the meeting are here: | | solar | 2022 |
11/08/22 | MI | Belvedere Township | county referendum | A Belvidere Township solar energy ordinance also fell amid the wave of referendums. | | solar | 2022 |
12/05/22 | OH | Green Camp Township | Marion County Commission | Six townships in Marion County have now instituted restrictions on the development of solar and wind energy projects. On Thursday, the Marion County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution to restrict solar and wind farm development in Green Camp Township. The Green Camp Township Trustees' resolution designates all unincorporated areas of the township as a "restricted area prohibiting the construction of an 'economically significant wind farm,' 'a large wind farm,' or a 'large solar facility,' as defined by the Ohio Revised Code. | | solar | 2022 |
12/15/22 | NY | Rotterdam | Town board | Town lawmakers on Wednesday unanimously approved a yearlong moratorium on large-scale solar arrays, making Rotterdam the latest municipality to adopt such a measure as it reassess its laws regulating the energy-producing systems. The Town Board adopted the moratorium in a 5-0 vote following weeks of input from residents, who urged lawmakers to adopt the measure over concerns about the long-term impact solar arrays pose for the town. Many residents expressed worries that allowing the structures without further regulations does not align with the town’s updated comprehensive plan, which lawmakers also approved Wednesday. | | solar | 2022 |
01/19/23 | OH | OH Power Siting Board | OH Power Siting Board | A state board here has denied the proposed Cepheus solar project near Sherwood. The ruling was made Thursday afternoon by the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) for a project planned by Lightsource bp in areas generally north and east of Sherwood. For more than a year the company was preparing for a project that would have included the installation of solar panels over approximately 350 acres. | | solar | 2023 |
01/03/23 | OH | Prospect Township | Marion County Board of Commissioners | Add Prospect Township to the growing list of Marion County townships that are placing restrictions on the development of solar and wind energy facilities. The Marion County Board of Commissioners voted 3-0 last Thursday during their final meeting of 2022 to approve a resolution that was submitted by the Prospect Township Trustees. The resolution "designates all unincorporated areas of Prospect Township to be a restricted area prohibiting the construction of an 'economically significantwind farm,' a 'large wind farm,' or a 'large solar facility,' as those terms are defined in the Ohio Revised Code." | | solar | 2023 |
01/03/23 | OH | Prospect Township | Marion County Board of Commissioners | Add Prospect Township to the growing list of Marion County townships that are placing restrictions on the development of solar and wind energy facilities. The Marion County Board of Commissioners voted 3-0 last Thursday during their final meeting of 2022 to approve a resolution that was submitted by the Prospect Township Trustees. The resolution "designates all unincorporated areas of Prospect Township to be a restricted area prohibiting the construction of an 'economically significantwind farm,' a 'large wind farm,' or a 'large solar facility,' as those terms are defined in the Ohio Revised Code." | | wind | 2023 |
01/12/23 | VA | Culpeper County Planning Commission | Culpeper County Planning Commission | For the third time, the Culpeper County Planning Commission, at its meeting Wednesday, recommended denial of the Maroon Solar project. | | solar | 2023 |
01/19/22 | KY | Hardin County Planning Commission | Hardin County | A solar farm company looking to build in Hardin County is denied a conditional use permit. The Planning Commission of Hardin County met Tuesday night to discuss a map amendment and conditional use permit for Hardin Solar LLC. Nearly 200 people attended the meeting, many of them part of the Hardin County Citizens for Responsible Solar — a group organized in opposition of industrial solar farms. | | solar | 2022 |
01/21/23 | KY | McCracken County | The McCracken County Board of Adjustment | The McCracken County Board of Adjustment voted unanimously to revoke McCracken County Solar, LLC’s conditional use permit Wednesday evening. | | solar | 2023 |
01/31/23 | NE | Otoe County | Otoe County Board of Commissioners | NOTESThe Otoe County Board of Commissioners approved new zoning regulations on commercial/utility grad wind energy systems at the board’s Jan. 31 meeting. The regulations were approved unanimously after Otoe County Attorney Jenniffer Panko-Rahe suggested some minor changes to the definitions section of the regulations. The audience of about 20 residents who voiced their objections to the original ordinances and worked with the various county agencies to make changes happen applauded after the board cast its votes. | | wind | 2023 |
02/07/23 | NE | Piatt County | Zoning Board of Appeals | Members of the Piatt County Zoning Board of Appeals voiced their concerns on a special use permit application for a Piatt County wind farm last week, and then voted to forward it to the county board without a positive recommendation. The five-member panel voted unanimously against supporting the proposed project after 14 nights of testimony from those supporting and those against the Goose Creek Wind Farm. Last year, Apex submitted an 1,800-special use permit application to build 50 turbines in Goose Creek, Sangamon and Blue Ridge townships. Over 14 nights, the ZBA heard from 62 witnesses, of which 33 testified in support of the project. | | wind | 2023 |
01/15/23 | OH | Waldo Township | Marion County Board of Commissioners | Waldo Township has now joined the list of local government entities in Marion County to place restrictions on the development of solar and wind energy facilities. The Marion County Board of Commissioners voted 3-0 on Thursday to approve a resolution submitted by the Waldo Township Trustees seeking support of the restrictions. Like similar resolutions passed by seven other townships, the resolution "designates all unincorporated areas of Waldo Township to be a restricted area prohibiting the construction of an 'economically significant wind farm,' a 'large wind farm,' or a 'large solar facility,' as those terms are defined in the Ohio Revised Code." | | wind | 2023 |
01/15/23 | OH | Waldo Township | Marion County Board of Commissioners | Waldo Township has now joined the list of local government entities in Marion County to place restrictions on the development of solar and wind energy facilities. The Marion County Board of Commissioners voted 3-0 on Thursday to approve a resolution submitted by the Waldo Township Trustees seeking support of the restrictions. Like similar resolutions passed by seven other townships, the resolution "designates all unincorporated areas of Waldo Township to be a restricted area prohibiting the construction of an 'economically significant wind farm,' a 'large wind farm,' or a 'large solar facility,' as those terms are defined in the Ohio Revised Code." | | solar | 2023 |
11/16/21 | NC | Rowan County | Rowan County Commission | Neighbors in the Gold Hill area of Rowan County worked for months to oppose the construction of a nearly 575-acre solar farm, and on Monday night, those efforts paid off when the Rowan County Commission voted to deny a rezoning request for the developers of the proposed complex. During a four-hour-long meeting and public hearing on Monday night, commissioners voted 4-1 to oppose the request. | | solar | 2021 |
02/08/23 | PA | City of Scranton | Scranton Zoning Board | The zoning board on Wednesday rejected a proposal for a solar farm on West Mountain after some neighbors expressed opposition to the plan. Massachusetts-based ECA Solar sought zoning approval to build a large-scale solar array with 12,000 panels on a 73-acre tract on West Mountain in the rear 800 block of North Keyser Avenue off Graham Street...Keyser Valley Citizens Association Vice President Bridget Chomko, who said she represented Fawnwood and Keyser Valley residents, spoke about potential negative impacts of stormwater runoff and said the neighborhood's quality of life would forever be altered by a solar farm. Residents now have woods and wildlife next door, but if the solar farm is allowed, such an "idyllic view" of Fawnwood "would transform to an eyesore of the metal and the glass of the solar panels," Chomko said. Resident Brian Gallagher also believes the solar farm would only benefit ECA and there would not be any upside for the neighborhood and city. "I think the biggest concern is there is no benefit" to the neighborhood or city, Gallagher said. "Nobody wants to look at them." | | solar | 2023 |
02/07/23 | VA | Culpeper County | Culpeper Board of Supervisors | Culpeper Board adopts a solar ordinance restricting projects to 300 acres, and add a 100-acre land disturbance limit to the solar policy | | solar | 2023 |
02/08/23 | IL | Tazewell County | Tazewell County Zoning Board of Appeals | The Tazewell County Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously voted not to move forward with plans for a solar farm. This decision was made Tuesday during a six-hour meeting that included presentations from the developers and public comment. | | solar | 2023 |
02/28/23 | OK | Garfield County | Metropolitan Area Planning Commission | Renewable energy firm, NextEra, a company with wind farm operations throughout the state, was turned down this week in its effort to build a solar and battery storage operation near Enid. The Enid News and Eagle reports the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission voted to deny NextEra’s petition to use land southeast of Enid for the project. NextEra Energy proposed the Skeleton Creek Solar Project involving nearly 5,300 acres. | | solar | 2023 |
02/12/23 | OH | Marion County | Board of Commissioners | The Marion County Commissioners have adopted a resolution expressing opposition to a proposed solar energy facility in Pleasant Township...This is the first resolution approved by the Marion County Commissioners regarding solar or wind energy facilities that names a specific company. Other resolutions have affirmed resolutions from township trustees seeking to restrict the development of large-scale solar and wind facilities. The commissioners’ resolution approved on Thursday states that “the Facility proposed in the Chestnut Solar application is incompatible with the adopted policies for development of renewable energy and farmland preservation” under terms of the amended Marion County Land Use Plan adopted by the commissioners on March 8, 2012. | | solar | 2023 |
02/22/23 | NJ | Atlantic County | Board of County Commissioners | After more than two hours of public comments, the Atlantic County Board of County Commissioners Tuesday, Feb. 21 approved a resolution supporting a moratorium on offshore wind development until such time as the cause of recent whale deaths is confirmed. The resolution was approved 7-2 across party lines. | | wind | 2023 |
12/15/22 | OH | Ohio Power Siting Board | Ohio Power Siting Board | The Ohio Power Siting Board has denied a permit application for the controversial Kingwood Solar utility in Greene County, citing an “overwhelming” number of public comments that disfavored the solar project. The Ohio Power Siting Board found that the Kingwood Solar project would “fail to serve the ‘public interest, convenience, and necessity’ ” as required by Ohio law, based on “the unanimous opposition to the project by local governments whose constituents are impacted by the project,” a spokesperson for the siting board said. | | solar | 2022 |
03/17/23 | IL | Piatt County | County Board | The Piatt County Board has declined a special use permit for a 300 MW wind farm that was proposed to be located in Goose Creek, Sangamon and Blue Ridge townships in northern Piatt County. “We were elected by the people in our various districts to do what is best for our constituents,” said District One Board Member Jerry Edwards, who voted against the project. “I have heard from a lot of residents of Piatt County and for the vast majority, this is something they do not want.”...The board voted 3-2 against the permit. | | wind | 2023 |
03/06/23 | IA | Union County | Board of Supervisors | Union County Board of Supervisors extend industrial energy moratorium til 12/10/2023. | | wind | 2023 |
03/21/23 | IA | Grundy County | Board of Supervisors | Last Tuesday, March 21, in Grundy Center marked the final public hearing in the running saga concerning the recodification of the Grundy County Development Ordinance as the Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to pass the first reading of the new ordinance. Though the ordinance recodification encompasses a variety of regulatory changes for Grundy County, a series of meetings and public hearings within the past year drew citizens from around the area to lobby for greater restrictions on future wind turbine development. When the ordinance came before the board for a vote on Tuesday, turbines in Grundy County would be required to abide by stricter decommissioning plans, more stringent processes to determine if they are a noise nuisance, and most notably, it would raise the setback limit from residential dwellings from 1,200 feet to five times the height of the turbine, blade included. | | wind | 2023 |
02/13/23 | IL | City of Pontiac | Pontiac Planning and Zoning Board | In a stunning setback for solar, the City of Pontiac, Illinois has scuttled plans to construct a solar energy project that would transform a vacant lot in town into a shiny solar desert. At an emotional Feb. 13 hearing before the City of Pontiac Planning and Zoning Board, city official denied the application of Bundleflower Solar LLC to rezone the property so that as many as 5,568 photovoltaic solar panels could be installed there. A few days later, Bundleflower Solar withdrew its application altogether, putting an end to a project that had garnered fierce opposition from the city’s residents. To add insult to injury, the owner of the 49-acre property, where the thousands of solar panels were to be installed, changed his mind and came out in opposition to the project. The dramatic turnaround shows what can happen when citizens are well informed about how harmful solar (and wind) projects are, and then mobilize to stop deep-pocketed renewable-energy developers from ruining their communities. | | solar | 2023 |
03/14/23 | NE | Buffalo County | County Board of Commissioners | The Buffalo County Commissioners voted unanimously last week to approve distancing rules that were recommended by the planning commission. The rules say a wind farm can’t be located or expanded within three miles of agriculture residential zoned property, three miles from any parcel owned by a non-applicant, three miles of a church, hospital, pool or park, five miles of any village or city, two miles of a burial site, the Platte River and South Loup River areas or five miles from a wildlife preservation or management area. | | wind | 2023 |
04/20/23 | IA | Page County Board of Supervisors | Page County Board of Supervisors | One mile setback from property line! 300 max height. | | wind | 2023 |
10/31/21 | VA | Dinwiddie County | Board of Supervisors | NOTEShe Dinwiddie Board of Supervisors disapproved a rezoning agreement for a solar farm preventing what would have been a subsequent siting agreement and a conditional use permit for the project from also being approved. Lily Pond Solar, a wholly owned subsidiary of Energix US, is proposing to design, construct and operate an 80-megawatt alternating current solar photovoltaic ground mounted electric generation project. | | solar | 2021 |
04/26/23 | VA | Henry County | Board of Zoning Appeals | After multiple public hearings, community meetings, and appearances before the Henry County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA), an Axton Solar project was turned down on Tuesday. Vesper Energy had gained approval from the BZA in December for a 1,000-acre solar project that had been studied for more than two years. They had been approved for 1,200 acres and were denied a request for an expansion, so they withdrew and reapplied. | | solar | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Butler Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | wind | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Butler Township | Columbiana County Commissioners | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | solar | 2023 |
05/15/23 | IA | Cerro Gordo County | Board of Supervisors | The Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors today approved an 18-month moratorium on accepting applications on issuing permits for utility-scale wind energy conversion systems, solar energy installations, and battery storage installations in the rural portions of the county. |—%20The%20Cerro%20Gordo,rural%20portions%20of%20the%20county | solar | 2023 |
05/15/23 | IA | Cerro Gordo County | Board of Supervisors | The Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors today approved an 18-month moratorium on accepting applications on issuing permits for utility-scale wind energy conversion systems, solar energy installations, and battery storage installations in the rural portions of the county. |—%20The%20Cerro%20Gordo,rural%20portions%20of%20the%20county | wind | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Center Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships | | solar | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Center Township | Columbiana County Commissioners | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | wind | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Middleton Township | Middleton Township | | NEWS LINKS | solar | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Middleton Township | Columbiana County Commissioners | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | wind | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Salem Township | Columbiana County Commissioners | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | solar | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Salem Township | Columbiana County Commissioners | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | wind | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Unity Township | Columbiana County Commissioners | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | solar | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Unity Township | Columbiana County Commissioners | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | wind | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Washington Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | solar | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Washington Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | wind | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Wayne Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | solar | 2023 |
05/11/23 | OH | Wayne Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners approved a resolution to limit the construction of large wind and solar farms in seven townships during Wednesday's meeting. The resolution bans economically significant solar and wind farms in Butler, Center, Middleton, Salem, Unity, Washington and Wayne townships. | | wind | 2023 |
03/02/23 | OH | Fairfield Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners have approved a ban on big solar and wind farms in four townships and agreed to hold a public hearing on extending the prohibition to seven more townships. Commissioners on Wednesday voted to prohibit construction of what they call “economically significant” wind farms, large wind farms and large solar facilities in the unincorporated areas of Fairfield, Franklin, Perry, and West Townships. | | solar | 2023 |
03/02/23 | OH | Fairfield Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners have approved a ban on big solar and wind farms in four townships and agreed to hold a public hearing on extending the prohibition to seven more townships. Commissioners on Wednesday voted to prohibit construction of what they call “economically significant” wind farms, large wind farms and large solar facilities in the unincorporated areas of Fairfield, Franklin, Perry, and West Townships. | | wind | 2023 |
03/02/23 | OH | Franklin Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners have approved a ban on big solar and wind farms in four townships and agreed to hold a public hearing on extending the prohibition to seven more townships. Commissioners on Wednesday voted to prohibit construction of what they call “economically significant” wind farms, large wind farms and large solar facilities in the unincorporated areas of Fairfield, Franklin, Perry, and West Townships. | | solar | 2023 |
03/02/23 | OH | Franklin Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners have approved a ban on big solar and wind farms in four townships and agreed to hold a public hearing on extending the prohibition to seven more townships. Commissioners on Wednesday voted to prohibit construction of what they call “economically significant” wind farms, large wind farms and large solar facilities in the unincorporated areas of Fairfield, Franklin, Perry, and West Townships. | | wind | 2023 |
03/02/23 | OH | Perry Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners have approved a ban on big solar and wind farms in four townships and agreed to hold a public hearing on extending the prohibition to seven more townships. Commissioners on Wednesday voted to prohibit construction of what they call “economically significant” wind farms, large wind farms and large solar facilities in the unincorporated areas of Fairfield, Franklin, Perry, and West Townships. | | solar | 2023 |
03/02/23 | OH | Perry Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners have approved a ban on big solar and wind farms in four townships and agreed to hold a public hearing on extending the prohibition to seven more townships. Commissioners on Wednesday voted to prohibit construction of what they call “economically significant” wind farms, large wind farms and large solar facilities in the unincorporated areas of Fairfield, Franklin, Perry, and West Townships. | | wind | 2023 |
03/02/23 | OH | West Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners have approved a ban on big solar and wind farms in four townships and agreed to hold a public hearing on extending the prohibition to seven more townships. Commissioners on Wednesday voted to prohibit construction of what they call “economically significant” wind farms, large wind farms and large solar facilities in the unincorporated areas of Fairfield, Franklin, Perry, and West Townships. | | solar | 2023 |
03/02/23 | OH | West Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County Commissioners have approved a ban on big solar and wind farms in four townships and agreed to hold a public hearing on extending the prohibition to seven more townships. Commissioners on Wednesday voted to prohibit construction of what they call “economically significant” wind farms, large wind farms and large solar facilities in the unincorporated areas of Fairfield, Franklin, Perry, and West Townships. | | wind | 2023 |
05/24/23 | IA | Woodbury County | Woodbury County Board of Supervisors | Updated Woodbury County wind turbine setback distances from city limits and public conservation areas have been approved. The Woodbury County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved and adopted increased commercial wind turbine setbacks Tuesday. The newly approved setback distances are two miles from city limits and a mile from public conservation areas...Jim Fisher, representing the City of Moville, said the city council unanimously supported a five-mile setback from city limits. | | wind | 2023 |
04/28/22 | TN | Franklin County | County Commission | Commercial renewable-energy facilities will not be allowed in Franklin County, based on a County Commission decision to deny them. Two energy-development companies had expressed interest in establishing solar farms in Franklin County, and the Regional Planning Commission was fielding input on whether to change zoning regulations that would have allowed them. However, recent opposition about the potential impacts stemming from large-scale solar farms covering several hundred acres prompted the commission to take action Monday that prohibits such large commercial operations. The commission’s vote included 15 against allowing commercial renewable-energy facilities, none in favor, and Commissioner Helen Stapleton abstaining from voting on the issue....The resolution says that county commissioners are concerned about the ramifications of commercial renewable-energy-production facilities attempting to locate in Franklin County. The list includes solar and wind farms that “consume large amounts of arable or potentially industrial or residential land, and the long-term effects of such facilities are still undetermined.” | | solar | 2022 |
05/10/23 | KS | Franklin County | Board of County Commissioners | Pat Toth, Planning and Building Director, discussed amending the Franklin County Zoning Regulations to add an addendum granting a temporary moratorium on the planning, establishment, construction, application for or permitting of any Special Use Permits for Commercial Wind Energy Conversion Systems in the unincorporated areas of Franklin County, Kansas until December 31, 2026. The Commission expressed interest in putting a moratorium in place on March 15, 2023, and the Planning Commission discussed the matter on April 23, 2023. The Planning Commission voted in favor of the matter and has forwarded a recommendation for approval to the Board of County Commissioners...Commissioner Waymire moved and Commissioner Harris seconded to adopt Resolution 23-21 to amend the Franklin County Zoning Regulations to add an addendum granting a temporary moratorium on the planning, establishment, construction, application for or permitting of any Special Use Permits for Commercial Wind Energy Conversion Systems in the unincorporated areas of Franklin County, Kansas until December 31, 2026. All voted “yes”. (Note: 11 people spoke at the meeting. All were in favor of the moratorium). | | wind | 2023 |
04/28/22 | TN | Franklin County | County Commission | Commercial renewable-energy facilities will not be allowed in Franklin County, based on a County Commission decision to deny them. Two energy-development companies had expressed interest in establishing solar farms in Franklin County, and the Regional Planning Commission was fielding input on whether to change zoning regulations that would have allowed them. However, recent opposition about the potential impacts stemming from large-scale solar farms covering several hundred acres prompted the commission to take action Monday that prohibits such large commercial operations. The commission’s vote included 15 against allowing commercial renewable-energy facilities, none in favor, and Commissioner Helen Stapleton abstaining from voting on the issue....The resolution says that county commissioners are concerned about the ramifications of commercial renewable-energy-production facilities attempting to locate in Franklin County. The list includes solar and wind farms that “consume large amounts of arable or potentially industrial or residential land, and the long-term effects of such facilities are still undetermined.” | | wind | 2022 |
07/05/23 | KS | Linn County | Linn County | Linn County Commissioners vote 2 to 1 on in favor of new zoning for total prohibition on industrial wind turbines. | | wind | 2023 |
06/23/23 | IL | Village of Teutopolis | Village Board | As Teutopolis continues to add some finishing touches to its wind and solar energy system regulations, the village board is considering the implementation of a noise ordinance...Meanwhile, trustees adopted an ordinance updating the village’s solar energy regulations to, among other minor changes, require a special use permit for ground mounted solar systems. Trustees also adopted an ordinance that essentially prohibits the use of wind energy systems within village limits | | wind | 2023 |
06/15/23 | IA | Clarke County | Board of Supervisors | The Clarke County Board of Supervisors Monday approved 2-0 a resolution for a temporary moratorium on the construction of wind turbines in the unincorporated areas of Clarke County...The reason for the temporary moratorium is to allow the supervisors time to ensure that all county interests are covered concerning turbines, including setbacks, zoning, potential teardown and other concerns. | | wind | 2023 |
07/03/23 | NE | Dawson County | County Planning Commission | The county amended its zoning ordinance that strengthens the decommissioning requirements including creation of a cash escrow account. Key change is stricter noise pollution requirement. The new language: "No Commercial/Utility WECS shall exceed 40 dbas at the nearest structure occupied by humans. Exception: a Commercial/Utility WECS may exceed 40 dBA during periods of severe weather as defined by the US Weather Service." That provision was amended May 15, 2023. | | wind | 2023 |
07/06/23 | IA | Webster County | Board of Supervisors | After months of discussions, meetings and public hearings, amendments to Webster County’s existing zoning ordinance for wind turbine and wind farm development were given the final approval by the Board of Supervisors on Wednesday...following the final hearing, Campbell proposed revising the ordinance to include a one-mile setback from incorporated towns and cities, a definition of “tower height,” a change in setback distance requirements for residential dwelling units to include 1,000 feet for participating landowners and 1,800 feet for non-participating landowners, and changing the distance requirements for cemeteries and other structures to 750 feet or 1.1 times the tower height (whichever is greater). The final revisions were approved and adopted by the board with Conrad, Campbell and Bob Thode voting in favor. Austin Hayek and Nick Carlson both abstained. | | wind | 2023 |
06/13/23 | VT | Town of Bennington | Select Board | The solar developer who has failed for a decade to gain permits for projects on Apple Hill heard a familiar answer Monday from the Select Board — no, nyet, nein, non; thanks but no thanks. That was the board’s unanimous response, even though Allco Renewable Energy LTD. had publicly offered $450,000 to the town if officials would support the project through the permitting process before the state Public Utility Commission....They also detailed the $450,000 offer, which would come from a newly increased federal tax credit the company intends to seek and would pass through to the town once the project is permitted. But speaking afterward, several of the nearly two dozen members of the Apple Hill Homeowners Association and other staunch local opponents urged rejection of the proposal, several times applauding points made by opposition speakers.Lora Block, who spoke on behalf of the association, noted that “we have fought this for 10 years,” along with other opponents, “and we won every time before the PUC and the Supreme Court.” | | solar | 2023 |
03/15/23 | IL | City of Peoria | Peoria City Council | The Peoria City Council has rejected a new solar farm on a six-acre site on near condominiums Reservoir Boulevard. The Planning & Zoning Commission had previously unanimously denied the project because the development was proposed to be built just 80 feet away from residential condominiums. Multiple members of the community attended the council's Tuesday night meeting to give their opinions concerning construction of the solar facility, and it seemed the public was just as divided as the council that voted 7-4 against the proposal. Passing the ordinance would have enabled a six-acre solar panel farm to be built at 3901 Reservoir Blvd. by local solar energy company Hawk-Attollo, LLC. While many Peorians strongly advocated for the city to further embrace solar energy, the residents living in the condominiums adjacent to the site felt the developers picked the wrong location for the farm. | | solar | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Williamsburg Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | wind | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Williamsburg Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | solar | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Washington Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | wind | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Washington Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | solar | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Tate Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | wind | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Tate Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | solar | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Stonelick Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | wind | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Stonelick Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | solar | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Monroe Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | wind | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Monroe Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | solar | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Jackson Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | wind | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Jackson Township | Clermont County Commissioners | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | solar | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Batavia Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | wind | 2023 |
06/21/23 | OH | Batavia Township | Clermont County Commission | Clermont County Commissioners unanimously voted to ban large solar and wind projects in seven townships after a contentious public hearing on Wednesday where residents criticized solar and described one facility under construction as "almost 700 acres of pure hell."...all three county commissioners said that their opinions on the potential economic benefit of solar didn’t matter because they would vote the way their residents wanted them to: in favor of the ban. Clermont joins nearby Brown, Butler and Highland counties which have passed similar bans as solar and wind development spreads across Ohio. The ban will be enforced in unincorporated areas of seven townships, which already passed resolutions against large solar and wind facilities: Batavia, Jackson, Monroe, Stonelick, Tate, Washington and Williamsburg. | | solar | 2023 |
07/14/23 | NY | Town of Knox | Knox Planning Board | After three years of vying for a 4.4-megawatt solar facility on Thompsons Lake Road, RIC Energy has failed to convince the Knox Planning Board to OK the proposal. All five of planning board members present on July 13 voted against the project, citing the concerns of the many town residents who spoke against it at meetings, along with worries about the amount of trees that would need to be cut down and how the presence of a visible solar facility might affect the way outsiders perceive the town. | | solar | 2023 |
07/17/23 | VA | Madison County | Board of Supervisors | AAfter years of discussion, a potential solar farm project in Madison County has been denied. The denial comes nearly five years after the project was first discussed and several years after the first application for it was submitted. In 2021, James and Jean Beall and Springbrook Farm LLC representative Tina Weaver submitted an application to rezone their 91.89 acre parcel next to Yoder’s Country Store to M1, limited industrial. The split-zoned A-1, agriculture, and B-1, business, property required a rezoning to accommodate a solar project on the property—the desired use by the landowners. A special use permit was requested for the latter....Supervisors voted to deny the rezoning 5-0, thus rendering the SUP application moot. | | solar | 2023 |
07/17/23 | MD | Carroll County | County Commission | In a decisive move, Carroll County commissioners have voted unanimously to prohibit the construction of community solar panel projects on agricultural land. This decision comes after months of extensive debates, and public hearings. District 4 Commissioner Michael Guerin, who initiated the motion to recommend removing community solar systems from land zoned agriculture on May 18, expressed his support, stating, “Let’s do this. That’s it.” Guerin and his colleagues’ ultimate choice to ban community solar projects on agricultural land stems from their commitment to safeguarding farmland and agriculture in Carroll County. Carroll County takes pride in being one of the leading agricultural counties in the nation and seeks to maintain this reputation....District 1 Commissioner Joseph Vigliotti underscored that the board’s decision is not a reflection on solar power itself but rather on where it should be implemented. Vigliotti suggested that it is more appropriate to install solar panels on residential rooftops or industrial-zoned land. “When it comes to altering the agricultural zones of our county, we’re not just talking about changing the use of the land…We’re talking about changing the nature of the county”, said Vigliotti. | | solar | 2023 |
07/12/23 | NC | Pender County | County Commission | In the latest chapter of a 10-month saga, Pender County commissioners once again denied a California company’s request to build a 2,400-acre solar farm across three townships. To the wild applause of a packed house at the Monday night’s county commissioner meeting, the board unanimously voted against Coastal Pine Solar’s request for a special-use permit. This came less than a month after Superior Court Judge Dawn Layton ordered the parties into court-appointed mediation on the matter. Coastal Pines filed a lawsuit against Pender County after commissioners denied its zoning request last fall, claiming they rejected expert evidence at the time. | | solar | 2023 |
07/20/23 | VA | Louisa County | Board of Supervisors | The Louisa County Board of Supervisors held a public hearing for a five-megawatt shared solar facility application before subsequently voting it down in a 4-1 vote, with supervisors Eric Purcell and Toni Williams absent from the meeting. Cuckoo District Supervisor Willie Gentry voted in sole approval of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application to rezone 44 acres of agriculturally zoned land to build a solar energy facility....Following the public hearing, Barnes made a motion to deny the CUP request, which was seconded by Adams before being passed in a 4-1 vote, with Gentry voting against the motion. | | solar | 2023 |
07/13/23 | VA | Mecklenburg County | Board of Supervisors | The Mecklenburg County Board of Supervisors voted Monday to cap development of solar projects in the county at 2,325 acres despite calls from local landowners to allow small-scale or community solar projects. The 6-3 outcome, with Tom Tanner, Charles Jones and Sterling Wilkinson voting in opposition, came after citizens shared their views on the proposed cap at the board’s regular monthly meeting in Boydton....Those speaking in favor of the cap included Judy Brothers, head of the anti-solar group Friends of the Meherrin River, and several residents from Boydton whose land adjoins the proposed Antlers Road Solar, a 90 megawatt facility from solar developer RWE Renewables Americas LLC. The Antlers Road project was voted down by the Board of Supervisors in January as not conforming to the county’s comprehensive plan. In February the company sued in the Mecklenburg County Circuit Court, accusing the board of acting in an unreasonable, discriminatory, arbitrary, capricious, unconstitutional and unlawful manner.RWE Renewables Americas asked the court to void the decision of the board and award the company attorney fees. That case is still pending. The suggestion that Mecklenburg County set an aggregate limit of 2,325 acres for all solar developments was first proposed by the 10-member Mecklenburg County Planning Commission in May. | | solar | 2023 |
01/09/23 | VA | Mecklenburg County | Board of Supervisors | A Texas-based renewable energy company is taking Mecklenburg County to court to challenge a vote by the Mecklenburg County Board of Supervisors declaring that its proposed Antlers Road Solar project does not conform with the county’s comprehensive plan. The lawsuit, filed in Mecklenburg County Circuit Court on Feb. 8, was brought by RWE Renewables Americas, LLC, which through its subsidiaries is seeking to build the 90-megawatt Antler’s Road Solar project on 1,009 acres of existing timberland just west of Antlers Road near Boydton....Speaking at the board’s Jan. 9 meeting, company attorney Ann Neil Cosby explained that the Antler’s Road project satisfied seven of eight conditions outlined in the comprehensive plan. The exception is the recommendation that solar projects be located on brownfield sites — of which, Cosby pointed out, Mecklenburg County has very few....Supervisors, by a 6-0 vote, rejected RWE’s appeal and upheld the findings of the planning commission. At the time, board members said their opposition was also based on other factors identified in the comprehensive plan — specifically, its focus on maintaining agricultural operations, the desire to promote tourism and protect the area’s natural and scenic resources, and the importance of town revitalization and expansion. | | solar | 2023 |
05/15/23 | NE | Dawson County | Board of Commissioners | The Dawson County Board of Commissioners had a regular meeting this morning with a public hearing regarding the recommended setbacks and regulation amendments for wind energy in Dawson County. After hearing from the public and discussing the recommended setbacks and regulations with Planning Commission Secretary Don Batie, the board approved the amendments, with an agreement that the topic can be brought back up for discussion down the road. Those setbacks include: 3 mile setback from property lines of non-participating land; 3 times the total height from a dwelling unit within participating land; 3 times the total height from road rights-of-way; and a 3 mile setback from public conservation lands including Wildlife Management Areas and State Recreational Areas; the maximum height of any wind energy conservation systems (WECS) shall be 600 feet from original grade....The board voted unanimously to approve the regulations. If NextEra Energy decides to bring wind energy to the county, the board will deal with each individual turbine through a conditional use permit. | | wind | 2023 |
07/18/23 | RI | Rhode Island | Division of Public Utilities and Carriers | The state’s largest utility company has decided not to move forward with a massive offshore wind project in Rhode Island, arguing that rising costs have made the deal too expensive for ratepayers and out of line with state law. Rhode Island Energy, formerly known as National Grid Rhode Island, announced Tuesday it’s ending a long-term power purchase agreement proposal with offshore wind companies Orsted and Eversource....Rhode Island Energy officials argued the decision, which comes after consultation with the R.I. Office of Energy Resources and R.I. Division of Public Utilities and Carriers, stemmed from higher interests, increased costs of capital, supply chain expenses and uncertainty surrounding federal tax credits....Orsted and Eversource was the only energy group to submit a proposal for Revolution Wind 2. The proposal has since been vetted and now ultimately rejected by Rhode Island Energy. A DPUC spokesperson said state regulators agreed with the utility company’s assessment of the deal, and both entities are expected to submit documentation backing up their decisions within 60 days. | | wind | 2023 |
03/30/23 | VA | Pittsylvania County | Board of Supervisors | It’s done.” That’s how Chatham-Blairs Supervisor Bob Warren characterized new amendments to Pittsylvania County’s solar ordinance that add significant restrictions on future utility scale projects. The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors approved changes to the ordinance March 21 that limit solar farms from being any closer than five miles from another facility and call for a 2% cap on the total acreage that can be devoted to utility scale solar in any one zoning district....The vote came after a public hearing where numerous residents made passionate appeals to end the proliferation of solar panels in the county. Residents raised concerns about aesthetics, stormwater run off, property values, future environmental issues, fire hazards and the impact the acres and acres of panels have on potential tourism to the area. “You are destroying the quality of life in the county,” said Gretna resident Ken Moss, whose family’s Century Farm will be located next to a nearly 1,500 acres solar farm off Berry Hill Road. Moss spoke as a representative of those who live on Buford Road, which will be used for construction of the Berry Hill facility. | | solar | 2023 |
04/30/23 | MI | Milan Township | Board of Trustees | The ordinance first came under scrutiny after it was amended in 2020 to allow large solar energy projects to be developed in both industrial- and agricultural-zoned districts. Previously, only industrial lands were considered for solar use. That decision drew the ire of some township residents concerned about the potential negative impact such projects might have on property values along with the overall visual appeal of such solar farms...Later at the Feb. 9, 2023, board meeting, a motion to adopt a new article to the solar ordinance was put forth by Gotts that would restrict solar to industrial-zoned district only. Dopkowski and Collins voted against the motion, but Bogi joined with Gotts and Mancik to approve the change. | | solar | 2023 |
09/19/22 | MI | LaSalle Township | Board of Trustees | On Sept. 19, LaSalle Township Board meeting voted on their large-scale solar ordinance [sic]....The board meeting opened with members describing their anguish over answering emails and phone calls in recent weeks. The vote was 3 to 2 to remove AG1 and AG2 farmland from large-scale solar. Setbacks were set at 500 feet from non-participating landowners’ property lines. | | solar | 2022 |
02/21/22 | WI | Town of Dunn | Town Board | According to the Sabin Center of Climate Change Law at Columbia University, in Wisconsin, four towns in Dane County (Deerfield, Dunn, Springfield, and Westport), have policies to restrict solar from agricultural land. Specific language from Dunn ordinance: The purpose of this Ordinance is to require the operator of a proposed System to be located in the Town of Dunn to obtain a license from the Town prior to beginning construction activities in order to protect public health and safety, to minimize or prevent potential adverse off-site impacts from on-site and off-site operations, to protect the conversion of prime soils on agricultural lands to non-farm uses, and to promote the general welfare of the people and communities within the Town of Dunn. This ordinance is enacted to provide for Town review of proposed solar energy facilities and to ensure such facilities are properly installed and are sited in a manner that will protect the natural beauty of the Town and its prime agricultural resources | | solar | 2022 |
03/14/22 | WI | Town of Deerfield | Town Board | According to the Sabin Center of Climate Change Law at Columbia University, in Wisconsin, four towns in Dane County (Deerfield, Dunn, Springfield, and Westport), have policies to restrict solar from agricultural land. Deerfield ordinance language: The Deerfield Board has determined that a license process is needed to protect the health and safety of the public regarding the installation and use of solar energy systems, consistent with the restrictions set forth under Wis. Stat. 66.0401(1m)...The siting of Systems on areas used for crop production is discouraged, particularly on Group 1 and II agricultural soils. In addition to proving food these areas also serve an important component of local agriculture and dairy farming. | | solar | 2022 |
04/21/21 | WI | Town of Springfield | Town Board | According to the Sabin Center of Climate Change Law at Columbia University, in Wisconsin, four towns in Dane County (Deerfield, Dunn, Springfield, and Westport), have policies to restrict solar from agricultural land. Language from the Springfield ordinance: Whereas, solar fields often occupy a large amount of land area, and have proven to be disruptive of land use planning, agricultural activity, local economies and aesthetic values; and Whereas, on March 1, 2021 the Plan Commission recommended Town Board Approval of the comprehensive plan amendments via Plan Commission Resolution 2021-01 and...The Town seeks to minimize these types of conflicts in the future by discouraging dense residential and other non-farm developing in Agricultural Preservation Areas...Given these concerns, the following are the Town's policies relative to the siting of solar fields...Do not site on Group 1 or II agricultural soils. | | solar | 2021 |
10/04/21 | WI | Town of Westport | Town Board | According to the Sabin Center of Climate Change Law at Columbia University, in Wisconsin, four towns in Dane County (Deerfield, Dunn, Springfield, and Westport), have policies to restrict solar from agricultural land. Language from the Westport ordinance: Solar energy systems (“Systems”), while an increasingly important part of a renewable energy portfolio, can have certain adverse impacts...The System may not be sited on Group I or II agricultural soils as these align with the most productive farming areas of the Town. | | solar | 2021 |
05/03/23 | VA | Halifax County | Board of Supervisors | Along with voting to enhance infrastructure in the county, supervisors voted unanimously to place limitations on the location of solar farms. The amendment to the county zoning ordinance approved by the supervisors prohibits the operation of any large-scale solar energy facility within 2,000 feet of the corporate limits of any municipality (township). The Halifax County Planning Commission previously voted to recommend approval of the ordinance change to the supervisors. | | solar | 2023 |
06/11/22 | MI | Goodland Township | Planning Commission | The Goodland Township Planning Commission in a special meeting today voted 5-1 to deny a special land-use permit sought by Orion Renewable Energy to develop a solar energy facility in the township — ending prospects by the Oakland, Calif.-based company to lease more than 1,600 acres for its proposed project. Orion sought to build an estimated $100 million, 100-megawatt solar field project...Foltz, who made the motion to deny the permit, stated, “It’s just too big. I don’t think it belongs in that location.” Bissett concurred, but lamented how difficult the decision to deny the permit and project was because it pitted farmers and landowners who welcomed the income long-term leases would provide, against others who thought it would destroy their view from their homes or to passersby on area roads that bordered the proposed project. | | solar | 2022 |
03/08/22 | CO | Delta County | Board of Commissioners | A plan to provide solar power to a Western Slope rural electric cooperative ran aground last week when the Delta County Board of Commissioners rejected a zoning change for the 472-acre project, citing concerns over the loss of farmland in the county. The 80-megawatt solar project proposed by Guzman Energy would have supplied the Delta-Montrose Electric Association with electricity under a power purchase agreement. Guzman has a 12-year contract to provide DMEA with power. | | solar | 2022 |
10/12/21 | IN | Elkhart County | County Commission | The Elkhart County commissioners all said no to plans for developing a large, new solar energy project near Millersburg. The commissioners decided to deny the request by Savion to rezone agricultural land with a development plan for the project. The unanimous vote Monday overrode support by the Elkhart County Council, the county Plan Commission and the Economic Development Corp.The commissioners sided with neighbors who opposed the proposal for several reasons, including potential decreases in property values and the visual effect of seeing solar arrays from their homes. The commissioners sided with neighbors who opposed the proposal for several reasons, including potential decreases in property values and the visual effect of seeing solar arrays from their homes. “While there are the rights of the landowners to consider who wish to lease the land, there are also the rights of the adjacent property owners to contemplate,” Commissioner Brad Rogers said during the meeting....Kansas City-based Savion had planned to invest $120 million to install a network of solar panel arrays covering about 850 acres on agricultural land leased from two sets of property owners. The sites, in the area of Ind. 13, C.R. 146, C.R. 148 and C.R. 43, are located near American Electric Power transmission lines. The project was expected to generate up to 150 megawatts of energy, with the production intended to pool into the electrical grid owned by PJM. | | solar | 2021 |
07/27/23 | IL | City of Yorkville | City Council | Plans for a second solar farm development in Yorkville, Illinois have been declined by the City Council. Colorado-based Turning Point Energy had proposed constructing the solar farm on two separate land parcels in the Bristol Ridge area. One of the sites, covering 54 acres, would have been located on the east side of Cannonball Trail and south of Galena Road along the north side of the BNSF Railway line. The second site, covering 42 acres, would have been in a nearby parcel to the north. However, when the plan was presented before the Yorkville City Council for a series of votes on rezoning and special permitting, the aldermen declined to proceed. Concerns were primarily raised regarding the proximity of the development to residential areas in Bristol Ridge, as well as potential stormwater runoff. |,in%20the%20Bristol%20Ridge%20area. | solar | 2023 |
07/13/23 | NJ | State of New Jersey | Board of Public Utilities | It wasn’t a good day Wednesday for advancing clean-energy goals at the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. The state agency rejected proposed solar projects that would have generated more than 300 megawatts of electricity and it postponed action on a much-touted plan to begin electrifying buildings, the second-biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in New Jersey. The twin setbacks marked the latest turbulence encountered by the Murphy administration in aggressively pushing its goal to shift to a 100% clean-energy economy, an issue now facing the most sustained opposition of Gov. Phil Murphy’s first six years in office...The solicitation this past spring attracted plenty of interest, with developers seeking approval to build more than 300 megawatts, the goal set by the BPU. But all the projects exceeded confidential price caps set by the agency, leading the commissioners to reject them all. BPU staff blamed regulatory uncertainty and cost increases as factors in the solar developers failing to come under the price caps, which have never been made public and kept private even from the developers seeking approval for their projects. | | solar | 2023 |
02/22/23 | NY | New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting | Administrative Law Judge | An administrative law judge has ruled that Cypress Creek Renewables, the company behind the proposed Bear Ridge Solar project, cannot install solar arrays on acreage previously reserved for “shovel ready” high-tech manufacturing operations in Cambria. The roughly 120-acre area along the north side of Lockport Road between Comstock Road and Campbell Boulevard was zoned Planned Unit Development in 2011, by the Town of Cambria, and solar energy generation is excluded as a permitted use...Following the state Office of Renewable Energy Siting’s October 2022 issuance of a draft siting permit to Cypress Creek Renewables, the Town of Cambria appealed for “party” status so that it could get a hearing regarding particulars of the project siting. Representatives of the town, the company and ORES were involved in a Feb. 7 virtual hearing in which the town’s special attorney, Dennis Vacco, argued the Bear Ridge site plan presented to ORES didn’t account for PUD zone restrictions and the company couldn’t rightfully seek a waiver after the fact. | | solar | 2023 |
07/27/23 | OH | Erie County | County Commission | Erie County's commissioners voted unanimously Wednesday to ban new industrial-scale wind farms and solar farms in much of the county. Commissioners Matt Old, Pat Shenigo and Steve Shoffner voted 3-0 for the resolution, which also bans offshore wind farms in Lake Erie along the Erie County coast.The resolution goes into effect in 30 days...Old said every township in Erie County passed a measure asking the county commissioners to approve the resolution. Public sentiment appears to be overwhelming in favor of the resolution, Old said. “We have been contacted by more citizens who have asked us to do this than anything else in my time as commissioner,” said Old, who has been a county commissioner since January 2017. “I would say hundreds have asked us to do this, and less than a dozen have been against it.”Shenigo said he voted for the resolution because he understands the objections of people who don’t want a wind turbine that’s 750 feet tall to be located near their homes. “Would you want this next to your house?” Shenigo said. “My answer is, I wouldn’t.” The resolution applies to large wind farms and large solar facilities in unincorporated land, but does not apply to any projects in the municipal limits of cities and villages, Old said. | | wind | 2023 |
07/27/23 | OH | Erie County | County Commission | Erie County's commissioners voted unanimously Wednesday to ban new industrial-scale wind farms and solar farms in much of the county. Commissioners Matt Old, Pat Shenigo and Steve Shoffner voted 3-0 for the resolution, which also bans offshore wind farms in Lake Erie along the Erie County coast.The resolution goes into effect in 30 days...Old said every township in Erie County passed a measure asking the county commissioners to approve the resolution. Public sentiment appears to be overwhelming in favor of the resolution, Old said. “We have been contacted by more citizens who have asked us to do this than anything else in my time as commissioner,” said Old, who has been a county commissioner since January 2017. “I would say hundreds have asked us to do this, and less than a dozen have been against it.”Shenigo said he voted for the resolution because he understands the objections of people who don’t want a wind turbine that’s 750 feet tall to be located near their homes. “Would you want this next to your house?” Shenigo said. “My answer is, I wouldn’t.” The resolution applies to large wind farms and large solar facilities in unincorporated land, but does not apply to any projects in the municipal limits of cities and villages, Old said. | | solar | 2023 |
07/26/23 | IA | Ringgold County | Board of Supervisors | Monday the Ringgold County Board of Supervisors approved ordinances regulating wind turbines and utility scale solar energy systems. Prior to this approval the Board held three public hearings allowing Ringgold County residents a chance to voice opinions. The board coordinated with Ringgold County Attorney Clint Spurrier in preparing the ordinances. In addition, the board visited with other Supervisors in surrounding counties to get suggestions on what worked or didn’t work for them when drafting their ordinances. There are currently no wind turbines in Ringgold County however during one of the public meetings last week, Vestas, a wind turbine manufacturer, confirmed they are currently looking at construction in Ringgold County. The purpose of the ordinances is to establish minimum requirements and regulation of siting, construction, operation and decommissioning of commercial energy systems. Commercial scale wind turbines are being capped at 20 total turbines....When asked at a previous public hearing about what type of feedback the Board has received from the community, Supervisor Colby Holmes stated that roughly 98% or 99% of the comments he received do not support wind turbines in the county...For utility scale solar energy systems (US-SES), the Ringgold County ordinance caps total developed acres to 400 acres. | | solar | 2023 |
07/26/23 | IA | Ringgold County | Board of Supervisors | Monday the Ringgold County Board of Supervisors approved ordinances regulating wind turbines and utility scale solar energy systems. Prior to this approval the Board held three public hearings allowing Ringgold County residents a chance to voice opinions. The board coordinated with Ringgold County Attorney Clint Spurrier in preparing the ordinances. In addition, the board visited with other Supervisors in surrounding counties to get suggestions on what worked or didn’t work for them when drafting their ordinances. There are currently no wind turbines in Ringgold County however during one of the public meetings last week, Vestas, a wind turbine manufacturer, confirmed they are currently looking at construction in Ringgold County. The purpose of the ordinances is to establish minimum requirements and regulation of siting, construction, operation and decommissioning of commercial energy systems. Commercial scale wind turbines are being capped at 20 total turbines....When asked at a previous public hearing about what type of feedback the Board has received from the community, Supervisor Colby Holmes stated that roughly 98% or 99% of the comments he received do not support wind turbines in the county...For utility scale solar energy systems (US-SES), the Ringgold County ordinance caps total developed acres to 400 acres. | | wind | 2023 |
08/01/23 | VA | Culpepper County | Board of Supervisors | North Ridge Culpeper Solar LLC withdrew its application on Aug. 1 for a conditional use permit to operate a utility-scale solar facility following a vote by the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors to uphold a previous vote from the Culpeper County Planning Commission classifying the application as not in compliance with the comprehensive plan....Neimann sought to construct and operate a 26 MW project on approximately 355 acres, of which panels and other equipment will only be placed on approximately 252 acres...Following his presentation, the Board had no discussion before Supervisor Susan Gugino made a motion to uphold the planning commission’s vote of non-compliance. The vote passed with a 6 to 1 vote, with Supervisor Tom Underwood voting no after explaining he didn’t understand how the project was out of the comprehensive plan’s scope. | | solar | 2023 |
02/15/22 | NY | St Lawrence County | Planning Board | County Planning Board officials voted unanimously to deny a solar project in the town of Madrid during a recent planning board meeting. Officials heard a presentation regarding the proposed project from Acer Solar, who are acting on behalf of Cyprus Creek Renewables, who own the property. The 4.4 megawatt solar array proposed at 50 Cogswell Corners Rd. required a site plan review and special use permit due to the zoning of the property, officials say. The 102 acre parcel is listed as being in the agricultural district, according to county documents. In total, the array was expected to encompass roughly 30 acres of the 102 acre parcel, but soon drew the ire of the board after they were informed it was on prime and prime if drained agricultural land. “The Board's main concern with the project is that it is proposed on Prime and Prime if Drained agricultural land,” said Jason Pfotenhauer, Director of the St. Lawrence County Planning Office. Many critics of such projects cite the use of prime agricultural land for such projects as a primary concern, as local farmers need maximum acreage for an adequate crop yield. | | solar | 2022 |
08/15/23 | NY | St Lawrence County | Planning Board | The St. Lawrence County Planning Board has denied a proposal to site a solar facility on private property in the town of Madrid, and the property owner says that could present financial difficulties for his family. | | solar | 2023 |
08/14/23 | VA | Fauquier County | Board of Supervisors | Solar farm developers with an eye on the open spaces of Fauquier County are finding an increasingly difficult road to win approval even as demand for energy grows. The Fauquier County Board of Supervisors voted 3-2 Thursday night to uphold an earlier planning commission ruling which blocked construction of a proposed 80-megawatt solar farm in Bristersburg. The decision presents a serious hurdle for the growth of solar energy in Fauquier County. Only one solar project has made it past the county planning commission since 2017 despite rising energy demand...The solar project was found to be in contradiction with a provision meant to preserve farmland & open spaces, The plan also considers project scale and health and wellness concerns. | | solar | 2023 |
08/17/23 | IL | De Kalb County | County Board | Reversing two previous approvals by a county plan committee and a hearing officer, the DeKalb County Board voted 21-3 to deny a special use permit for a solar farm on 31.2 acres north of Pratt Road between East and West Sandwich roads...Latham said $27,000 annually would come from a solar farm while developing for commercial purposes between $200,000 to $320,000. For a 20-year solar farm, it would generate property tax dollars of around $540,000 while a commercial area could produce $6.4 million in the same span, going to school, parks, library, and the fire protection districts among others. ...Other opposition speakers included a staff member from Illinois Representative Jed Davis’s office, Sandwich Plan Commission Chairman Bill Hall, and Ron Bauer of Plano, past president of the Sandwich Fire Protection District and OSL church member. | | solar | 2023 |
07/26/23 | IA | Buchanan County | Board of Supervisors | NextEra Energy Resources company representatives told locals Monday their preliminary plan is to build at least 70 wind turbines on 100 acres of farmland in southwestern Buchanan County...NextEra is awaiting a decision on the future of wind projects in the county after supervisors adopted a moratorium on permits....About 20 people spoke at the two-hour meeting. Several asked questions. A couple outsiders spoke to the project’s benefits. But most had complaints. Among them were doubts about the benefits of green energy as well as concerns relating to health, wildlife, the land’s integrity, the structures’ appearance, decommissioning, setbacks and the purported economic impact. “What has been presented to the public is all potential money that the project will bring and the potential jobs,” said Amanda Miller of Brandon “What has not been presented to the public is the factual economic impacts that are not so glorious and defined. “How will the loss of tillable acres affect our local co-ops and seed dealers? What type of impact will a wind farm have on small-town growth in the area this project’s footprint will surround? What will be the impact of those living directly near the turbines?” |,see%20allowed%20on%20farm%20land. | wind | 2023 |
02/19/21 | WY | Sheridan County | County Commission | Citing numerous concerns and inconsistencies within the company’s 322-page application, Sheridan County commissioners voted unanimously to deny Sheridan Solar, LLC’s commercial solar energy facility permit application on Tuesday...Prior to voting 0-5 to approve the application, commissioners mentioned a variety of concerns with the project...Other issues raised by the commissioners included the project’s impact on the nearby Colorado Colony Ditch; on the viewshed and contribution to light pollution; and public safety concerns related to battery storage. | | solar | 2021 |
10/18/23 | OH | Liverpool Township | Columbiana County Commission | Wind and solar farms have now been banned in all 18 townships of Columbiana County. County Commissioners voted to approve banning the large farms in the final three townships Wednesday morning. The final three to make the ban were St. Clair, Liverpool and Yellow Creek townships. Community members and landowners have been pushing for the ban of these solar farms for months. "We went out and asked the township to tell us what they wanted," Columbiana County Commissioner Tim Weigle. "On their behalf, we did what they asked. We banned the wind and solar because Columbiana County is predominantly agriculture and a lot of the farmers said they didn't want these wind and solar fields in our farmland." Commissioners also voted to intervene and testify against the proposed 2,200-acre Kensington Solar Farm that's pending before the Ohio Power Siting Board. | | wind | 2023 |
10/18/23 | OH | Liverpool Township | Columbiana County Commission | Wind and solar farms have now been banned in all 18 townships of Columbiana County. County Commissioners voted to approve banning the large farms in the final three townships Wednesday morning. The final three to make the ban were St. Clair, Liverpool and Yellow Creek townships. Community members and landowners have been pushing for the ban of these solar farms for months. "We went out and asked the township to tell us what they wanted," Columbiana County Commissioner Tim Weigle. "On their behalf, we did what they asked. We banned the wind and solar because Columbiana County is predominantly agriculture and a lot of the farmers said they didn't want these wind and solar fields in our farmland." Commissioners also voted to intervene and testify against the proposed 2,200-acre Kensington Solar Farm that's pending before the Ohio Power Siting Board. | | solar | 2023 |
10/18/23 | OH | Yellow Creek Township | Columbiana County Commission | Wind and solar farms have now been banned in all 18 townships of Columbiana County. County Commissioners voted to approve banning the large farms in the final three townships Wednesday morning. The final three to make the ban were St. Clair, Liverpool and Yellow Creek townships. Community members and landowners have been pushing for the ban of these solar farms for months. "We went out and asked the township to tell us what they wanted," Columbiana County Commissioner Tim Weigle. "On their behalf, we did what they asked. We banned the wind and solar because Columbiana County is predominantly agriculture and a lot of the farmers said they didn't want these wind and solar fields in our farmland." Commissioners also voted to intervene and testify against the proposed 2,200-acre Kensington Solar Farm that's pending before the Ohio Power Siting Board. | | wind | 2023 |
10/18/23 | OH | Yellow Creek Township | Columbiana County Commission | Wind and solar farms have now been banned in all 18 townships of Columbiana County. County Commissioners voted to approve banning the large farms in the final three townships Wednesday morning. The final three to make the ban were St. Clair, Liverpool and Yellow Creek townships. Community members and landowners have been pushing for the ban of these solar farms for months. "We went out and asked the township to tell us what they wanted," Columbiana County Commissioner Tim Weigle. "On their behalf, we did what they asked. We banned the wind and solar because Columbiana County is predominantly agriculture and a lot of the farmers said they didn't want these wind and solar fields in our farmland." Commissioners also voted to intervene and testify against the proposed 2,200-acre Kensington Solar Farm that's pending before the Ohio Power Siting Board. | | solar | 2023 |
10/18/23 | OH | St. Clair Township | Columbiana County Commission | Wind and solar farms have now been banned in all 18 townships of Columbiana County. County Commissioners voted to approve banning the large farms in the final three townships Wednesday morning. The final three to make the ban were St. Clair, Liverpool and Yellow Creek townships. Community members and landowners have been pushing for the ban of these solar farms for months. "We went out and asked the township to tell us what they wanted," Columbiana County Commissioner Tim Weigle. "On their behalf, we did what they asked. We banned the wind and solar because Columbiana County is predominantly agriculture and a lot of the farmers said they didn't want these wind and solar fields in our farmland." Commissioners also voted to intervene and testify against the proposed 2,200-acre Kensington Solar Farm that's pending before the Ohio Power Siting Board. | | wind | 2023 |
10/18/23 | OH | St. Clair Township | Columbiana County Commission | Wind and solar farms have now been banned in all 18 townships of Columbiana County. County Commissioners voted to approve banning the large farms in the final three townships Wednesday morning. The final three to make the ban were St. Clair, Liverpool and Yellow Creek townships. Community members and landowners have been pushing for the ban of these solar farms for months. "We went out and asked the township to tell us what they wanted," Columbiana County Commissioner Tim Weigle. "On their behalf, we did what they asked. We banned the wind and solar because Columbiana County is predominantly agriculture and a lot of the farmers said they didn't want these wind and solar fields in our farmland." Commissioners also voted to intervene and testify against the proposed 2,200-acre Kensington Solar Farm that's pending before the Ohio Power Siting Board. | | solar | 2023 |
10/18/23 | KY | Clark County | Board of Zoning Appeals | At a meeting Wednesday night, the Clark County Board of Zoning Appeals denied a permit that would have allowed thousands of acres of farmland to be used to create a solar farm throughout the county. The proposed solar farm would have included 73 parcels of land owned by 53 farmers. It would have occupied 3,900 acres and would be built and owned by the company BrightNight. The company was asking for a special exception permit that would have allowed those acres of farmland to be turned into commercial space...However, a crowd of landowners voiced their opposition to the project. Many expressed concerns that the visible solar panels would obstruct the views from their home. David Tillett of Marysville says his property would have been surrounded by the solar farm on three sides. | | solar | 2023 |
09/22/23 | IL | DeKalb County | County Board | The DeKalb County Board voted down an ordinance approving a special use permit for an 88-acre 5-megawatt solar garden in Squaw Grove township just south of Hinckley. Three DeKalb County citizens spoke out against the ordinance during the public comment portion of this week’s DeKalb County Board meeting. The issue centered on the impact of a solar garden on drain tiles, the upkeep of tiles, and how the garden would affect tiles in neighboring fields...County board members rejected the ordinance by a margin of 13 to 8. | | solar | 2023 |
09/20/23 | IL | Grundy County | County Board | It took hours, but after hearing many residents explain why they’re for and against RWE Clean Energy’s plan for an about 960-acre solar farm in Norman Township, the Grundy County Board voted against the special use permit that would allow the project to move forward...Many residents expressed concern that this would remove good farmland from use, which ultimately factored into the board’s decision to vote against the special use permit. County Board member Drew Muffler said there isn’t a need for solar power because Grundy County is already between three energy stations in La Salle, Dresden and Braidwood. Muffler said an engineer he spoke to told him that wind and solar energy are unreliable because there isn’t a base of solar generation that a community can count on. | | solar | 2023 |
09/11/23 | OH | State of Ohio | Supreme Court | A utility-scale solar developer trying to construct a 1,200-acre project in Greene County got bad news from the Ohio Supreme court last week. Ohio's highest court dismissed the company's appeal for a state board to re-hear its rejected application for the Greene County project. The application was rejected due to community pushback to the project because of concerns over an alternate use of farmland and property values. | | solar | 2023 |
01/01/17 | NY | Town of Copake | Town Board | The Hudson Valley town of Copake in Columbia County has gone to court to block construction of Hecate Energy's 60-megawatt Shepherd’s Run Solar farm project. In 2017, Copake enacted a law prohibiting solar projects on ten acres or more. | | solar | 2017 |
10/10/23 | PA | Forward Township | Board of Supervisors | Forward Township’s board of supervisors has approved an ordinance intended to enact controls on the development of alternative energy facilities in the township. This action, taken at the township’s monthly board of supervisors meeting on Monday night, Oct. 10, means alternative energy facilities like solar and wind farms will be considered commercial developments and subject to strict guidelines for their design, installation and — if necessary — decommissioning. | | solar | 2023 |
10/10/23 | PA | Forward Township | Board of Supervisors | Forward Township’s board of supervisors has approved an ordinance intended to enact controls on the development of alternative energy facilities in the township. This action, taken at the township’s monthly board of supervisors meeting on Monday night, Oct. 10, means alternative energy facilities like solar and wind farms will be considered commercial developments and subject to strict guidelines for their design, installation and — if necessary — decommissioning. | | wind | 2023 |
10/20/23 | NY | Governor Kathy Hochul | State of New York | A major renewable energy project off Long Island suffered a big blow on Friday when Gov. Kathy Hochul vetoed a controversial bill that would've expedited a planned wind farm off Long Beach. Residents concerned about electromagnetic fields and construction won a victory against landing an offshore wind transmission line there. "They've never done this on a community like this. We were the first one, and we were essentially gonna be the guinea pig of this process going forward and we weren't having it," said Tim Kramer, a member of Protect Our Coast LINY. Hochul vetoed the bill that would've circumvented local rule and allowed the transmission line from wind turbines more than 15 miles off of Long Beach to power 1 million New York homes. The governor wrote in her veto address, "It is incumbent on Renewable Energy developers to cultivate and maintain strong ties to their host communities." | | wind | 2023 |
11/14/23 | KS | Harvey County | County Commission | Companies will not be allowed to build wind and solar farms in Harvey County. The Harvey County Commission voted unanimously Tuesday to ban commercial wind and utility-scale solar renewable energy projects in the county...Last year, the commission put more restrictions on its commercial renewable energy regulations. Then, the Zoning Advisory Board requested the commission institute a six-month moratorium on commercial renewable energy construction. The commission approved the moratorium in February and extended it in August. It was set to end on Dec. 5. | | solar | 2023 |
11/14/23 | KS | Harvey County | County Commission | Companies will not be allowed to build wind and solar farms in Harvey County. The Harvey County Commission voted unanimously Tuesday to ban commercial wind and utility-scale solar renewable energy projects in the county...Last year, the commission put more restrictions on its commercial renewable energy regulations. Then, the Zoning Advisory Board requested the commission institute a six-month moratorium on commercial renewable energy construction. The commission approved the moratorium in February and extended it in August. It was set to end on Dec. 5. | | wind | 2023 |
11/10/23 | OH | Green Township | Mahoning County Commission | The Mahoning County commissioners Thursday approved a resolution banning large solar facilities and large “economically significant wind farms” in unincorporated areas of Green Township. he commissioners approved the measure 3-0. Before the vote, Audrey Tillis, county administrator, said the public input at the Oct. 30 public hearing at Greenford Christian Church, 11767 Lisbon Road in Green Township, “was overwhelmingly in support of banning it.” She said the commissioners were there that night “to listen to the public.” She said “over 800 signatures” of people in favor of the ban were presented to the commissioners. | | solar | 2023 |
11/10/23 | OH | Green Township | Mahoning County Commission | The Mahoning County commissioners Thursday approved a resolution banning large solar facilities and large “economically significant wind farms” in unincorporated areas of Green Township. he commissioners approved the measure 3-0. Before the vote, Audrey Tillis, county administrator, said the public input at the Oct. 30 public hearing at Greenford Christian Church, 11767 Lisbon Road in Green Township, “was overwhelmingly in support of banning it.” She said the commissioners were there that night “to listen to the public.” She said “over 800 signatures” of people in favor of the ban were presented to the commissioners. | | wind | 2023 |
11/09/23 | MI | Fort Gratiot | Planning Commission | Many remaining from a crowd of hundreds stood in applause late Wednesday night after Fort Gratiot planning commissioners unanimously rejected requests for a massive solar development proposed over 900 acres in the township. Commissioners’ half-hour discussion followed three hours of public comment with roughly 50 who spoke and 140 others who etched a response in a comment card, voicing opposition to Ranger’s plans. Concerns ranged from the potential noise and environmental impact of industrial solar to other unknowns about the proposal — largely a reiteration of widespread community skepticism expressed over the past month after the planning commission, originally unable to accommodate a large attendance, adjourned its Oct. 10 meeting until this week at the Blue Water Convention Center. | | solar | 2023 |
10/26/23 | IA | Dickinson County | Board of Adjustment | Plans for a new wind farm in the Iowa Great Lakes region hit a major roadblock Wednesday night. Opponents of a proposed wind farm in the Iowa Great Lakes region credit a grassroots effort for putting a pause on the project located east and southeast of East Lake Okoboji. Emotions ran high as the Dickinson County Board of Adjustment turned down a permit for Invenergy to install up to 79 turbines. Tears streamed down the face of resident Kris Van Kleet after the Dickinson County Board of Adjustment denied a permit for the Red Rock Energy Center. | | wind | 2023 |
11/17/23 | PA | Venango Township | Planning Commission | The Venango Township Planning Commission has recommended the rejection of a conditional-use application needed to build a giant solar farm in the township. Township supervisors will make the final decision on the application. They are expected to vote on the matter later this month. Wilson Solar LLC, a subsidiary of St. Louis-based Birch Creek Development, applied for conditional-use permission from the township to build a 902-acre, 80-megawatt solar farm along Jones Road, mainly on land zoned for agriculture. Planning commission members said in their recommendation to reject that permission that the proposed solar farm does not meet township zoning regulations written to implement the land use and development objectives of the township's long-range comprehensive plan. | | solar | 2023 |
08/22/23 | IN | Porter County | Department of Development & Storm Water Management | Porter County has rejected the Malden Solar Project's application for zoning approval. Development & Storm Water Director Bob Thompson says NextEra Energy Resources' application was the largest his office has ever gotten, so he hired an outside attorney to help him review it. "The department has made the official zoning determination that Malden Solar's application is not complete and fails to contain all of the information required by the repealed Porter County Ordinance Number 20-11 Solar Energy Systems and the Porter County Unified Development Ordinance," Thompson told the county commissioners Monday...Arvid Merkner said thousands of emails he obtained through public records requests show that NextEra was allowed to review the ordinance before the public, the plan commission or Commissioner Jim Biggs. When a public hearing on the solar ordinance did take place in March of 2020, it happened right as the COVID-19 shutdown began. "The damage that's been done by this corrupted process is just stunning," Merkner told the commissioners. "It's turned neighbor against neighbor. It's ended longstanding friendships. It's caused people to sell their homes and to leave the area. What is especially disturbing is that it's destroyed the trust and the confidence of the people in the county's government." | | solar | 2023 |
11/27/23 | KS | Pottawatomie County | County Commission | Commissioners have spent several weeks working on a resolution to extend it. At this week’s meeting, the commissioners signed a resolution to extend the moratorium for three more years. The moratorium is on utility-scale solar projects which are considered commercial facilities for the purpose of wholesale generated electricity. Solar farms provide solar power greater than one megawatt with the potential to generate several hundred megawatts of electricity and encompass several thousand acres of Pottawatomie County...The moratorium was adopted with a 2-1 vote. | | solar | 2023 |
05/08/23 | KS | Waubansee County | County Commission | Regular meeting minutes show the Commission Hier "moved to adopt Resolution 2023-26 a resolution amending the zoning regulations concerning solar energy conversion systems with a 5 year moratorium until June 1, 2028; Commissioner MacGregor seconded. Motion carried 3-0. | | solar | 2023 |
10/23/23 | NE | Lincoln County | County Commission | After a five-hour public hearing on Oct. 2, followed by two lengthy work sessions, the Lincoln County Commissioners agreed Monday to extend the county-wide moratorium on wind and solar energy for another year and a half. The board agreed to turn the work of revising the zoning regulations for such projects over to Marvin Planning, a consultant who is working on the county’s comprehensive zoning plan and zoning ordinances. | | solar | 2023 |
10/23/23 | NE | Lincoln County | County Commission | After a five-hour public hearing on Oct. 2, followed by two lengthy work sessions, the Lincoln County Commissioners agreed Monday to extend the county-wide moratorium on wind and solar energy for another year and a half. The board agreed to turn the work of revising the zoning regulations for such projects over to Marvin Planning, a consultant who is working on the county’s comprehensive zoning plan and zoning ordinances. | | wind | 2023 |
12/20/23 | OK | US federal court | US District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma | The Osage Nation won a massive ruling in Tulsa federal court on Wednesday that requires Enel to dismantle a 150-megawatt wind project it built in Osage County despite the tribe’s repeated objections. The tribe’s fight against Rome-based Enel began in 2011 and is the longest-running legal battle over wind energy in American history. As reported by Curtis Killman in the Tulsa World on Thursday, the ruling grants the United States, the Osage Nation, and Osage Minerals Council permanent injunctive relief via “ejectment of the wind turbine farm for continuing trespass.” The decision by U.S. Court of International Trade Judge Jennifer Choe-Graves is the culmination of 12 years of litigation that pitted the tribe and federal authorities against Enel | | wind | 2023 |
09/20/23 | IA | Linn County | Board of Supervisors | After months of deliberation, public input and staff development, a revised ordinance for utility-scale solar installations in Linn County will soon be official. The board of supervisors unanimously approved the third and final reading of the revamped ordinance Tuesday. The board had approved the first and second readings of the ordinance at meetings earlier this month. The amended ordinance – effective upon publication in The Gazette, which is expected to happen within the next week – includes stricter guidelines for proposed developers of industrial-scale solar projects in Linn County. | | solar | 2023 |
12/12/23 | VA | Prince George County | Board of Supervisors | The supervisors voted unanimously to reject a solar project proposed by RWE covering 1,270 acres. The minutes of the meeting state, "On October 26, 2023 the Planning Commission determined that the proposed facility is not in substantial accord for the following reason: It does not adhere to the general guidance of the Comprehensive Plan including the Solar Energy Facility Siting Policy, specifically: to avoid the Prince George Planning Area." |$file/December%2012%2C%202023%20(2).pdf | solar | 2023 |
01/09/24 | PA | Venango Township | Board of Supervisors | Many Venango Township residents are breathing a sigh of relief after supervisors unanimously rejected a proposed project they feared would redefine their community. That project was a 900-acre, 80 mega-watt solar farm that would include about 300,000 solar panels in Wattsburg. “I’ve heard it referred to as a six-month nightmare, but we needed that time for them to become educated about the process and to come together as a community. Ultimately, we got the outcome that we wanted,” said Bruce Whitehair, Venango Township resident. Throughout those six months, township supervisors have known where the community has stood. Around 300 signs saying “no solar farm” were put up throughout the township by taxpayers. | | solar | 2024 |
12/21/23 | IL | Will County | County Board | The Will County Board voted Thursday to reject plans for a solar energy facility in Green Garden Township after residents and local officials said the proposal was too close to homes and did not fit with their plans. Surya Powered LLC, through its affiliate Kuse Solar Farm LLC, wanted to build a 5-megawatt commercial solar energy facility on about 40 acres of vacant property on the west side of South 104th Avenue near Kuse Road in Green Garden Township, within about 3/4 mile from the village of Frankfort’s boundaries. The entire parcel is 71.64 acres and zoned for agriculture use. | | solar | 2023 |
11/16/23 | IL | Will County | County Board | The Will County Board rejected plans Thursday for a solar farm in Green Garden Township near Frankfort after more than a dozen residents, elected officials and Frankfort staff members said the proposed energy facility did not fit with the surrounding community. The solar facility would have been about a quarter mile from the village of Frankfort’s border, and officials there objected to the plan. Michael Schwarz, Frankfort’s director of community and economic development, said it was not consistent with the comprehensive plan. Chicago-based Surya Powered wanted to build a 5-megawatt commercial solar farm on about 45 acres of vacant land south of Stunkel Road, east South 88th Avenue near Frankfort. The property is being farmed. Had it been approved, the company anticipated starting construction in the spring, county documents said. In September, Surya Powered withdrew plans for a 5 megawatt plant on a 77-acre site at 24890 W. Center Road, about a quarter-mile north of Monee-Manhattan Road, in the face of opposition. | | solar | 2023 |
02/14/24 | MN | Meeker County | County Board | Meeker County commissioners emphatically told a packed board room last week they are not against solar or wind energy. But they still voted 4-1 to “pump the brakes” on future alternative energy development in the county, approving a one-year moratorium on solar and wind energy systems following a public hearing Feb. 6. The goal, Commissioner Steve Schmitt said, is to give the county’s planning department time to review potential conflicts and questions such developments might create and to consider updates to the county’s zoning ordinance as it relates to solar and wind energy systems. | | solar | 2024 |
02/14/24 | MN | Meeker County | County Board | Meeker County commissioners emphatically told a packed board room last week they are not against solar or wind energy. But they still voted 4-1 to “pump the brakes” on future alternative energy development in the county, approving a one-year moratorium on solar and wind energy systems following a public hearing Feb. 6. The goal, Commissioner Steve Schmitt said, is to give the county’s planning department time to review potential conflicts and questions such developments might create and to consider updates to the county’s zoning ordinance as it relates to solar and wind energy systems. | | wind | 2024 |
02/13/24 | MN | Chippewa County | County Board | Growing interest in wind and solar energy development — which was spurred by Xcel Energy 's intent to build a high-voltage transmission line in the region — has led two counties to adopt moratoriums on renewable energy projects. | | solar | 2024 |
02/13/24 | MN | Chippewa County | County Board | Growing interest in wind and solar energy development — which was spurred by Xcel Energy 's intent to build a high-voltage transmission line in the region — has led two counties to adopt moratoriums on renewable energy projects. | | wind | 2024 |
01/30/24 | PA | Lebanon County | County Judge | A developer’s plan for an 858-acre solar energy farm in North Annville Township suffered a setback on Jan. 26 when a local judge denied its request for a conditional use under the township’s zoning law. The tract is composed of 12 properties near Route 934, all zoned agricultural. All of the owners have agreements with developer Lebanon Solar I LLC, allowing it to install solar panels on the land. The decision by Lebanon County Judge Bradford Charles comes over two and a half years after the project was first proposed by Lebanon Solar I and effectively halts it unless the decision is reversed on appeal or the developer starts over by filing a new application. | | solar | 2024 |
04/06/22 | PA | North Annville Township | Board of supervisors | With the sound of applause erupting in the Union Water Works Fire Hall Tuesday night, North Annville Supervisors quickly voted against a controversial solar farm proposal. Officials denied a conditional use permit under the township's zoning laws on the proposed 858-acre solar farm project. A series of hearings started in late January, and most residents who spoke at them denounced the plans. Supervisors held an executive session on March 30 "for the purpose of reviewing the finding of fact," board president Randy Leisure said at Tuesday's meeting. Supervisors also met in executive session for less than 10 minutes before voting Tuesday. The vote was 2 to 0, with Leisure and vice president Clyde Meyer voting to deny the application. Supervisor Adam Wolfe abstained from voting, saying three of the parcels in the proposed project were owned by his extended family. | | solar | 2022 |
02/07/24 | NY | State of New York | Office of Renewable Energy Siting | The state Office of Renewable Energy Siting has rejected the controversial Shepherd’s Run solar project application about a month after a group of farmers bought a key portion of land slated for development....The rejected proposal, which received draft approval in October, sought to build a solar array on about 220 acres of an 880-acre footprint along and around routes 23 and 7 that would connect to a nearby New York State Electric & Gas substation. Once connected, Shepherd’s Run planned to provide 60 megawatts of power back to the grid, enough to power 15,000 homes annually, according to Hecate. | | solar | 2024 |
02/15/24 | ID | Bannock County | County Commissioners | POCATELLO — The Bannock County commissioners voted against allowing large-scale solar and wind projects to be developed in the county. This decision was met with applause from a full audience at a Thursday work session meeting. The commissioners sent the proposed ordinance back to Bannock County Planning and Development Council. “This is not the time or the place to be installing solar farms,” said Commissioner John Crowder. | | wind | 2024 |
02/17/24 | ID | Bannock County | County Commission | POCATELLO — The Bannock County commissioners voted against allowing large-scale solar and wind projects to be developed in the county. This decision was met with applause from a full audience at a Thursday work session meeting. The commissioners sent the proposed ordinance back to Bannock County Planning and Development Council. “This is not the time or the place to be installing solar farms,” said Commissioner John Crowder. | | solar | 2024 |
02/14/24 | GA | Elbert County | Board of Commissioners | The Elbert County Board of Commissioners voted 4-0 during Monday night's meeting to deny a conditional use permit request from Hester Hill Solar, "a wholly-owned subsidiary of NextEra Energy | | solar | 2024 |
03/12/24 | OH | Mount Vernon | City Council | Craig Adair, vice president of development for Open Road Renewables, made a quick retreat from the Mount Vernon City Council the night of Monday, March 11 after council members unanimously passed a resolution in opposition to the Frasier Solar Project. The resolution makes 16 such resolutions passed by local units of government, mostly townships, opposing industrial solar development including the 1,500 plus acre project, 100 acres of which is planned in Mount Vernon city limits. “Council has concerns over these projects being developed in such close proximity to, and within the boundaries of, the City due to the changes in the visual landscape, reduction in agricultural land for less efficient uses, and the overall effect on tourism potential for the City of Mount Vernon,” Mount Vernon’s resolution reads. The City Council fast-tracked the legislation suspending rules that would require three readings due to an upcoming Ohio Power Siting Board hearing to be held at Memorial Theater on April 4...Following the vote, Knox County Commission candidate Barry Lester opined on the unanimous vote against industrial solar. “I just think it shows that the citizens overwhelmingly do not want solar to take over our farm lands and it shows every time we have one of these meetings where resolutions passed,” Lester told the Mount Vernon News. | | solar | 2024 |
02/27/24 | IA | Pottawattamie County | Board of Supervisors | Pottawattamie County is adopting new wind and solar laws. The county started considering new ordinances last August but was met with considerable community pushback...The main changes the board approved include a three-mile buffer from small towns, parks and recreation sites, and the Council Bluffs airport. Setbacks now must be at least half-a-mile from a house. Before the requirement was just under 0.2 miles. The new ordinance also requires a setback from property lines to be just over a quarter-mile. The new rules also put limitations on how high turbines can be, which is no taller than 412 feet. That change, Wyant said, is a direct result of the community input. [Ed note: the regulations also require protection of ag land, a surety bond, and other measures. The full ordinance is here:] | | solar | 2024 |
02/27/24 | IA | Pottawattamie County | Board of Supervisors | Pottawattamie County is adopting new wind and solar laws. The county started considering new ordinances last August but was met with considerable community pushback...The main changes the board approved include a three-mile buffer from small towns, parks and recreation sites, and the Council Bluffs airport. Setbacks now must be at least half-a-mile from a house. Before the requirement was just under 0.2 miles. The new ordinance also requires a setback from property lines to be just over a quarter-mile. The new rules also put limitations on how high turbines can be, which is no taller than 412 feet. That change, Wyant said, is a direct result of the community input. [Ed note: the regulations also require protection of ag land, a surety bond, and other measures. The full ordinance is here:] | | wind | 2024 |
12/05/23 | PA | Commonwealth Court | Adams County | A massive solar energy project that sparked a backlash in Adams County has lost a second court fight. The Commonwealth Court marked its decision “precedential” when it upheld a lower court ruling that denied a key permit to the Brookview Solar project in Mount Joy Township, outside Gettysburg. That means the decision could inform future cases in which communities fight proposed development...NextEra Energy Resources planned to lease 1,000 acres in the township, spread over multiple parcels, for the 75 megawatt Brookview Solar project, with panels covering about 500 acres...The court also upheld local zoning that requires applicants prove their projects won’t cause harm. “Brookview has failed to prove by credible evidence that the proposed use will not detract from the use and enjoyment of adjacent or nearby lots, substantially change the character of the neighborhood, or adversely affect property values,” Judge Michael George found in his decision. | | solar | 2023 |
02/25/24 | RI | Town of Johnston | Zoning Board | In an unexpected twist, the town’s Zoning Board voted unanimously Thursday night to reject a controversial proposal by Green Development of Cranston to locate a 158-acre solar farm in a heavily wooded part of the northern end of town. A stunned audience of nearly 150 people, most of whom had endured more than 10 hours of testimony over three nights dating to September, listened as the board’s vice chairman, Anthony Pilozzi, made a motion to deny – 21 months after he had made a motion to approve a similar proposal by Green...After Pilozzi spent seven minutes outlining his reasons to reject the special-use permit, board chairman Thomas Lopardo quickly called for a second, then a vote, without asking for any further discussion from the board. The audience, which had gathered hastily at the Johnston Senior Center after word spread throughout town during the day that there might be a vote, broke into loud and extended applause. Many congratulated Matthew Landry, the attorney opponents had hired to rebut the case presented by Green’s experts on both applications. | | solar | 2024 |
03/05/24 | VA | Halifax County | Board of Supervisors | County residents had a clear message for the Halifax County Board of Supervisors at Monday evening’s meeting: They don’t want to see any more solar facilities popping up in their community. The supervisors let the standing-room-only crowd know that their voices had been heard and voted to put a halt on applications for new solar projects for now. Election District 1 Supervisor Pete Riddle made the motion to table any conditional use permit applications for solar projects “until we figure this out.” Riddle’s motion was met with applause from the audience. ED-8 Supervisor William Bryant Claiborne seconded the motion...Riddle’s motion passed in a 7-1 vote...Prior to supervisors’ vote, several county residents spoke out against future solar development in their community. One of those was Alton resident Stacey Long, a member of the group We the People of Virginia, Inc. “Over a year ago when our group ‘We the People’ started our journey against solar here, we were told that this county was just about at its cap (for solar) and we could rest assured it was just about done,” Long said. “Since then, there have been many more approved and more to come. I have spoken with so many people and the vast majority agree that we should not approve any more here … We are now around 1% in Halifax County under solar panels. Where does it stop?” Long voiced concerns that the solar panel arrays would result in “plummeting property values” for neighboring landowners. “My heart breaks for the neighbors in the Alton community, for homes sitting near these monstrosities and now their property is worth at least 20% less,” Long expressed. “Most of these people can’t afford to sell at that price nor do they want to leave their home that they have been in their entire life.” | | solar | 2024 |
03/18/24 | IA | Federal court , Southern District of Iowa | Page County | A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a wind energy developer against Page County. Chief Judge Stephanie Rose issued the order Monday in the Southern District of Iowa, dismissing the case filed by Shenandoah Hills Wind Project, an affiliate of Invenergy, against Page County, the current county board of supervisors, and its members, the county board of adjustments and its respective members, and Zoning Administrator J.D. King. Initially filed in March 2023, the lawsuit followed King's decision to rule the company's permit application for the "Shenandoah Hills" wind farm void due to removing six turbines--constituting a material change--and the county board of adjustments upholding that ruling. | | wind | 2024 |
02/26/24 | TN | Shelby County | Board of Commissioners | A proposed solar farm that was slated to occupy about 600 acres of land in Millington was denied by the Shelby County Board of Commissioners Monday evening, amid fervent opposition from residents.The Graceland Solar Project planned to send the majority of the power generated to a Meta Platforms Inc. data center in Gallatin, Tennessee and the rest will also be sold to the Tennessee Valley Authority. Residents have been active at Shelby County Board of Commissioners meetings and Division of Planning and Development meetings pleading with local officials to put an end to the planned project...The neighbors' concerns ranged from runoff that could cause erosion to the land, RWE's lack of concern for wildlife in the area, and chiefly, that the solar panels will be an eyesore in their rural neighborhood plummeting home values...The Graceland Solar Project is part of TVA’s Green Invest partnership with RWE and Meta. The 150-megawatt solar facility will allocate 100 megawatts to Meta for use at its data center in Gallatin....Though the resolution to allow the solar farm to be built was denied, an attorney Monday night said that the company could sue the county to reverse the commission's decision. Should the company win that lawsuit, the county attorney said the conditions providing additional oversight would be removed. After learning of that, Ford asked the crowd to raise their hands if they were against the item, even with the conditions. Almost all of the spectators raised their hands. Ford then asked if residents were willing to risk losing in court to the solar company and having the solar farm built without the conditions. A nearly identical number of residents raised their hands. | | solar | 2024 |
08/24/23 | OH | Madison Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County commissioners added Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison to the list of townships banning large solar facilities and large wind farms in their unincorporated areas. The vote took place Wednesday morning with no comment from commissioners. The approval of the bans means that 15 of the 18 townships in the county won’t allow construction of the large solar facilities and large wind farms within their unincorporated borders. | | wind | 2023 |
08/24/23 | OH | Knox Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County commissioners added Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison to the list of townships banning large solar facilities and large wind farms in their unincorporated areas. The vote took place Wednesday morning with no comment from commissioners. The approval of the bans means that 15 of the 18 townships in the county won’t allow construction of the large solar facilities and large wind farms within their unincorporated borders. | | wind | 2023 |
08/24/23 | OH | Madison Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County commissioners added Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison to the list of townships banning large solar facilities and large wind farms in their unincorporated areas. The vote took place Wednesday morning with no comment from commissioners. The approval of the bans means that 15 of the 18 townships in the county won’t allow construction of the large solar facilities and large wind farms within their unincorporated borders. | | solar | 2023 |
08/24/23 | OH | Knox Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County commissioners added Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison to the list of townships banning large solar facilities and large wind farms in their unincorporated areas. The vote took place Wednesday morning with no comment from commissioners. The approval of the bans means that 15 of the 18 townships in the county won’t allow construction of the large solar facilities and large wind farms within their unincorporated borders. | | solar | 2023 |
08/24/23 | OH | Hanover Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County commissioners added Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison to the list of townships banning large solar facilities and large wind farms in their unincorporated areas. The vote took place Wednesday morning with no comment from commissioners. The approval of the bans means that 15 of the 18 townships in the county won’t allow construction of the large solar facilities and large wind farms within their unincorporated borders. | | wind | 2023 |
08/24/23 | OH | Hanover Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County commissioners added Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison to the list of townships banning large solar facilities and large wind farms in their unincorporated areas. The vote took place Wednesday morning with no comment from commissioners. The approval of the bans means that 15 of the 18 townships in the county won’t allow construction of the large solar facilities and large wind farms within their unincorporated borders. | | solar | 2023 |
08/24/23 | OH | Elkrun Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County commissioners added Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison to the list of townships banning large solar facilities and large wind farms in their unincorporated areas. The vote took place Wednesday morning with no comment from commissioners. The approval of the bans means that 15 of the 18 townships in the county won’t allow construction of the large solar facilities and large wind farms within their unincorporated borders. | | wind | 2023 |
08/24/23 | OH | Elkrun Township | Columbiana County Commission | Columbiana County commissioners added Elkrun, Hanover, Knox and Madison to the list of townships banning large solar facilities and large wind farms in their unincorporated areas. The vote took place Wednesday morning with no comment from commissioners. The approval of the bans means that 15 of the 18 townships in the county won’t allow construction of the large solar facilities and large wind farms within their unincorporated borders. | | solar | 2023 |
12/16/23 | IL | Bureau County | County Board | The Bureau County Board took the advice of the Planning and Zoning Committee on Tuseday when it denied the conditional use to build and operate two solar farms after the public and officials voiced safety concerns, decreasing home values and decreased enjoyment of outdoor living spaces. Zearing Solar 1 and 2 LLC, a 4.5 MW project, would consist of | | solar | 2023 |
01/24/24 | IL | Village of Antioch | Antioch Planning Commission | A proposed 21-acre solar farm project, slated for a North Avenue parcel, was denied for a zoning variance and special-use permit by the Antioch Planning Commission. Both the variance and site plan were rejected by a 3-2 vote, during a Jan. 3 session, held jointly with the village’s Zoning Board. Despite the denial, the project now moves to a Village Board meeting for discussion, which may also include a formal approval. | | solar | 2024 |
04/18/24 | IL | Ogle County | County Board | OREGON — At its monthly meeting Tuesday, the Ogle County Board unanimously denied a special use permit for one solar project, and unanimously approved another. The denied special use permit was requested by Cenergy Power for a five-megawatt community solar project in Lincoln Township on agricultural-zoned land. The application said the project would be located on approximately 33 acres of the 68.78-acre site. County Board Member Dan Janes (R-Stillman Valley, District 5) led the proceedings on the special use decisions. He said the county's zoning board of appeals voted 3-1 to recommend the denial of the Cenergy Power application. "That land has an extremely-high Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) score," Janes said. "Our committee on this supported the ZBA's findings and voted against accepting it due to the same premise. This is a fine piece of farm land. Last month, we all unanimously endorsed a resolution to support high-quality farm land. More petitions like these will come before the county board. I don't want to see us do one thing and say another. My recommendation is to deny this application." The Lincoln Township land scored a 92 on the LESA method, which tops out at 100. LESA is a land evaluation method for cropland and integrates soil survey interpretations for important farmland classes, land capability classification, and either soil productivity or soil potential ratings. |,51390 | solar | 2024 |
02/17/24 | IL | Grundy County | County Board | The Grundy County Board approved two solar farms, north of the Grundy County Animal Control building and another on DuPont Road, and denied the petition requests of two solar farms north of Morris near Route 47 during its meeting Tuesday night. | | solar | 2024 |
04/18/24 | ND | McLean County | County Commission | Plans to put what would be North Dakota's largest standalone wind farm in the heart of coal country ran into a stumbling block when the McLean County Commission unanimously voted to deny a preliminary project area permit after an hourslong hearing. | | wind | 2024 |
04/17/24 | IL | Vermilion County | County Board | The Vermilion County Board has voted to reject three site proposals for commercial solar energy facilities. All three had been proposed on sites in the southern part of the county. Andrew Kite, an attorney representing the county, reminded board members to focus on the evidence that was considered by the board’s wind and solar committee…. The projects the county board rejected included an approximate 180- megawatt project covering over 1400 acres in Jamaica and Vance townships (in the southwestern part of the county). Also rejected were applications to construct and operate an approximately 4-megawatt commercial solar energy facility just west of Ridge Farm, and an approximate 5-megawatt commercial solar energy facility on about 60 acres of land in Elwood Township – also near Ridge Farm. Eleven of the twenty-six county board members were absent when the votes were taken. Two abstained during the voting citing possible conflicts of interest. Only one voted yes with thirteen voting no. The Illinois General Assembly had earlier approved legislation and Governor JB Pritzker signed it which states if an application for a commercial solar facility meets all ordinance requirements, then county boards shall approve their application. | | solar | 2024 |
04/16/24 | IN | Boone County | County Commission | On April 15, the Commissioners Meeting resulted in a unanimous vote to enact a two-year moratorium on large-scale solar parks and wind farms. This decision followed a public meeting convened by the Boone County Commissioners on April 4, 2024, specifically to discuss concerns regarding these projects. The Boone County Commissioners stated, “We’re pleased to announce the adoption of a two-year solar moratorium, reflecting the strong community support. We extend our gratitude to all community members for their valuable input. Now, it’s time to focus on finalizing our solar ordinances and comprehensive plan.” | | solar | 2024 |
04/16/24 | IN | Boone County | County Commission | On April 15, the Commissioners Meeting resulted in a unanimous vote to enact a two-year moratorium on large-scale solar parks and wind farms. This decision followed a public meeting convened by the Boone County Commissioners on April 4, 2024, specifically to discuss concerns regarding these projects. The Boone County Commissioners stated, “We’re pleased to announce the adoption of a two-year solar moratorium, reflecting the strong community support. We extend our gratitude to all community members for their valuable input. Now, it’s time to focus on finalizing our solar ordinances and comprehensive plan.” | | wind | 2024 |
10/30/23 | IN | DeKalb County | County Commission | DEKALB COUNTY, Ind. (WPTA) - The Dekalb County Commission voted to reject a resolution Monday that would have allowed a renewable energy company to move forward with a planned solar farm. The decision comes after more than two years of debate from those for and against bringing solar to the county. The debate over the issue has brought forward conversations about property rights, taxes, and development. Commissioner Mike Watson spoke about farmers who have decided to no longer farm their land and see solar as a lucrative alternative. “I think they have a right to make that decision,” he said. “I think demonizing that decision is certainly unjust.” A representative with EDF Renewables also spoke before the commissioners voted on Monday.“ Dekalb County has one of the most strict solar permitting processes in the State of Indiana,” Project Developer Sarah Massara said. “Sculpin meets every single one of those requirements.” | | solar | 2023 |
12/22/23 | MA | Town of Wareham | Planning Board | A proposed solar farm off Route 25 near Charge Pond Road was denied site plan review approval at a Planning Board meeting on Monday, Dec. 18. This decision stops development on the project, barring a potential legal challenge or appeal to the board's decision. The planning board denied the project primarily based on its lack of compliance with a required 75-foot setback. Members of the board also expressed concerns that the project might contaminate the groundwater and the aquifer near the site. | | solar | 2023 |
05/18/23 | IL | Boone County | County Board | The county approved a restrictive ordinance on both solar and wind projects by a vote of 11 to 0 with one board member absent. | | wind | 2023 |
05/18/23 | IL | Boone County | County Board | The county approved a restrictive ordinance on both solar and wind projects. | | solar | 2023 |
03/19/24 | IN | Madison County | Board of Commissioners | ANDERSON — A moratorium on the development of any new wind farms in Madison County has been approved by the Madison County Board of Commissioners. The Commissioners Tuesday voted to approve the recommendation of the county's Plan Commission to put in place the moratorium. The county adopted a wind farm ordinance in 2002 and only one project has been approved since that time in northern Madison County. | | wind | 2024 |
05/07/24 | MA | Town of Northfield | Annual Town Meeting | Residents voted in favor of 28 articles, including two citizen’s petitions to place temporary moratoriums on large-scale solar projects and battery storage facilities, during Monday’s Annual Town Meeting. Discussion on the two citizen’s petitions, Articles 26 and 27, took up roughly half of the more than three-hour-long meeting attended by roughly 100 residents. Proponents argued that the solar and battery storage moratoriums would allow the town sufficient time to draft bylaws regulating large-scale solar arrays and battery storage facilities, and opponents argued that the moratoriums would halt the town’s efforts toward innovation and green energy.After roughly two hours of combined discussion on the two citizen’s petitions, Article 26, concerning battery storage facilities, passed by a majority vote, and Article 27, the moratorium on large-scale solar, passed by an 81-17 vote. | | solar | 2024 |
04/19/24 | NY | New York State | New York State Energy Research and Development Authority | New York canceled power contracts for three offshore wind projects Friday, citing a turbine maker’s plans to scrap its biggest machines. The news is a heavy blow to the U.S. offshore wind industry and a major setback for the climate ambitions of New York — and President Joe Biden. The three projects would have delivered 4 gigawatts of offshore wind to the state, amounting to almost half of New York’s 2035 an announcement Friday, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority said it failed to come to terms with the three projects after GE Vernova and LM Wind Power decided to scrap plans for an 18-megawatt turbine in February. That meant the project developers would have had to install more turbines to supply the amount of electricity they had promised to send to the state, raising their project costs. “Given these developments, no final awards will be made,” NYSERDA said Friday, adding that it “will look to advance a future competitive solicitation.” | | wind | 2024 |
04/02/24 | IA | Henry County | Board of Supervisors | On Tuesday, April 2, the Henry County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution to establish a temporary moratorium on the rezoning of land to the Alternative Energy Overlay District for commercial use until March 2, 2025, unless the supervisors decided to extend it or terminate it early. According to the resolution, the intention behind the moratorium is to give the Planning and Zoning Commission more time to examine the current ordinance, work on updating the county’s comprehensive plan, and gather any additional information needed. As the supervisors unanimously voted to approve the resolution, multiple citizens that have spoken publicly against a wind energy farm entering Henry County thanked the supervisors for their “wise consideration” and slowing down the process. | | wind | 2024 |
01/15/24 | IA | Muscatine County | Board of Supervisors | At the January 15, 2024, Muscatine County Board of Supervisors' meeting, they unanimously passed a resolution establishing a temporary moratorium on the issuance of special use permits for commercial wind energy conversion systems, of which my family, neighbors, and other residents of the county are grateful....Now, with this nine-month moratorium, there will be time to review and update the ordinances with public input as well as other potential detrimental effects. Also, discussed at the meeting, is that the county intends to consult experts on these issues as well as the impact of wind turbines' adverse effects on the National Weather Service' Doppler radar, which has compromised accurate warnings of tornadoes and has falsely predicted torrential rain in the past in Iowa. See also,,in%20a%20meeting%20this%20week. |,136428 | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Austintown Township | Mahoning County Commission | After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Austintown Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Beaver Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Beaver Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Berlin Township | Mahoning County Commission | After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Berlin Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Canfield Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Canfield Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Coitsville Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Coitsville Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Goshen Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Goshen Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Jackson Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Jackson Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Milton Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Milton Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Poland Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Poland Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Springfield Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | wind | 2024 |
03/08/24 | OH | Springfield Township | Mahoning County Commission | YOUNGSTOWN — After holding a Feb. 15 public hearing, the Mahoning County commissioners on Thursday approved adding 10 more townships to the places in Mahoning County where “economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility” cannot be constructed. The commissioners approved their first ban Nov. 9 affecting Green Township after trustees there requested it. The commissioners held two public hearings before approving the resolution, which was made possible by an Ohio law called Senate Bill 52 that went into effect in October 2021. More recently, the townships of Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield passed resolutions asking for the ban...The commissioners passed the resolution approving the 10 additional bans 3-0 Thursday morning during their regular meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
04/26/24 | CO | San Miguel County | Board of County Commissioners | The San Miguel Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved a resolution on Wednesday to extend an “emergency temporary moratorium” halting commercial solar and major utility projects. San Miguel County is in the process of updating the Land Use Code to incorporate regulations on solar energy, renewables and major utilities. Last year, the BOCC adopted a resolution on May 24, 2023, to place a moratorium on solar and major utility projects until the draft of solar regulations is complete. The board granted a six-month extension to the moratorium in November, which goes through May 15, 2024. The moratorium applies to all projects located partially or wholly within unincorporated San Miguel County. | | solar | 2024 |
05/11/24 | CO | Montrose County | Board of County Commissioners | New special use permit applications for power generation, campgrounds and RV park uses are stayed for now in Montrose County. Commissioners approved the pause by resolution Wednesday, extending a previous moratorium on power generation uses, thereby giving staff more time to develop more specific zoning regulations. It also buys time to address what the resolution calls a “surge” in applications for special use permits for campgrounds or RV parks in wildfire prone areas...“Power generation” is defined in those regulations as solar energy facilities and is an allowed use in areas zoned for general agriculture — provided a special use permit is obtained. “The power generation, the focus of that is the solar energy generation,” Montrose County Assistant Attorney Joe Gaffney said Wednesday. A moratorium on special use permits for power generation, passed last year, was due to expire April 19. Commissioners in passing the initial moratorium Oct. 19, 2022, said they had unanswered questions when it came to using ag-zoned land for power generation, particularly solar. That same month, Enel Energy held an open house in Montrose, seeking feedback on a large-scale solar project it was hoping to build on Falcon Road. | | solar | 2024 |
05/30/24 | VA | Augusta County | Planning Commission | Matt Hooper, Senior Director of Development for AES, stood before the Augusta County Planning Commission on May 14. His goal was to convince the board to recommend an over 1,600-acre solar energy system, landscaping buffers included, split up into five sites. He represented AES, a company operating functional solar energy systems in Spotsylvania County, Wight County, and Charles City....She also cited concerns with solar energy systems clustering, having so many distinct sites close to one another. Some of the sites would be near residential properties. “If you decide not to do this, 470 plus more acres are immediately available for growth,” Bragg said. According to Bragg, in Augusta County, "We like to be responsible and gradual growth, not all at once. A project of this size, in a growth area is 470 acres all at once, not gradual, not as time goes on." Then she made the motion, "I do want to move to be found the AES solar project is not a substantial accord with the Augusta County Comprehensive Plan and that we recommend denial of this project.” The opinion was shared by six of the seven planning commission members, and Bragg’s motion was approved in a 6-1 vote. | | solar | 2024 |
05/07/24 | NE | Scotts Bluff County | County Board | The Scotts Bluff County Board denied a conditional use permit application for the Situla Solar Energy Project following a heated, three-hour public hearing on Monday night. The hearing was well attended by members of the public, as were the first and second hearings held by the county planning commission and an open house event hosted by parent company Dunlieh Energy at Legacy of the Plains Museum in February...The motion to reject the CUP application was approved in a 3-2 vote. Knapper, Blue and Reisig voted in favor, while Meyer and commissioner Mark Harris voted against. | | solar | 2024 |
05/29/24 | MS | Hinds County | Planning Commission | For the hundred or so Raymond residents who came to Tuesday’s Hinds County Planning Commission meeting about a proposed solar array, being able to see or hear what was going on was a luxury. The dozens of those who couldn’t fit into the packed, stuffy library room resigned to either peaking their heads in from the hallway or waiting outside in the 90 degree heat. The focus of the meeting centered around a small group of representatives from the Virginia-based company Apex Clean Energy. The group, sweating in their collared shirts, stood before the Planning Commission to pitch what they argued was a huge economic opportunity for Hinds County: new jobs, tax revenue, and the chance to attract other businesses wanting to use solar energy. After hearing everyone’s remarks, the Planning Commission ultimately voted against recommending the projects. Apex staff said at the meeting they started acquiring leases for the project, officially called “Soul City Solar,” in 2021, but residents said they first found about it during an informational session the company held on May 14. Most of those residents who came on Tuesday were displeased with the idea. They argued that Raymond — a town of just under 2,000 people — is a venue for nature and open spaces, and, while they understood the allure of new income for the area, filling thousands of acres of land with metal panels sticking out of the ground doesn’t fit in with the town’s image...Lauderdale started an online petition, which has close to 500 signatures, opposing Soul City Solar. Tuesday’s meeting was contentious from the jump, as the Planning Commission seemed unprepared for the large turnout...The installation would use just under 6,000 acres, they explained, leasing property, including farmland, from seven private landowners the company has agreements with. Apex promised to maintain a perimeter of trees around the property so as to hide the panels from their neighbors’ view. The project would produce 396 megawatts of electricity — in addition to battery storage of up to 70 megawatts... | | solar | 2024 |
06/04/24 | NE | Scotts Bluff County | County Commission | An effort to revive the conditional use permit application for the solar farm proposed in southwestern Scotts Bluff County failed during the Commissioners Monday meeting. Chair Ken Meyer placed the item on the agenda, asking if any of the three commissioners who voted against the application would offer a motion to rescind the decision from their meeting May 6...No motion was offered to rescind the May vote, and at the end of the meeting, public comment was evenly split between those saying the county should allow the project to move forward, and those thanking Knapper, Reisig and Blue for blocking the proposal. | | solar | 2024 |
05/01/24 | KS | Douglas County | County Commission | Douglas County commissioners voted Wednesday to approve revisions to local wind energy regulations...After marathon meetings in October and January, the Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission voted 6-3 to advance draft wind energy regulations with one key modification: increasing required setbacks from property lines to 2,500 feet from 1,500. The three commissioners who voted against the regulations wanted to require smaller setbacks that would have allowed more flexibility for future wind developments...Commissioners heard from 65 people over a span of several hours. About two-thirds of them were opposed to any wind energy developments in Douglas County. Several asked the commission to implement a ban on wind energy instead of approving the draft regulations. ED NOTE: A June 22 article in the Kansas Informer said the Douglas County measure is "believed to be the most restrictive policy among any county in Kansas and effectively amounting to a ban on wind developments there." See: | | wind | 2024 |
06/13/24 | KS | Shawnee County | County Commission | The Shawnee County Commission unanimously approved a one-year moratorium for solar energy conversion systems in Shawnee County. Commissioners also approved a ban on wind energy conversion systems, by a 2-1 vote. Commissioner Kevin Cook opposed. Thursday's motions came after the Shawnee County Planning Commission had a public meeting in May for Topeka and Shawnee County residents to weigh in on the issue. | | wind | 2024 |
06/13/24 | KS | Shawnee County | County Commission | The Shawnee County Commission unanimously approved a one-year moratorium for solar energy conversion systems in Shawnee County. Commissioners also approved a ban on wind energy conversion systems, by a 2-1 vote. Commissioner Kevin Cook opposed. Thursday's motions came after the Shawnee County Planning Commission had a public meeting in May for Topeka and Shawnee County residents to weigh in on the issue. | | solar | 2024 |
06/19/24 | NY | City of Johnstown | Common Council | Nearly five square miles of land in Fulton County have become a new no-no zone for solar development. Johnstown city councilors on Monday voted to prohibit commercial solar arrays as recommended by planning officials. “There were just a lot of questions that we didn’t necessarily have the answers to and so we weren’t comfortable with them,” said City Engineer Christopher Vose. The decision, packaged among a spate of zoning changes, comes as Mohawk Valley community officials raise concerns over the long-term impacts of solar farms popping up across the region....“We have a lot of solar farms [in Fulton County] and we just felt that’s just not something we need right now when we need more green space and more housing,” said the Republican mayor. “That isn’t something that should trump any of those things.” | | solar | 2024 |
06/18/24 | ND | McLean County | County Commission | For the second time, McLean County commissioners have denied a zoning permit for a proposed wind farm. In April, all three commissioners denied the permit for the Discovery Wind Farm citing impacts to roads, wildlife and residents. Apex Clean Energy and landowners appealed that decision and spoke Tuesday at a nearly four-hour public hearing asking commissioners to reconsider. Landowners packed the McLean County Courthouse to voice their opinions on the proposed 94-turbine Discovery Wind Farm that would be placed near Washburn...Opponents say the turbines would harm wildlife; the construction would destroy the roads, impact agriculture and airport operations; and the structures would create an unpleasant atmosphere for the residents who live nearby. They also say many of the landowners who have already signed on to the project don’t live in the county anymore. | | wind | 2024 |
03/09/24 | ME | Town of Weld | Select Board | The Town imposed a moratorium on siting, installation of all solar farms and it will be in force for 180 days. It appears that the measure was adopted after a similar moratorium was established in 2023. | | solar | 2024 |
05/29/24 | VA | Isle of Wight County | Planning Commission | ED Note: TWO PROJECTS WERE REJECTED AT THE SAME PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, THEREFORE TWO ENTRIES FOR SAME LOCALE AND DATE.. Reducing the footprint of a 44-megawatt solar farm proposed for Burwells Bay and Moonlight roads didn’t win over Isle of Wight County’s Planning Commission. The commissioners, for the second time in six months, voted unanimously on May 28 to recommend denial of Jacksonville-based Palladium Energy’s requested conditional use permit for Moonlight Solar, which seeks to withdraw approximately 523 acres from agricultural use. County supervisors, who have the final say, had sent Palladium’s application back to the commissioners in March after Palladium proposed a slate of changes. An equally skeptical 6-2 majority of commissioners voted, also on May 28, to recommend denial of Arlington-based AES Corp.’s application for a larger, 240-megawatt solar farm dubbed Sycamore Cross, which would span more than 2,400 acres across the westernmost edge of the Isle of Wight-Surry county line, 5 miles from Moonlight and adjacent to the 2021-approved, 1,750-acre Cavalier solar farm that already straddles the border. | | solar | 2024 |
05/29/24 | VA | Isle of Wight County | Planning Commission | ED Note: TWO PROJECTS WERE REJECTED AT THE SAME PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, THEREFORE TWO ENTRIES FOR SAME LOCALE AND DATE.. Reducing the footprint of a 44-megawatt solar farm proposed for Burwells Bay and Moonlight roads didn’t win over Isle of Wight County’s Planning Commission. The commissioners, for the second time in six months, voted unanimously on May 28 to recommend denial of Jacksonville-based Palladium Energy’s requested conditional use permit for Moonlight Solar, which seeks to withdraw approximately 523 acres from agricultural use. County supervisors, who have the final say, had sent Palladium’s application back to the commissioners in March after Palladium proposed a slate of changes. An equally skeptical 6-2 majority of commissioners voted, also on May 28, to recommend denial of Arlington-based AES Corp.’s application for a larger, 240-megawatt solar farm dubbed Sycamore Cross, which would span more than 2,400 acres across the westernmost edge of the Isle of Wight-Surry county line, 5 miles from Moonlight and adjacent to the 2021-approved, 1,750-acre Cavalier solar farm that already straddles the border. | | solar | 2024 |
04/12/24 | KS | Linn County | Planning and Zoning Commission | The Linn County Planning and Zoning Commission on a 6-2 roll-call vote on Tuesday, April 9, decided to recommend to the board of county commissioners that a prohibition against large-scale solar utility projects be adopted. The decision to recommend a prohibition on large-scale solar projects will no doubt have the attention of representatives from Clearway Energy Group, which has already laid out plans for a solar installation that covers almost two-thirds of a 3,300-acre tract which is located directly south of the La Cygne power plant. EDF Renewables’ plan to lease at least that much land south of Clearway’s project also will be affected. | | solar | 2024 |
06/25/24 | VA | Washington County | Planning Commission | The Washington Co., Va. Planning Commission hosted a public hearing Monday regarding a permit application submitted by Catalyst Energy to develop its Wolf Hills Solar Project in the county. The 1,800 to 2,200-acre solar energy project has been in discussion for months, with area residents gathering at several meetings to discuss their opposition to the project. The planning commission highlighted a recent traffic analysis that was conducted, the environmental impact the project would have and the area of the proposed land that butts against a residential neighborhood. After hearing public comment, the planning commission ultimately voted to not approve the permit. | | solar | 2024 |
09/12/3 | IN | Putnam County | Board of Zoning Appeals | The Putnam County Board of Zoning Appeals put the brakes on an energy company’s proposal to bring a 200-megawatt solar farm to Russell Township. In a special meeting Tuesday evening at the Bainbridge Community Center, a motion to approve the special exception for Cold Spring Solar Farm was defeated 4-1. Lora Scott, who made the motion, was the only affirmative vote. Fellow board members Randy Bee, Raymond McCloud, Kevin Scobee and Ron Sutherlin all cast negative votes. After 14 months of meetings and negotiations between Putnam County leaders and officials from Arevon Energy and developer Tenaska, the issue is at an end ... at least for now. Along the way, the plan received approval of a tax abatement from the Putnam County Council, as well as a $6 million economic development agreement with the Putnam County Commissioners, in addition to the framework of agreements on decommissioning and road use. The BZA, however, proved less amenable to the idea of converting 1,400 acres of farmground into a solar field. | | solar | 2003 |
09/12/23 | IN | Putnam County | Board Of Zoning Appeals | The Putnam County Board of Zoning Appeals put the brakes on an energy company’s proposal to bring a 200-megawatt solar farm to Russell Township. In a special meeting Tuesday evening at the Bainbridge Community Center, a motion to approve the special exception for Cold Spring Solar Farm was defeated 4-1. Lora Scott, who made the motion, was the only affirmative vote. Fellow board members Randy Bee, Raymond McCloud, Kevin Scobee and Ron Sutherlin all cast negative votes. After 14 months of meetings and negotiations between Putnam County leaders and officials from Arevon Energy and developer Tenaska, the issue is at an end ... at least for now. Along the way, the plan received approval of a tax abatement from the Putnam County Council, as well as a $6 million economic development agreement with the Putnam County Commissioners, in addition to the framework of agreements on decommissioning and road use. The BZA, however, proved less amenable to the idea of converting 1,400 acres of farmground into a solar field. | | solar | 2023 |
06/14/23 | GA | Jeff Davis County | County Commission | The fight of the Denton/Snipesville area residents to stop the spread of solar farms in Jeff Davis County came to a head last Tuesday in the May meeting of the Jeff Davis County Commission. And it appears they’ve got what they wanted …. for now. The Commissioners voted to amend the recently created county Land Use Ordinance to state that no more solar farms be allowed in Jeff Davis County unless it is for personal use. But the decision didn’t come easily. When Commissioner Vann Wooten brought up the matter, he made a motion to amend the county’s Land Use Ordinance to not allow any solar farms over 10 acres in the county. That motion almost failed for lack of a second. Chairman Hank Hobbs asked three times for a second before Commissioner James Benjamin seconded the motion. When the vote came, the motion failed with Commissioners Ricky Crosby and James Emory Tate voting against the motion and Hobbs abstaining. Then Crosby made a motion to state that no more solar farms be allowed in Jeff Davis County unless for personal use. That motion passed with Crosby, Wooten and Commissioner James Benjamin voting “yes,” Tate voting “no” and Hobbs abstaining. But Tate still seemed uneasy about the decision and suggested that the matter be brought to a county-wide vote and let the citizens decide. He put that in the form of a motion but the motion died for a lack of a second. Prior to the commissioners’ decision on the solar farms issue, Becky Hutto addressed the group sharing with them an online petition she had created that gathered 685 signatures from people who wanted no more solar panels in Jeff Davis County. She said that 5,900 acres of farmland in the county had been taken up with solar panels and there is a project under consideration to put another 2,500 acres into a solar farm. Hutto said her community had been invaded by solar panels with no benefits to the citizens. | | solar | 2023 |
05/23/22 | GA | Macon-Bibb County | Planning and Zoning Commission | Macon-Bibb Planning and Zoning commissioners voted down a plan for a solar farm in west Bibb County at their Monday meeting. Cubico Sustainable Investments wanted to build a 780-acre solar field on Hartley Bridge Road, but neighbors blocked it in April. Then, the zoning board voted to give Cubico some more time to work with neighbors. A month later, those neighbors say they haven't heard anything. So, they came to Monday's meeting prepared to speak with John Golitz, who represented Cubico. In a packed room at Terminal Station, dozens of neighbors spoke again telling commissioners it was not a good fit for their neighborhood. Shelley Wade’s lived on Marcar Road for 34 years and started a petition against the plan. Over 80 of her neighbors signed it, worried about declining property values, safety and noise from construction. "First thing we thought about was our property values, and so we decided that we would get a petition up, and we would go door-to-door,” said Wade. “We could find no one that wanted a solar farm connected to their property." | | solar | 2022 |
10/24/18 | GA | Thomas County | County Commission | Thomas County commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to put a moratorium on solar energy facilities. Commissioner Ken Hickey's moratorium motion says solar energy facilities will not be allowed "indefinitely." Commissioner Moses Gross asked what will happen to solar facilities now in operation in Thomas County. | | solar | 2018 |
01/09/23 | NE | Red Willow County | County Commission | Red Willow County commissioners enacted a moratorium on alternative energy projects and approved a letter to the county planning and zoning commission asking it to consider size and capacity parameters of such projects in creating any new zoning regulations. The moratorium is for the lesser of six months or the approval of new zoning regulations with the option to renew that moratorium. | | solar | 2023 |
07/05/23 | NY | Town of Niagara | Town Board | The Niagara Town Board has passed a six-month moratorium on any new solar and wind facilities. Under its terms, the town will “temporarily stop the processing of applications for and the issuance of permits, certificates of occupancy, and approvals for certain land uses related to solar and wind energy.” Its purpose is to “protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Niagara” and “to maintain the status quo” on solar and wind energy developments. Its language suggest the town’s zoning regulations do not adequately address this type of use, with the town planning to look into such changes. | | solar | 2023 |
07/05/23 | NY | Town of Niagara | Town Board | The Niagara Town Board has passed a six-month moratorium on any new solar and wind facilities. Under its terms, the town will “temporarily stop the processing of applications for and the issuance of permits, certificates of occupancy, and approvals for certain land uses related to solar and wind energy.” Its purpose is to “protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Niagara” and “to maintain the status quo” on solar and wind energy developments. Its language suggest the town’s zoning regulations do not adequately address this type of use, with the town planning to look into such changes. | | wind | 2023 |
11/08/23 | IA | Montgomery County | Board of Supervisors | Montgomery County officials are keeping a moratorium on wind turbine projects in place for a while longer. By a 4-1 vote Wednesday morning, the county's board of supervisors approved extending the current moratorium on commercial wind energy conversion systems, or C-WECs, indefinitely. Board members took action based on a recommendation from the county's planning and zoning commission. County Zoning Administrator Barry Byers says the commission voted 3-2 in October to continue the moratorium. The decision followed considerable discussion, including a plea from a MidAmerican Energy official to support wind energy projects. Will Dougherty is project developer with MidAmerican Energy, whose proposed Silver Creek Wind Farm currently covers 15,000 acres in both Montgomery and Pottawattamie counties. Extolling the virtues of turbines, Dougherty urged the supervisors to approve a balanced ordinance, one addressing property owners concerns with those supporting such projects. | | wind | 2023 |
11/16/21 | IN | City of Princeton | Planning Commission | Rather than risk denial of a rezoning request for properties near Princeton as proposed solar farm sites, Arevon Energy Inc. and Tenaska are revising their proposed site plan for the Gibson Solar project. Princeton Planning Commission last month voted not to recommend the site plan recommended to them, after hearing a room full of neighbors voice concerns that the project will stunt housing development and erode property values. | | solar | 2021 |
11/30/22 | NM | Roswell-Chaves County | Extraterritorial Zoning Commission | The “not in my backyard” philosophy that has been voiced at many county meetings regarding community solar projects prevailed Tuesday night when the Roswell-Chaves County Extraterritorial Commission voted against three proposed projects after hearing objections from county residents. The decision of the citizens' group, which met at the Chaves County Administrative Center, will be final unless appealed to the ETZ Authority, which consists of Roswell city councilors and Chaves County commissioners. The ETZ groups make zoning and permitting decisions for county properties near the Roswell city limits. Two of the projects were proposed by a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources LLC, based in Florida. The company is the operator of a utility-scale solar project northeast of Roswell near Pine Lodge Road and is at work now to expand it...Residents' concerns include that the solar installations surrounded by fencing of six to eight feet will deter from scenic views and hurt property values. | | solar | 2022 |
10/20/21 | NM | Roswell-Chaves County | Extraterritorial Zoning Commission | A citizen commission voted against a permit that would have allowed a solar energy developer to install a community solar garden just west of the Roswell city limits if a state regulation group awarded a project to the company in 2022. Members of the Roswell-Chaves County Extraterritorial Zoning (ETZ) Commission had a slew of questions Tuesday night for the representatives of Chaves Solar 2 LLC, a division of Pivot Energy New Mexico LLC and Pivot Energy Inc. of Denver, Colorado, regarding a type of project that is new to the state and the area, made possible by the Community Solar Act signed into law in April...The permit and proposed project had resulted in three protest letters to the commission from nearby property owners, as well as comments from three additional property owners who voiced opposition during the Tuesday meeting. Some of the speakers said they were representing other property owners as well. Most opponents expressed the idea that they did not want a solar project in the rural-suburban district, near their homes or small farms or orchards...After hearing from the public and the company representatives, Commissioners Mona Kirk, Matthew Bristol and Neil Roe voted yes on granting a special use permit, while Rita Kane-Doerhoefer, Michael Lackey, Larry Connolly and Commission Chair Royce “Pancho” Maples voted no. | | solar | 2021 |
03/16/23 | VA | Amherst County | Planning Commission | The Amherst County Planning Commission has voted against recommending a proposal for a solar farm that has generated some uproar from people living there. More than a dozen people turned out to listen and speak out against the plans Wednesday night, which would take up over 400 acres of land with more than 140,000 solar panels. | | solar | 2023 |
02/22/24 | VA | Amherst County | Board of Supervisors | The largest utility-scale solar farm project proposed to date in Amherst County on Virginia 151 just next to the Nelson County border received the county board of supervisors’ unanimous denial Tuesday. The board voted to affirm the Amherst County Planning Commission’s previous decision that the Piney River Solar Project, a proposed 50-megawatt facility on about 180 acres of a much larger tract is not substantially in accord with with the county’s comprehensive plan for growth and development. After a public hearing that drew nearly 20 speakers, about half in support and the other half opposed, the board voted unanimously to deny a special exception permit for the solar farm. Energix Renewables, an Alexandria-based company that has 14 operational solar projects in Virginia and one in Pennsylvania, proposed the project on a property of more than 300 acres in the Piney River area of Amherst County. | | solar | 2024 |
10/17/23 | PA | Chestnuthill Township | Board of Supervisors | Chestnuthill Township’s supervisors unanimously voted for an ordinance that prevented Samsung Solar Energy from building a solar project in the township in October 2023. | | solar | 2023 |
06/27/24 | PA | Polk Township | Board of Supervisors | Polk Township’s Board of Supervisors pulled the plug on Samsung’s controversial 472-acre solar project on Tuesday night. For Michael McMurtry, the decision means everything. It gave him his home back. The project would’ve bordered his property on three sides. “So, it was important for us as a family to have this project denied, so that this wouldn’t become our sight view for years to come,” said McMurtry. Residents from Polk and Chestnuthill townships have fought since July 2023 to convince Polk Township supervisors to deny Samsung Solar Energy and its satellite company, Effort Solar’s, conditional use application for aMonroe County solar farm. The farm would’ve covered about 200 acres in Polk, the other half in Chestnuthill. However, Chestnuthill Township’s supervisors unanimously voted for an ordinance that prevented the developer from building on the proposed project site in October 2023. Despite the board essentially denying the project, Samsung didn’t withdraw Chestnuthill from its plans. Project manager Chris Simmons stated Samsung’s position on Chestnuthill at a hearing in March 2024. | | solar | 2024 |
06/18/24 | LA | St. James Parish | Parish Council | A 2,200-acre solar farm that has been sought by Entergy Louisiana and its large industrial customers for more than two years in St. James Parish failed to win local land use approval Tuesday. After more than a two and a half hours of public comment and the reading of letters from residents, solar developers, Entergy and regional economic development groups, the Parish Council voted down the St. James Solar proposal, 4-3...They also argued that solar project deviates from the parish land use plan and the council should follow the recommendation of its Planning Commission. In late April, the commission voted, 8-1, against the solar farm. Some opponents, like Vacherie resident Myra Simon, objected to using the common term for the facility, a "solar farm," arguing they weren't agricultural uses that the name implies but industrial operations that belonged in industrial or commercial uses. The project needed a special exception from the area's agricultural and residential land use designations, which don't allow solar farms, and a handful of variances where land buffers did not meet the minimum requirements of the ordinance. | | solar | 2024 |
06/27/22 | IA | Worth County | Board of Supervisors | In the spring of 2021, when some people were bringing up concerns with the projects, the Worth County Board of Supervisors began discussing a wind farm moratorium to give the Zoning Commission and the supervisors time to work on a ordinance regulating wind projects, and countywide zoning in general. A moratorium was approved by the Worth County supervisors in April 2021. In May 2022, Invenergy affiliate Worthwhile Wind LLC filed suit in Worth County District Court, saying it had spent “three years and millions of dollars on a wind energy project,” and asking the court to stop Worth County from “from arbitrarily, improperly and unfairly changing the rules in the middle of the project,” and of passing an ordinance that was aimed specifically at stopping the project. Later that month, the Worth County supervisors approved a countywide zoning ordinance and in June 2022 they approved a specific wind power ordinance and canceled the moratorium. The noise limits are 35 dBa at night for adjacent properties. | For full county ordinance, see: | wind | 2022 |
07/17/24 | WA | State of Washington | Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council | n 2002, Whistling Ridge Energy, LLC requested from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) a 70-MW generation interconnection to BPA's energy grid for a new wind energy project. In 2007, WRE proposed to build up to 85 wind turbines, each up to 426 feet tall, on prominent ridgelines near the town of White Salmon. In 2009, the Washington Department of Natural Resources rejected WRE's request to build wind turbines on public land. In 2012, a scaled-down version of the project (up to 35 turbines, each up to 430 feet tall) was approved by former Washington Governor Christine Gregoire. The project met stiff opposition, including from a group called Friends of the Columbia Gorge. On July 17, 2024, the Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council declared the project's permit had expired and refused to transfer the site certification agreement to a new owner. | | wind | 2024 |
07/30/24 | ID | Ada County | County Commission | After multiple rounds of community input, the Ada County Commissioners moved to reject a proposed solar farm. Ada County Commissioners cited extensive community opposition and personal reservations in the Tuesday hearing on the fate of the solar farm. Concerns about the environment and how the farm would alter the character of the surrounding agricultural community were the principal factors influencing the rejection decision. Renewable energy company Savion had purchased agricultural land south of Kuna, between Ada and Canyon counties, with the intention of constructing a solar farm, as previously reported by the Idaho Press. Under the company’s solar farm application, Ada County would have seen 237,000 solar panels constructed on 1,419 acres, Tom Dayley, Ada County Commissioner, said....Commissioners emphasized that the move to reject the solar farm application was not a referendum on solar energy in Idaho, but rather an effort to retain the character of the farming and agricultural community in the surrounding area. “This was a tough issue because I think we do need to encourage business and encourage solar development,” Ryan Davidson, Ada County Commissioner, said. “This board is not anti-solar. We’ve approved a solar project for this very same company, but out in the desert where there are not a lot of residents.” | | solar | 2024 |
08/08/24 | IA | Floyd County | Board of Supervisors | Earlier this year, the Floyd County Board of Supervisors opted to bypass the recommendations of the EMS Advisory Council on an emergency medical services tax levy. Now, Supervisors have made similar moves in regards to amendments proposed by the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission on the County’s ordinance regulating the construction of wind turbines. After almost four hours wasn’t enough time to finish public comments on the issue July 29th, the Board continued the public hearing Tuesday (08.06) night at the YEC on the Floyd County Fairgrounds. After over two more hours of comments, Supervisors began the first reading of the ordinance as formulated by the P&Z. Supervisor Jim Jorgensen introduced several amendments, including increased setback distances, reduced height levels of the turbines, and limiting the number of wind turbines in the County to 70 total, including the 50 already operated by MidAmerican Energy. Tom Treharne of NextEra Energy, one of two companies looking to develop a wind farm in the Marble Rock/Rockford area, said the amendments will kill their project. Isaac Lamppa with Invenergy, which began the Chickasaw Wind Energy Center north of New Hampton last year, said their project is also highly doubtful...While several of the amendments were still in need of legal opinions from County Attorney Todd Prichard, Supervisors voted 2-1 to approve the first reading of the ordinance, with Keifer and Jorgensen voting YES and Kuhn voting NO. The amended ordinance still must pass two more readings before it can become official, with the next reading scheduled for 6:30 pm August 19th in the EOC of the Floyd County Courthouse. | | wind | 2024 |
08/01/24 | CT | State of Connecticut | Connecticut Siting Council | Several residents are celebrating the Connecticut Siting Council's denial of a solar farm project on Denslow Hill Road that would have wiped out about eight acres of trees...At its Aug. 1 meeting, the five-member council, which has authority over where power facilities and other types of infrastructure can go, unanimously rejected an application by Lodestar Energy to build a 1.5-megawatt solar farm on a section of undeveloped, wooded land on Denslow Hill Road. At its Aug. 1 meeting, the five-member council, which has authority over where power facilities and other types of infrastructure can go, unanimously rejected an application by Lodestar Energy to build a 1.5-megawatt solar farm on a section of undeveloped, wooded land on Denslow Hill Road. Council members cited concerns over the developer's plan to remove about 7.9 acres of trees to build the facility, as well as the project's proximity to nearby homes. Council member Brian Golembiewski said the forest clearing was an "unnecessary adverse impact," joining other members who argued the project would not be good for the environment...The project drew backlash from several residents who live on streets surrounding the project site, as well as Hamden Mayor Lauren Garrett, state Sens. Jorge Cabrera, D-Hamden, and Martin Looney, D-Hamden, and state Reps. Liz Linehan, D-Cheshire, and Mary Mushinsky, D-Wallingford. Christine Schon, a Denslow Hill Road resident who spearheaded the fight against the solar farm, said Tuesday she felt "relief" after hearing the project was denied. Schon and other neighbors had worried the presence of a solar farm would have decreased the value of their homes. "Some of the houses ... are hard to sell, and if those lose a lot of value, then it pulls down the whole street," she said. | | solar | 2024 |
08/20/24 | PA | Lehman Township | Zoning Board | "I'm not willing to gamble my family's health on the word of a solar company telling me, Don't worry, you'll be fine," said Eric Strenfel, resident. Comments like this echoed throughout tonight's zoning hearing held at Misericordia University. More than 100 people showed up to fight against the development of a 46-acre solar farm in Lehman Township...It was nearly five hours of comments as residents voiced their concerns. "This is the nightmare scenario happening in small towns all across America right now. We have the chance to keep our small town integrity and stop this all from happening."...Susquehanna Solar says the proposal falls in line with Lehman Township's existing zoning laws. However, the township's zoning board did not agree. Residents say the vote was a hard-fought victory for those who live in Lehman Township. It was a unanimous 3 - 0 vote by the zoning board as the solar farm proposal will no longer move forward. | | solar | 2024 |
08/09/23 | MI | Decatur Township | Citizen referendum | Voters turned down proposal that would allow solar energy facilities on land that is designated as agricultural. Eighty percent of Decatur Township residents voted against the controversial zoning ordinance during Tuesday's primary election. Southwest Michigan Solar Project proposed a 100 megawatt solar facility and energy storage facility in Decatur back in April 2022. Decatur Township Board of Trustees adopted the ordinance in February. Residents submitted petitions opposing the ordinance, putting the proposal on the ballot. | | solar | 2023 |
07/25/24 | NE | Knox County | Board of Supervisors | Center, NE -- After hearing from a steady flow of people on opposite sides, Knox County, Nebraska, has tightened its zoning regulations regarding wind energy. In front of a crowd of nearly 100 people at The Barn at God’s Country north of Center, the county board of supervisors voted 5-1 on Wednesday in favor of five recommended amendments from the county planning commission on wind energy conversion systems. | | wind | 2024 |
09/04/24 | IA | Floyd County | Board of Supervisors | The Floyd County Board of Supervisors reviewed numerous amendments during the second reading of the revised ordinance regulating the construction of wind turbines in Floyd County. Supervisor Jim Jorgensen introduced many of the amendments during the August 6th public hearing on the ordinance, including his most controversial amendment: limiting the number of wind turbines in the County to 70 total, including 50 already operated by MidAmerican Energy. | | wind | 2024 |
09/03/24 | IN | City of Madison | City Council | As the sun sets on more than 1,000 acres of land in Madison, Indiana, there's also the sunsetting of a controversy over a proposed solar farm. "Having to face hearing bulldozers come in and strip everything, all the trees," neighbor Paula Weatherbee said. Aypa Power had hoped to build a solar farm along West Deputy Pike Road, where Paula and her husband Steve live...Nearly two months later the Madison City Council voted against the solar farm by refusing to allow a zoning change on the farm land...The rezoning vote failed 4-3. Most residents at the meeting were pleased with the council's vote. Ericka Wilson acknowledged the sense of community and civic government over the past two months. "What we saw tonight is what happens when people come together, tell their government how they feel and do their homework and show up and are engaged in the political process," said Wilson. | | solar | 2024 |
09/13/24 | AZ | Cochise County | Planning and Zoning Commission | “We’ve got too many of these in the county now," was the statement Planning and Zoning commission chairwoman Kim DePew made prior to her 'no' vote on a special use permit for a solar farm in McNeal. With much of the community in opposition to the proposed solar farm on Prince Road, the county Planning and Zoning Commission voted to deny the special use permit required for the project to be built during the Wednesday meeting. Commissioners Nathan Watkins, Jim Martzke, Pati Fickett, Gerry Gonzalez, Randall Limbach and Larry Saunders denied the special use permit. Commissioners Robert Montgomery and Albert Young did not attend the meeting. County Planner II Matthew Taylor went through the summary of the planned 75 megawatt solar farm totaling 596.595 acres on two separate pieces of property which would straddle Central Highway south from the intersection with Prince Road. Total space used for the array would cover 400 acres. Many were worried the solar farm would use lithium batteries for storage of backup power which they saw as hazardous materials...Pierre Potgieter, with Environmental Testing USA (ETUSA), asked, “Who wants to live next door to a solar farm? This property may be suitable for it, but there are other locations that would be better. We were here first.” | | solar | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Hanover Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | wind | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Hanover Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | solar | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Etna Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | wind | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Etna Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | solar | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Liberty Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | wind | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Liberty Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | solar | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Licking Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | solar | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Licking Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | wind | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | St. Albans Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | solar | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | St. Albans Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | wind | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Union Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | solar | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Washington Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. The resolution for five townships, excluding Etna and Liberty, is available here: Resolution 124-76 was adopted unanimously, 3-0, on August 29, 2024. It reads: "This Board hereby establishes exclusionary zones restricting the construction of “large wind farms” and “large solar facilities” as those phrases are defined in Revised Code Sections 303.57 and 4906.01, said zones to include all parcels of real property within the unincorporated portions of Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington Townships’ borders...This resolution becomes effective thirty days after the date of its adoption." | | wind | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Washington Township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | solar | 2024 |
08/29/24 | OH | Licking County | Union township | Licking County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution Thursday prohibiting development of large-scale solar and wind projects in five townships that requested the ban. The resolution is scheduled to take effect 30 days from Thursday. It establishes exclusionary zones restricting construction of “large wind and solar facilities” within Hanover, Licking, St. Albans, Union and Washington townships. Last week, residents and officials from those townships told commissioners at a public hearing that they wanted to ban solar and wind developments and preserve farmland in those areas. No one spoke against the bans at the hearing. The commissioners’ unanimous vote came after approving exclusionary zones for Liberty and Etna townships earlier this year. | | wind | 2024 |
09/18/24 | NE | Knox County | County Board of Supervisors | A proposed solar project has become a hot topic in Knox County, Nebraska. In a decision that drew applause from most of a nearly full courtroom at the county courthouse in Center, Nebraska, the Knox County Board of Supervisors voted 6-1 Wednesday to deny a conditional-use permit application for a renewable energy project that Bluestem Energy Solutions of Omaha, Nebraska, wants to develop in the western part of the county. | | solar | 2024 |
08/28/24 | OH | City of Bellefontaine | Bellefontaine City Council | There won’t be any solar farms within the Bellefontaine corporation limits for the foreseeable future. In a narrow vote, members of the Bellefontaine City Council during a Tuesday, Aug. 27, regular meeting voted against an ordinance that would have authorized new planning and zoning regulations for solar energy systems within the city limits. The new planning and zoning proposals that council voted on would have helped pave the way for Hodson Energy to construct a 40-megawatt solar farm spanning about 200-plus acres in the area around Stockyard Road and U.S. Route 68 on the north side of the city. The measure failed 4-3. Council members Deb Baker, Jordan Reser and Nick Davis voted in support of the project. Kyle Springs, Jenna James, Mackenzie Fitzpatrick and John Aler voted in opposition. | | solar | 2024 |
09/26/24 | PA | Newton Township | Board of Supervisors | Township officials rejected a large solar farm proposed in Newton Twp. Township supervisors denied this week a plan by Newton Solar 1 LLC of Lowell, Massachusetts and Borrego Solar Systems Inc. of Oakland, California to build nearly 12,000 12-foot-high solar panels on 24 acres of a 53-acre parcel on Hillside Drive near Newton Ransom Boulevard and Country Club Drive. The plans were opposed by residents, particularly those who live near the site, who questioned the project's legality, as the deed for the site dictates that only agriculture and open space uses are allowed...Supervisors were also concerned the project would negatively affect the health and safety of more than a dozen residents who live around the property. Although solar farms are allowed under ordinances within the Scranton-Abingtons Planning Association, which the township is a part of, Pallman said supervisors were concerned over how the proposed solar farm impacted the character of the area. | | solar | 2024 |
09/26/24 | VA | Hanover County | County Board of Supervisors | Hanover supervisors unanimously struck down a proposal Wednesday to develop what would have been the largest solar farm in the county. The project, submitted by North Carolina–based Strata Clean Energy LLC, was amended after receiving an unfavorable recommendation from the county’s planning commission in July, but residents were still apprehensive about the company’s plans. Strata was asking Hanover to rezone around 1,500 acres of timber land in the Beaverdam District, adjacent to the North Anna River, for the proposed North Anna River Solar Farm. The solar farm would be able to produce up to 72 megawatts of electricity — enough to power over 20,000 homes for a year. The company’s original plan included 342 acres of solar arrays at the site; the revised plan reduced that coverage area to 252 acres, 17% of the proposed area. Raines was joined by more than a dozen residents who said the project would impact Hanover’s rural character, neighboring property values, traffic and roads — as well as the area's natural resources and historic sites. Strata project manager Laura Wilson told the board that the company did its best to strike a balance between the guidelines approved by the board and the demands of residents. “These revisions illustrate our commitment to listening and adapting, ensuring that we address community and environmental concerns,” Wilson said. But the board was united with Beaverdam Supervisor Jeff Stoneman, who moved to deny the project after hearing from his constituents. | | solar | 2024 |
08/22/24 | PA | City of Nanticoke | City Council | Nanticoke City Council unanimously voted Wednesday night to reject a proposed solar farm on approximately 40 acres around a residential development off South Hanover Street. Council also is planning to adopt new regulations that will limit future solar projects in the city, but "can't exclude them altogether," Solicitor William Finnegan said. South Carolina-based Susquehanna Solar LLC can still file an appeal of Wednesday's decision with the Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas, Finnegan said. The vote to reject the solar farm delighted a crowd of roughly 100 at the meeting and came quickly — about halfway into a 20-minute meeting. | | solar | 2024 |
09/07/24 | VA | Orange County | County Board of Supervisors | The sun is setting on solar energy in Orange County. Over the course of the past year, the county’s board of supervisors has shot down multiple attempts to bring renewable energy installations to the area. After two community solar farms had their requests for special use permits handily denied — just a few days apart — only one application remained. Dubbed Sunfish Solar by California-based developer BayWa r.e., it was the largest proposal the board would hear: an 80-megawatt, 1,000-acre project on land just east of U.S. 522 near the border of Orange and Culpeper counties. No matter its size, it met the same fate as its predecessors...After listening to remarks from more than a dozen residents — the majority of whom voiced vehement opposition to the solar project — Hale and her colleagues unanimously voted that Sunfish Solar was not in accord with the county’s Comprehensive Plan and BayWa r.e. would be denied its special use permit. | | solar | 2024 |
10/30/24 | IA | Jackson County | Zoning Commission | Residents who spoke during a three-hour public forum last week oppose commercial wind turbines coming to Jackson County and asked elected officials to include tough restrictions in an ordinance that is under consideration. Some of the restrictions under consideration by the commission include site cleanup, at least a 1,500-foot setback from neighboring property lines, regular bird fatality studies, and more. Garnering much applause from the audience, the commission on a 5-2 vote also approved 5-mile setbacks on either side of roads that are part of state-designated scenic drives in Jackson County. This includes the Grant Wood Scenic Byway, the 68-mile route from the Mississippi River to Highway 64 through the county. The setback also includes the county’s portion of the Iowa Great River Road, which parallels the Mississippi River. About 150 people attended the meeting of the Jackson County Zoning Commission at Ohnward Fine Arts Center on Oct. 22. Seventeen shared their concerns about such things as setbacks, appropriate noise decibel levels, turbine decommissioning and waste storage, possible watershed damage, and more. | | wind | 2024 |
09/26/24 | VA | Hanover County | Board of Supervisors | Hanover supervisors unanimously struck down a proposal Wednesday to develop what would have been the largest solar farm in the county. The project, submitted by North Carolina–based Strata Clean Energy LLC, was amended after receiving an unfavorable recommendation from the county’s planning commission in July, but residents were still apprehensive about the company’s plans.. ..Strata was asking Hanover to rezone around 1,500 acres of timber land in the Beaverdam District, adjacent to the North Anna River, for the proposed North Anna River Solar Farm. The solar farm would be able to produce up to 72 megawatts of electricity — enough to power over 20,000 homes for a year. The company’s original plan included 342 acres of solar arrays at the site; the revised plan reduced that coverage area to 252 acres, 17% of the proposed area. | | solar | 2024 |
09/03/24 | GA | Houston County | County Commission | Nashville-based Silicon Ranch offered a nearly $300 million investment with a proposed 4,700-acre solar farm in Kathleen, but that didn’t sway Houston County commissioners. Commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday against a special use permit for the solar farm in line with public outcry from naturalists and the community. The property is next to the 13,300-acre Oaky Woods Wildlife Management Area, which is home to a small population of about 300 black bears. The bears roam a larger territory of over 50,000 acres, including where female bears are known to den on the proposed solar farm property. The vote came after a nearly two-hour public hearing in a crowded room used mostly for jury selection in the Houston County Courthouse in Perry...The sole person to speak in favor of the solar farm was Matt Beasley, chief commercial officer for Silicon Ranch. | | solar | 2024 |
09/25/23 | TN | Washington County | County Commission | The Washington County, Tennessee Commission denied a resolution on Monday to rezone 200 acres in Gray where a solar power company, Silicon Ranch, wants to build a 12 megawatt (MW) solar farm. The proposal required a rezoning from A-1 (general agriculture) to A-3 (agriculture-business). Following comments by several neighbors of the farm currently owned by the Hall family — all in opposition to the proposal — only four of the 11 commissioners present voted yes, with seven voting against the rezoning. The Washington County Regional Planning Commission had voted 5-1-1 in favor of the proposal earlier this month. Unless the company makes another attempt to gain passage, Monday’s vote effectively blocked Silicon Ranch from developing a solar farm on that property | | solar | 2023 |
10/01/24 | IA | Woodbury County | Board of Supervisors | Woodbury County supervisors have amended the ordinance covering new wind energy projects in the county. Tuesday night was the third, and final, public hearing on proposed amendments to the ordinance. The changes follow concerns about the existing ordinance, and the future of wind energy in Woodbury County. Some county residents worried the existing ordinance didn’t put enough distance between new wind turbines, and properties in the county. The board unanimously passed the amendments tonight. Among them, an extension of the setback - the distance wind turbines must be from farm homes and towns - to 1 kilometer, 3,280 feet, or approximately 5.45 times the height of the turbine. | | wind | 2024 |
05/01/24 | IA | Union County | Board of Supervisors | he public hearing Monday evening to speak about revisions to Union County’s wind turbine ordinance took just a few minutes before the Union County Board of Supervisors established the first reading on the amendments. Few spoke and the atmosphere wasn’t near as tense as the one a little more than a year ago, when in March 2023, a group of concerned citizens asked for the abeyance on any new industrial wind development, presenting the Board of Supervisors with a petition filled with over 900 names. The supervisors listened and hit pause. The current wind energy ordinance was established in 2019 and 34 wind turbines spin in the northwestern part of the county. The supervisors spent several months last summer digging in and initially hoped to have an updated version of the ordinance ready to go before the original abeyance was set to end December 10, 2023. With time running out, the supervisors extended the abeyance on any new industrial wind power projects in Union County until July 12, 2024. Key changes in the amendment center upon setbacks and lighting. Any new wind turbines must be equipped with functioning light-mitigating technology, a sensor-based system designed to detect aircraft as they approach a wind energy conversion facility. This system automatically activates the red lights until they are no longer needed. When no aircraft is nearby, the red flashing lights will stay off...Under public areas and areas under Union County Conservation Board management, all other parks or areas, the setback increases from .5 mile to .62 miles. The board also added three locations to this section which include the Paul and Becky Kelly Family Natural Wilderness Area, Thayer Lake and Groesbeck Wildlife Area...In addition, the inhabited structures setback segments have been eliminated. The section pertaining to property lines now reads, “Each wind turbine and meteorological tower shall be set back a distance of no less than .62 miles (3281 ft) or 7x the total height whichever is greater from the adjoining property owner’s property line. |,County%20until%20July%2012%2C%202024. | wind | 2024 |
07/24/24 | IN | Bartholomew County | Board of Zoning Appeals | he Bartholomew County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) voted against a commercial solar energy system in Clay and Flat Rock townships Monday after nearly five hours of testimony in a packed meeting room at Columbus City Hall. A motion by board member Arnold Haskell to approve Arevon Energy’s request for a conditional use approval to construct Swallowtail Solar LLC failed to get a second. That vote was followed by a motion from BZA member Eric Scheidt, who proposed denying Arevon’s application that would have resulted in a 200-megawatt commercial solar energy system built across 21 privately-owned properties....Scheidt said the proposal violates a policy that states direct development should be kept away from more productive farmland and agricultural areas. He also cited another policy that requires development to take place in a manner that allows for preservation and conservation of farmland, open land and significant natural features....Monday night’s vote came nearly five months after the BZA denied a similar proposal from Carina Solar LLC to build a solar farm on about 1,880 acres leased from more than two dozen landowners...Monday night’s vote came nearly five months after the BZA denied a similar proposal from Carina Solar LLC to build a solar farm on about 1,880 acres leased from more than two dozen landowners. | | solar | 2024 |
02/28/24 | IN | Bartholomew County | Zoning Board of Appeals | The Bartholomew County Board of Zoning Appeals voted to deny a request for a conditional use permit for Carina Solar to allow a commercial solar energy system in the Agriculture Preferred zoning district. The vote was 4-1 against the proposal with Arnold Haskell voting in dissent. The project includes multiple parcels of land located generally south of County Road 100S, west of County Road 525E, east of South Gladstone Avenue and north of County Road 400S in Columbus Township. Carina Solar, LLC, a subsidiary of Samsung’s C&T, submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct, operate and maintain a proposed 100 megawatt AC power generation facility. It would be placed on 48 parcels of scattered cultivated agricultural fields leased to the company by 24 local landowners. The proposed project would be located on a total of approximately 1,883 acres of leased property from multiple land owners. | | solar | 2024 |
02/15/24 | VA | Rockingham County | Board of Supervisors | A proposed solar facility in McGaheysville came in front of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors Wednesday evening. However, with community members speaking on family ties to the zoned area, the project was denied. This project was zoned for the west side of Jacob Burner Drive and the southeast side of Cemetery Road. The neighboring cemetery was brought up by many of those who spoke at the public hearing in opposition to this project. They stated they have family there, and it’s where they intend to be laid to rest....No one spoke in favor of this project while a handful spoke against it. They mentioned the character of the community and how it didn’t align with the revitalization of the county’s comprehensive plan. “I don’t find this to be in substantial accord with our comprehensive plan,” Joel Hensley, Chairman for the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors said. The board voted unanimously to deny this project. | | solar | 2024 |
06/18/24 | VA | Sussex County | Board of Supervisors | The joint meeting at the Sussex Elementary School Gymnasium on June 3 drew a substantial number of citizens and local leaders, both in favor of and opposed to the controversial proposed Blackwater Solar LLC Rezoning, Conditional use Permit, and Siting Agreement. Feelings had been running high for some time in both directions prior to the 6 p.m. meeting, and both the Planning Commission segment of the meeting, led by Chairwoman Massenburg and the Board of Supervisors portion, led by Board Chair Wayne jones, strictly adhered to a detailed agenda. During the meeting, which ran in excess of five hours, lengthy statements were heard from proponents of both sides of the issue which united those who argued that the site and time were inappropriate for the rural community opposite of those hoping to be able to use the promised nearly $200 million in revenue and $17 million in siting agreement revenue to Sussex county...Supervisor Fly opposed the closed session, the voting proceeded, and the result was denial of the approval for the siting plan 5 – 2, effectively shutting down any progress on the solar project. | | solar | 2024 |
07/03/24 | VA | Nelson County | Planning Commission | A proposed solar farm in Gladstone, the Wild Rose solar project, received a recommendation of denial from the Nelson County Planning Commission on June 26. | | solar | 2024 |
08/03/24 | PA | Pine Township | Zoning Hearing Board | The Pine Township zoning hearing board on Wednesday night pulled the plug on the construction of a solar farm in the community. Board members unanimously rejected an appeal by Sunrise Diamond Road LLC at a hearing in Pine Township’s municipal building to build a solar farm on property at 247 Diamond Road it wants to lease in the township. Pine Township’s zoning officer denied a permit for the project, in part, because the land is part of the township’s agricultural conservation district. Over 20 people crammed into the township’s small municipal building meeting room for the hearing, which clocked in at over 3 hours. An overflow crowd stood in an adjoining hallway to listen in. Those who spoke or asked questions were required to be sworn in. Sandra Dininger testified she lived adjacent to the property. “My property isn’t going to be worth diddly-squat,’’ Dininger said if the solar farm was constructed. | | solar | 2024 |
10/09/24 | NY | Town of Florida | Planning Board | A controversial wind turbine proposed in the town of Florida has been denied at the conclusion of a multi-year project review. The Florida Planning Board unanimously determined the potential adverse environmental impacts of the project outweighed the need or any benefits from it. Board members were clear that mitigation measures proposed by the developer were insufficient to address the concerns...The 4.3-megawatt community wind project proposed at 153 YMCA Road would have been visible from various areas in the town of Florida and some points in the city of Amsterdam. Before the proposal came under planning review, the Zoning Board of Appeals in December 2021 granted a variance allowing the 650-foot tall device to exceed the 400-foot maximum height set by the town. That was seemingly before most residents became aware of the proposal. In the years since, the proposal faced intense criticism from townspeople who said the massive turbine was inconsistent with the town’s comprehensive plan and would have forever altered the landscape of the rural community. Locals further objected to potential disturbances from the device, including noise and “shadow flicker” cast by the rotating blades. | | wind | 2024 |
10/04/24 | MD | Worcester County | County Commission | A proposed utility-scale solar power project on the edge of Berlin has been rejected by Worcester County leaders, though it still has a chance of being kept alive by state officials in the long run. The developer, TurningPoint Energy, presented plans Tuesday for a 35-acre solar panel farm to the Worcester County Commissioners, who unanimously voted to reject the proposal. District 3 Commissioner Eric Fiori expressed concerned about putting a renewable energy project on a site already designated for future growth and residential development... Regardless of the commissioners’ rejection, the project on its face likely faced an uphill battle anyway: Keener reported that the developer’s plans do not comport with Worcester County’s current zoning regulations – solar farms also aren’t allowed in any residential district without exception – or its comprehensive plan, which favors residential growth. “Given the location of the property, it’s not consistent with our comprehensive plan. It’s in a growth area. I don’t find it consistent with our zoning because it’s in a zoning district that we don’t allow them in,” Keener told the commissioners Tuesday. Despite local rejection of the proposal, the PSC could still green-light the project as it sees fit. Maryland courts held in 2019 that the PSC has final say in the siting of utility-scale projects, preempting local zoning. | | solar | 2024 |
10/14/24 | CT | State of Connecticut | Siting Council | In a rare move, the Connecticut Siting Council has declined to approve a controversial solar facility proposed along Carter Street. Manchester officials and neighborhood residents both voiced opposition to the petition filed by California-based TRITEC Americas in January, requesting the Siting Council issue a declaratory ruling on a plan to construct a 0.999-megawatt photovoltaic electric generating facility on 7.8 acres of forested land at 250 Carter St. zoned for "rural residential" development. Some stakeholders questioned the location of the proposed facility, which would border a number of single-family homes in the area, as well as the potential impact on the environment as a result of the removal of trees. At a meeting Thursday afternoon, the Siting Council voted unanimously to adopt a decision denying the petition from TRITEC Americas, declining to issue a declaratory ruling that would have allowed for the project to proceed. | | solar | 2024 |
11/06/24 | ME | Town of Harpswell | Citizen referendum | Harpswell voters gave a strong endorsement for the construction of a $2 million boat launch at George J. Mitchell Field, rejected a proposal to allow a solar farm on the same property, and backed Democratic candidates for federal, state and county offices on Election Day...The vote to deny the Harpswell Select Board authorization to lease up to 5 acres of Mitchell Field to a solar developer for up to 25 years was 2,344 to 1,393. The Select Board had recommended that residents vote down the proposal, citing low revenue potential and an apparent lack of community support...In the presidential election, Harpswell voters cast 2,351 ballots for Vice President Kamala Harris to 1,458 for former President Donald Trump, with 29 votes for Green Independent candidate Jill Stein. | | solar | 2024 |
10/12/24 | CT | State of Connecticut | Siting Council | In a rare move, the Connecticut Siting Council has declined to approve a controversial solar facility proposed along Carter Street. Manchester officials and neighborhood residents both voiced opposition to the petition filed by California-based TRITEC Americas in January, requesting the Siting Council issue a declaratory ruling on a plan to construct a 0.999-megawatt photovoltaic electric generating facility on 7.8 acres of forested land at 250 Carter St. zoned for "rural residential" development...At a meeting Thursday afternoon, the Siting Council voted unanimously to adopt a decision denying the petition from TRITEC Americas, declining to issue a declaratory ruling that would have allowed for the project to proceed. | | solar | 2024 |
11/18/24 | PA | Palmyra Township | Board of Supervisors | After numerous neighbors voiced their opposition, the supervisors in Palmyra Township, Wayne County, rejected a solar farm. The project was being proposed by TotalEnergies. | | solar | 2024 |
11/19/24 | LA | Calcasieu Parish | Planning and Zoning Board | A parish board voted not to move forward with a proposed solar farm in rural Calcasieu. The Calcasieu Planning and Zoning Board rejected a zoning exception that would have allowed the project to move forward. The Texas-based company AYPA proposed the Cajun Crescent Energy Center Solar Facility for a rural area near Topsy and Gillis. The $400-million project would have generated around $87 million in local tax revenue and created 300 jobs during the construction phase....“As far as the character, you cant bring an industrial project into our neighborhoods, that we provided proof to yall that it significantly reduces the values of our homes, and then say it wont change the character of the area,” resident, Tommy Cryar said. “This project without a doubt, is an industrial industry facility and it belongs in an industrial area, it does not belong in a rural community,” resident, Tommy Buckner said. Three board members voted in favor, three voted against it, and three abstained from voting. | | solar | 2024 |
11/21/24 | IL | City of Streator | City Council | After more than two months of deliberation, the Streator City Council voted 3-2 Wednesday against a proposed solar project off Golf Road. Council members David Reed and David “Moose” Conner voted in favor of the project, while Timothy Geary, Matt McMullen and Mayor Tara Bedei opposed it. The decision followed a failed recommendation from the Streator Plan Commission during its meeting and public hearing on the project last week. The commission had a 2-2 split vote, meaning no official recommendation was forwarded to council. During that hearing, the Plan Commission heard comments from Streator residents opposed to the project, concerned about its impact in a residential area. | | solar | 2024 |
09/17/24 | IL | Will County | Land Use and Development Committee | On Sept. 10, the Will County Land Use and Development Committee rejected a Special Use Permit for the 3,600-acre solar energy plant planned for Custer and Reed townships. All five members of the committee voted unanimously to reject the special use permit, throwing a monkey wrench into plans for the solar energy plant. In Nov., 2021, ACCIONA Energia presented a plan to construct a solar energy plant in Custer Township on farmland between Essex Road east to Ohlhues south of Illinois 113. There were mixed feelings about the plan. Some landowners offered to lease their land to ACCIONA to develop the solar energy plant. Others, who feared a drop in property values, and didn’t wish to live amidst steel and glass, protested, some putting their concerns in writing. One objector, Nancy Fitzpatrick of Custer Park, who owns several parcels in the area, wants nothing to do with the proposed solar energy plant. In correspondence between Fitzpatrick and Marguerite Kenny, Will County Zoning Administrator, Fitzpatrick stated: “This project would not come to fruition on its own merit without federal and state incentives, such as Investment Tax Credits, the costs of which are borne by the taxpayers... Additionally, if those incentives became unavailable, it would leave the landowners with a potential clean up if the company abandons the project or fails to fund or decommission the development properly...” | | solar | 2024 |
12/12/24 | SD | Pennington County | Board of Commissioners | The Pennington County Board of Commissioners has determined there is a present need to study the impact of utility-scale alternative energy systems in all Pennington County Zoning Districts in order to evaluate whether current zoning regulations reasonably address concern for public health, safety and welfare. WHEREAS, SDCL § 11-2-10 authorizes the Board of County Commissioners, in the interest of public health, safety and general welfare, to adopt temporary zoning controls for a reasonable period of time in order to study, identify and consider necessary land use regulations; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the Pennington County Board of Commissioners hereby authorize a one (1) year moratorium on the issuance of any new permits and/or approval of land uses for proposed utility-scale alternative energy systems, including both solar and wind energy systems, regulated under Section 317 of the Pennington County Zoning Ordinance, in all Pennington County Zoning Districts. This moratorium shall expire on November 18, 2025 unless otherwise extended by law. | | wind | 2024 |
12/12/24 | SD | Pennington County | Board of Commissioners | The Pennington County Board of Commissioners has determined there is a present need to study the impact of utility-scale alternative energy systems in all Pennington County Zoning Districts in order to evaluate whether current zoning regulations reasonably address concern for public health, safety and welfare. WHEREAS, SDCL § 11-2-10 authorizes the Board of County Commissioners, in the interest of public health, safety and general welfare, to adopt temporary zoning controls for a reasonable period of time in order to study, identify and consider necessary land use regulations; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the Pennington County Board of Commissioners hereby authorize a one (1) year moratorium on the issuance of any new permits and/or approval of land uses for proposed utility-scale alternative energy systems, including both solar and wind energy systems, regulated under Section 317 of the Pennington County Zoning Ordinance, in all Pennington County Zoning Districts. This moratorium shall expire on November 18, 2025 unless otherwise extended by law. | | solar | 2024 |
12/19/24 | HI | City of Honolulu | City Council | Hawaii plans to remove numerous wind turbines after the implementation of new rules regarding where the state can build these renewable energy structures. The decision has sparked both celebration from locals and concern among officials over how this will impact the state’s clean energy transition. Many living in Hawaii have long argued that wind energy infrastructure is too close to residential areas. Protests during the 2019 installation of turbines on O‘ahu resulted in over 100 arrests. Locals have voiced concerns about noise, shadow flicker, mechanical risks and potential health impacts, including headaches, sleep disruption and stress. In response, the Honolulu City Council recently approved new regulations requiring turbines to be located at least 1.25 miles — or 10 times their height, whichever is greater — from residential, apartment or resort property lines. Previously, the setback was only equal to the height of the turbine. This means turbines currently in violation of the mandate will be decommissioned once their contracts expire. The first set is on track for removal in 2031, and the remainder will likely occur by 2040. | | wind | 2024 |
12/17/24 | NE | Burt County | Board of Supervisors | The board put a limit of 20 wind towers in the county but put no limit on the total nameplate production. Doing so, they said, allows future technology to get more energy out of existing infrastructure. But 20 towers may not fit in the county, based on additional setbacks the board put in place. For example, a wind tower must be at least three miles from the corporate limits of any town in the county and they must be a mile from a property line. That limit can shrink to 1,800 feet if the property owner signs a waiver. More than a year of research and discussion ended last week when the Burt County Board of Supervisors approved a new slate of zoning regulations governing wind energy development in the county. On a 6-1 vote, supervisors approved Section 6.03 of the county’s zoning manual. The vote followed more than three hours of discussion that saw the board approving changes to the document as each subsection was read. District 5 Supervisor Jeff Kutchera cast the dissenting vote in approving the overall section, and voted against several of the changes inside it. Among them was the allowable height of a tower. “I haven’t spoken to anybody in my district that wants wind farms,” Kutchera said, “let alone 650-footers.” | | wind | 2024 |
01/02/25 | IA | Washington County | Board of Supervisors | A week after enacting one of the state’s strictest ordinances governing commercial wind energy production, Washington County Supervisors directed staff not to accept any applications for turbine development...The issue has gained traction this year after turbines on a farm in Cedar County caught fire multiple times in 18 months, all due to lightning strikes. The damage left about 240 acres of farmland littered with fiberglass, dust and other debris that landowners said made the corn there unfit for human or animal consumption. | | wind | 2025 |
12/31/24 | NC | North Carolina Court of Appeals | Pender County | The North Carolina Court of Appeals has upheld Pender County’s rejection of a 2,300-acre solar farm. An unpublished court opinion Tuesday explained that plaintiff Coastal Pine Solar failed to prove that it complied with local ordinance requirements. To secure a special-use permit for the solar operation, Coastal Pine Solar required “production of competent, substantial, and material evidence demonstrating compliance” with Pender’s unified development ordinance, Judge Michael Stading wrote. “Though Petitioner presented expert testimony, the Board found this testimony inadequate due to the witnesses’ lack of personal knowledge of the specific site conditions,” Stading added. | | solar | 2024 |
01/16/25 | OH | State of Ohio | Ohio Power Siting Board | In separate business, the OPSB denied the application for rehearing filed by Circleville Solar, LLC regarding its 70 MW Circleville Solar project in Pickaway County. | | solar | 2025 |
01/16/25 | OH | State of Ohio | Ohio Power Siting Board | The OPSB denied the application of Richwood Solar to construct a 250 MW solar-powered electric generating facility in Leesburg, Claibourne, and Taylor townships in Union County. The OPSB found that, based on the consistent opposition to the project from each of the local government entities and their constituents who are impacted, the proposed project would fail to serve the “public interest, convenience, and necessity” as required under Ohio law. The OPSB noted that each of the local governments with physical contact to the project – Union County and Taylor, Leesburg, and Claiborne townships – acted to oppose its approval, and that the public comments and testimony received in the case reinforced the local government opposition. The project as proposed would have consisted of large arrays of solar panels and a 50 MW battery energy storage system occupying 1,217 acres within a 1,435-acre project area. | | solar | 2025 |
01/10/25 | WA | Whitman County | County commission | Members of a community group opposed to plans for a large wind farm project near Kamiak Butte in Whitman County are celebrating a decision this week by county commissioners to place a moratorium on new commercial wind turbines. Commissioners cited the need to update regulations on wind energy projects. Save the Palouse, a nonprofit organization formed in opposition to the project, posted news of the six-month moratorium on social media. “This is a huge step in the right direction, and we couldn’t have done it without all of your support,” a Facebook post read. “Thank you to everyone who has worked tirelessly to get us to this point.” ...In a Thursday interview with The Center Square, Rick McNannay, president of Save the Palouse, detailed the group’s objections to the wind farm. “One of the biggest issues we have is them saying there’s going to be this windfall of taxes coming in,” he explained. “That’s absolutely not the case. In the beginning, there is tax revenue, and then as the equipment gets older, that depletes, and citizens are expected to pick up the difference in those taxes because people become used to having that influx of money.”...This project is under development by Steelhead Americas out of Portland, Ore., the North American development arm of Vestas, the world’s largest wind turbine manufacturer. | | wind | 2025 |
01/14/25 | MI | Green Charter Township | board of trustees | The Green Charter Township board of trustees adopted three newly crafted ordinances pertaining to wind and solar energy and energy storage during its meeting Jan. 14. Utility scale solar energy systems, systems that are intended to distribute electricity to off-site uses, will be permitted as a special land use in the Agricultural/Forestry and Industrial zoning districts, according to the ordinance. They are subject to the requirements for special land use permitting and approval under the interim zoning ordinance and must also meet the following requirements: A maximum height of 18 feet above ground when the arrays are at full tilt; They must not cause noise in excess of 45 decibels as measured using LEQ-10 scale; They must ascribe to dark sky-friendly lighting solutions; They must be placed so that concentrated solar glare is not directed onto nearby properties or roadways; | | solar | 2025 |
01/14/25 | MI | Green Charter Township | Board of trustees | The Green Charter Township board of trustees adopted three newly crafted ordinances pertaining to wind and solar energy and energy storage during its meeting Jan. 14....The wind energy ordinances cover single wind energy conversion systems, which consist of a wind turbine designed to service the energy needs of only the property where the structure is located, as well as wind energy facilities consisting of one or more turbines designed to supply electricity to off-site customers. The tower shall not exceed a height of 80 feet; The blade diameter tip to tip shall not exceed 100 feet; The height of the overall WECS, with the balde in a vertical position, shall not exceed 130 feet above ground level; and The distance of the tower from all property lines shall be at least two times the WECS height....Wind turbine tip height may not exceed 400 feet, generate more than 48 decibels of sound and must be equipped with light mitigating technology. | | wind | 2025 |
02/03/25 | IA | Henry County | Board of Supervisors | The Henry County Board of Supervisors voted to extend its moratorium on wind energy projects until Sept. 2, citing the need for more time to refine regulations. The decision, made during the board’s meeting on Jan. 30, follows more than a year of debate over how to regulate wind energy developments in the county. The initial resolution establishing a temporary moratorium on the rezoning of land to the Alternative Energy Overlay District for commercial use until March 2, 2025 was approved by the board April 2, 2024 with an option for supervisors to either extend it or terminate it early. | | wind | 2025 |
12/20/24 | PA | Unity Township | Zoning Hearing Board | The developers of a proposed solar farm haven’t decided whether to appeal rejection of the plans by the Unity Township zoning hearing board. The board nixed the plans for the site along Charles Houck Road in Unity Township after the developer and township officials clashed on determining if the facility would exceed space restrictions for the site. After at least a dozen hours of testimony spread across four hearing sessions since late June, the board voted 3-2 to deny a special exception needed under township rules for agriculturally-zoned land. | | solar | 2024 |
01/30/25 | PA | North Sewickley Township | Zoning board | A zoning application for a proposed Beaver County solar farm was denied in North Sewickley Township, Thursday. The farm would be built on roughly eighty acres of wooded area. The company leasing the land, Penn Renewables, made its case in front of the zoning board and members of the public. It had to show “minimal impact” to the community. Neighbors argued it would have a major impact, citing concerns with flooding and property values. Others told the board this would be the first step in altering the rural lifestyle they’ve chosen as residents. “There’s no good in this whatsoever,” Tina Pflugh said. She owns Milk House Meats and her farmland is adjacent to the proposed solar site along Collins Road. “It’s going to depreciate the property value. We have nothing to gain.” | | solar | 2025 |
12/11/24 | NY | Johnstown | Town Board | U.S. Light Energy isn’t getting a pass. The firm on Monday was denied a request to bypass the town of Johnstown’s twice-extended solar moratorium in order to advance the establishment of a two-megawatt project. Town lawmakers rejected company representatives' assertion that U.S. Light Energy should’ve been exempt from the get-go and now faces economic adversity as a result of municipal policy. “They're very much aware of what we've been looking at,” said Johnstown Town Supervisor Christina VanValkenburgh in an interview. This marks the second time that the Colonie-based firm has been denied an exemption since the moratorium began in March. It’s set to run out again early next year. | | solar | 2024 |